Narrator's POV

The sunlight shined valiantly on her face signaling it was morning. Eljia got up still feeling fear. She looked around to see a buffet perfectly laid out in front of her; a meal fit for an empress.


However she did not have any appetite after what happened last night she just needed fresh air. Rivet help her change into a long one shoulder dress with ruffles from the waist down. The aqua dress looked stunning on her body.

She went to the empress garden walking around with no destination in mind, she just needed to clear her head and to try and bring down her foul mood..

"What are you doing here." Eljia turned to the commanding voice looking perplexed. There stood a stunning blond, she was quite the beauty.

Eljia who was already in a foul mood answered. "That my line." She tried to sound as friendly as possible. "What are you doing in MY garden." Eljia made sure to emphasizing the 'MY'.

"I'm Freya Du Vet favored concubine." The woman looked proud. "The one who the emperor spent the night with when you arrived." She added with an aloof tone. This was a direct insult to Eljia. She puffed out her chest which looked quite unnatural, on closer inspection one was far bigger than the other.

"So I've heard." Eljia said seemingly uninterested.

"Still doesn't explain what you're doing here. If I remember correctly this place is called the Empress' garden NOT, the emperor's favored concubine's garden. If you want a garden so badly and you are so favored tell him to make you your own garden, even put a statue of you in it for all I care. However, this is MY garden and you going in and out of it as you please, does not sit well with me. I'm already in a foul mood don't make me loss control."

Eljia's eyes were ice cold as the turned murderous making the woman shudder. "Now you have ten seconds to get out of my sight and out of my garden before I disassemble that unnatural face of your,"

The woman looked shocked without wasting time she sprinted out of the garden in fear.

Balling her hands into tight fists Eljia stormed out of the garden into the stables.

She mounted Pearl and they headed straight into the forest. Even though the emperor specifically told her not to leave her room.

Pearl didn't try to say a word seeing that her mood was sour. Once again the were deep in the forest.

"Wow, who dared to put this celestial beauty into such a foul mood. "

"Hearing a familiar voice she turned around."


"In flesh babe."

Eljia didn't know why but he seemed different from yesterday. But she just shrugged it off as him starting to warm up to her.

"Sorry about last time. Pearl was Not herself." She said looking at pearl with strained eyes.

"No worries."

"Wait merman can change their tails to legs."

"No, just royalty. "

"Your a prince."

"By heritage, yes. "

"Your cute." Eljia said out of the blue. There man who wasn't expecting such a comment was briefly supprised.

Eljia was known to say weird things out of the blue so her horse wasn't in the least bit taken aback.

"Well, I've been called good looking but... cute? That's a first."

"Well I'm honored you be you first something your majesty. " Eljia said bowing playfully with a giggle. This earned a chuckle from him.

"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing in the dark vicious woods. "

Eljia looked down in deep thought before answering. "Husband troubles."

This time he looked really surprised. "What already. Well, to tell you the truth I would have been surprised if a beauty like you hadn't already been swooped away by someone. "

Eljia let out a small giggle, she didn't know this shy Tayro was such a flirt.

"Now... which brainless as brought a frown to you divine face."

Once again she looked in thought. She couldn't just tell him he called the Elven emperor a brainless ass. It wouldn't be good.

"Forget him. Let's not have him ruin our joyful conversation." She said trying to change the topic.

He seemed to take the hint. "So how do you like my world."

"It's Exotic and amazing."

"Do you want to see another side of it. "

Eljia nodded without hesitation looking very giddy.

"Let's go." He said leading her by the hand.