"Oh really? Well I don't like it when other men lay eyes on my property. And to make sure this doesn't happen I guess I'll have to leave an ownership marks on my things."

He dove in for a kiss right after these words left his lips. It was a forceful yet passionate kiss Eljia sealed her teeth tight not willing to allow him passage. But this cunning ruler had his ways of getting what he wanted. He slides his hand,. and above her abdomen and playfully pinched her nipples.

Surprising her to open her mouth. He immediately took the opportunity to invade her mouth. Assaulting her tongue with his. It tasted like the mangoes she had taken, sweet and sour. Her body burned with the fire of passion as her eyes became moist.

After a while she began to respond as her nipples began to harden it was only at this point did he pull away and suck hard on her collarbone earning an aroused moan. Leaving a dazzling red mark on her snow white skin.

Getting of her he glanced once more at her distorted posture and gave a satisfied smile. "Still pure I see…good beautiful star*. Keep in mind who you belong to and you do well to keep away from "wolves"" He said these wards with an alarming amount of ice in his voice before leaving the room.

Eljia felt herself shaking as she curled herself into a ball. This was rare because she would only do so when she was scared which was a rare occurrence. Her lips quivered as crystal clear tears emerged from her eyes.

What just happened? Eljia had never felt like this it was a new feeling…pleasure, one that only a man could give a woman. She was scared, scared of that man what he could have done. Was her life really that measly he could have taken her tonight if her felt so. She was scared, he was unpredictable and if he wanted to consummate she could nothing but accept him. She was helpless this was the one feeling Eljia feared most…helplessness.

She got up, still shaken she changed into her sleep wear with a little bit of difficulty considering how shaky her hands were. Got in bed hoping she would wake up and all this will be a dream. Yes a dream…nothing more.

Rozan's POV

It is now evening as the sun greets the horizon I take a walk with my aide Pesirus. On a was I saw a peculiar sight. My empress descending a horse and leaving in a huff. Her attendant on the other hand was having an interesting conversation with the horse seeing that the color had drained from her face after hearing what the horse had to say, it must be serious.

I walk over and ask them what is going on they seemed very reluctant to tell me. I had to threaten them with their master before the horse spoke.

"We went into the forest to get some fruits."

"Why would you need to go into the forest to get fruits are the ones in my palace not good enough for her?" I commented feeling a bit of annoyance for a reason I can't tell.

"How would she know when she wasn't given any."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"This morning the you servants decided to serve the empress however they wanted. The food she was given was just insulting, even the horses eat better food."

My eyes widened slightly.

The horse ignored my reaction seemingly already in a bad mood. "When we reached the middle of the forest we heard strange noises. Eljia went to investigate, ignoring my protest of course." She said like it was nothing new.

"She reached a water fall pond inside was a…merman."

At her words my eyes widened once again with a bit of anger sipping into my expression. "Then what happened," I inquired with an iced cold voice.

"I don't know I only came to meet her wet and dripping with the merman's outstretched hand and her about to accept his. I managed to separate them before the worse happened however, she got mad at me." The horse said with an annoyed pout.

Without waiting for more details I found myself threading to her quarters with my hands balled into a fist. I was mad. How could she be so naïve, was she so immature. Well I guess I'll have to help her grow up. .



I leave her disheveled with fear in her eyes as she lay on the bed. A satisfied smile on my face, I left a few words then walked out of the room with a grin after achieving my goal. She needed to know she was mine and no else's.