Eljia was still in awe as she observed the lavish decorations of the ruby castle.

"You must be tired, you may rest in the guest room." Eljia only broke away from tourist mode when he spoke.

"Once again she nodded without hesitation and was lead to a room filled with lavish decorations, the only thing that set the room of was the unlimited use of the eerie crimson colour it and the dim and suffocating atmosphere just didn't help in anyway.

Finally Eljia found something wrong, her instincts told her it was a bad idea which as you can tell was a rare occurance.

"I suddenly remembered I have something to do at the Elven palace so I can't possibly stay."

The man looked astonished for a split second since the woman was profusely agreeing to his suggestions. He was quite impressed with her level of innocence.

"Aren't you even going to stay for dinner? The chef was quite excited to prepare a lunch for such a divine beauty it would break poor old Jasper's heart of you didn't taste his food.


Jasper: *Achoo* Who called me old, I'm only 65 years old.


Eljia looked down weighing the situation and her choices mentally before nodding in agreement. She was curious as to what mermen and mermaids ate.

He led her by the waist to the dinning hall

This time she felt really uncomfortable with his action but kept mum.

She took her seat on the grand table distancing herself from him. Suddenly, all the water filtered out of the room and her tail was replaced by her familiar legs the same thing happened to Tayro and the servants that very to serve them.

Looked at him shocked. He have a teasing smile as he said "Sorry we run out of worms."

Eljia looked down in embarrassment as her cheek flared up. "Your appeal increases when you blush." The flirt said out of no where turning Eljia into a full blown active volcano.

Eljia enjoyed the chefs food a lot so she complimented him receiving a blush from him. Eljia didn't notice the sharp glare Tayro sent to the chef sending him fleeing to the kitchen.

" Well I have to go Eljia said as she stood up."

"Without seeing the the present I prepared for you." Tayro said with a smile as he held his jaw with the hand supported by the table.

Eljia knitted her brows in confusion what did he mean. What present? Didn't he meet her by coincidence today. "What-" Before she could finish her sentence she was cut short by her swirling surrounding.

She didn't know why but she was feeling light headed. She held the chair for support but it didn't do any good she fell on the ground and her consciousness into oblivion before she was her black put she saw a cunning smile on the Tayro's lip as his as his eyes narrowed happily.

Eljia's eyes squinted as it adjusted to the dim crimson room. She getting up but...her hands were chained to the railing of the bed, the water in the room was now also filtered out. She lay on the bed; helpless.

She heard the footsteps coming towards her.

She found someone hovering over her she looked up to find a pair of azure eyes looking down at her.

These eyes were familiar yet unfamiliar these were the eyes of a man she called her friend. But she never saw a friend's whose eyes where filled with this; Lust.

A strong desire to have her for himself. Eyes that wanted her so desperately the turned into those of a wild beast staring down it's prey.

Eljia's lips seal tight as her brows knitted in frustration, her breathing out of control; she was scared, scared of the beast that was ready to devour her, skin and bones.

Eljia bit down hard on her lips till the were bleeding to bury the fearful cry that was threatening to come out her alluring lips.

"Tayro, Please, Please don't do this." She said in a weak voice almost whispering.

Her words how ever, fell on deaf ears her took her small waist in his hands as he burrows himself into her neck sucking hard on her neck and leaving his mark.

Unlike before she didn't feel pleasured by his actions even though they were similar to Rozan's. 'Rozan' she whispered to herself she didn't know why she mentioned that tyrant's me as she was in this direction situation, she just needed someone to save her.

*BAM* The door flew of it's hinges across the room. Rozan walked briskly into the room clenching a sword in his hand.

The scene that greeted him brought an unpleasant ravaging fire to his emerald eyes as his jaws clenched tightly, he was mad and drawing blood was the only way to calm him down.

He gripped the collar of Tayro shirt, sending him flying across the room with the crimson carpet as his landing cushion.

The sight of his empress tide to the bed with her clothes disheveled did not help the situation one bit.

He grabbed his cloak and threw it over her and turned to face the pepertraitor who was now on his feet with his sword ready to slice off the merman's head. Just as her was about to slit his throat he was stopped by the other.

Taking into consideration of the fact that he help her locate Eljia he spared his brother. Walking to Eljia he untied the half conscious girl from the bed, carrying her off in his strong arms.

They went through a portal which led straight to the castle. The castle went into a frenzy when the emperor vanished into oblivion with no guards so his return was a great relief.

Only to be sent into another frenzy seeing their empress in her half conscious state. He headed straight for her room. Throwing her on the bed she seemed to now be fully awake she sat up immediately and curled herself into a ball as she hid in the corner.

Under his fearful gaze she quivered. His eyes were sharp and his hands were now fist, she could tell he was trying his very best to control himself from going berserk.

"Go and wash youself twenty-nine times if you have to, just get his scent of you. You reek of him. " He said before storming put of the room.

Eljia let out a deep breath one she's been holding for long as she stripped and slipped into her giant bathtub for a bubble bath.

As she sat and in silence she found unaided tears tumbling down her rosy cheeks. She didn't know how long these tears were held but she knew they needed to be freed.

As she sat in the bathtub the water served as a reminder of today's events which made her sob uncontrollably. Within the grand bathroom her sob were the only sound that could be heard.

How could she have been so naïve?