Eljia went to sleep wrapped like a baby in the blanket. Thoughts of what would have happened if Rozan didn't arrive in time flooded her mind and she shivered while her breath quickened she buried herself in the blanket, forcing herself into oblivion.

The familiar sound of a beak hitting glass stirred Eljia awake.

She lazily got out of bed with unsteady steps she goes to the window and opens the curtains allowing the rays of the morning sun she furrowed her brow in an attempt to adjust her eyes. That frown disappeared like it was never there when she spotted a little blue bird. A ear to ear smile illuminated her face she opened the window to allow the creature in.

It landed on her shoulder and twitted happily. "Oh really?" She said not believing a word of what the bird was saying. She opened both sides of the windos wide and leaned foreward and nearly lost her jaw.

The blue birth swiftly flew under her chin and closed her jaw. The scene of complete chaos came into view between the royal gaurds and the animals. Birds left their droppings on the heads of the gaurd, deers kicked their rear ends, squirls took a trip up their pants and... lets just conclude that the guards were on the receiving end.

Eljia let out a muffled laugh then dashed out to save the poor guards. When she was less than eight meters away from them the animals immediately set the poor gaurds free, the animals obediently sat down and looked at her in anticipation.

She stared at them for a few second before her blank face was replaced with a radiant true smile "miss me?" The animals came around her and she giggled as she petted them.

They cozied up to her it took a while before Eljia noticed the amazed stares of the guards directed at her. She broke away from animal and went to the gaurds. Bowed down and appollogized.

The guards returned the bow with thanks. They said there was no need to appologize they were just there to serve her. Eljia lofted her head and gave them a kind smile. "All the more reason to appologize. What kind of ruler will I be if I can't appologize to my own servants. If I cant acknowledge you how will I acknoledge the people of my empire. So please accept my appologies."

They guards were awestruck. They had worked in the royal palace for a long time but had never seen such humility. They admired her for that. They admired their emperor for chossing a great match. They felt relieved about the future of the empire.

With Empress Eljia on his side their emperors capabilities were limitless. "I hope bringing them to my garden wont be a problem." She asked the guards. Still maintaning her flawles smile.

"Your majesty this is your home. Your wish is law. Feel free. Though you will need the emperor's permission to permanently keep them." She inwarldly cringed at the thought of facing him again. Nevertheless she kept her emotions in check. Instead, she offered them a flawless smile and nodded.

She turned around and headed for her private garden with the troublemakers in tow. She ordered the servants to prepare a picnic setup in the gazebo, telling them to add varieties.for.her "guests".

She changed into a more suitable dress and joined her fury friends. The had a lovely time just like old times. A feeling of lonelyness overcame her. She had been so occupied sinve she arrived that she never noticed it. She missed her family. However this was her fate. The fate of a woman.

"Is something bothering you Jia." Jia is their nickname for her. Dru the dear asked with his head slightly titled to the side. "Did that stuck up worm do something to you." Sir Blue quipped. "It not that. Besides it wasn't his fault."

"Go on explain. Let us be the judge of that." Sid the squirred said rubbing his hands together. Jia sighed she knew better than to keep it from them. Afterall, trees are the biggest gossips. Whe do you think there term 'walls have ears come from?'. She sighed and begane her explanation leaving out the intimate content of cause. "That bumbling bafoon" Fet the boar roared.