The first thing that I felt as I woke up was the ravinous hunger. It is somehting that was deep inside of me. I didn't have anything to compare it to, all that I knew as I hated this feeling. It was worse than laying on the floor of this dark cavern that I was in. I could see perfectly even though it was pitch black inside. There was something about the cold though that was comforting. It was anchoring me to the world while the hunger deep inside of me threatened to take over what little sanity I had left. The chill in my bones was keeping me in check for the moment.
I tried to remeber what had happened to me but I couldn't seem to find anything inside of my mind that would make any sense. The only thing that I was able to think of was a dark figure with a face covered by a hood leaning over me as I reached a hand up to them seemingly for help. The figure looked as though it was icnoring me and not going to do anything at all.
I stood up feeling that I wasn't able to feel the cold on my back and I felt the hunger get slightly worse. As i got to my feet I pushed the feeling of hunger down and tried to get my bearings.
I looked down at myself and i saw that I was in nothing but a short pair of ragged pants as I saw my body. I looked as though I had been chiseled out of marble, the muscles that i had were rock hard and well defined. My skin looked like it might have been a while since I had been out of this cave. My hands confused me, in the solitary memory they were trimmed and clean, but the hands that I saw were almost like talons. I reached up to my face and couldn't feel anything unordinary to my touch at least. Long hair, a nose these were things that I knew that i should have but I couldnt even tell why I knew that. The only thing that seemed to be unordinary besides my hands was the fact that all of my teeth seemed to be more angled and almost meant for tearing things appart.
I tried to remeber if this was what I had always been like but I wasn't able to think of a single thing that would be of any help. Just the cloaked figure and my hands reaching out to him. I this seemed to be at my lowest point not able to even remeber what I was needing help for or what had put me into that situation. All that I could think of was this figure had to of done something to me that put me here.
Other that that I wasn't able to bring even a name for myself or even what i had done in the past to survive. This must be punishment of some sort for something I had done in the past or it was something that the figure had caused for some sick pleasure. Then suddenly my hunger hit its worst point since I had opened my eyes and I fell to my knees.
I heard something run past me as fast as it could. So fast that I didn't see it, but somehow my hand shot out impossibly fast as I grabbed the creature from next to me. With out even thinking i raised it up to my mouth and took a bite out of it.
I could feel the crunch of it as something warm ran down my chin down onto my chest as I moaned in momentary bliss. I coninued to take bites out of it as I looked down and realized that I was eating a rat. The first bite that I had taken took a large chuck out of its throat as I looked down savoring the meat that I contained.
Suddenly as I kept eating I head a voice come through my head.
I barely even heard the soft femine voice come through my head as I could feel the hunger subside as i continued to eat the juicy rat. I couldn't even find it in me to feel bad for the creature as I ate it while it still twitched. Nothing was able to stop me, not the twitching, the fur that i could feel on my tongue or even the warm blood that was flowing down my chin.
'What is that', I thought
'Looks like I'm not going to get any answers from the voices inside my head,' I chucked as i giggled at the maddness of the situation that I was in.
I lookede down at the rat and didnt see anything left on it as i knew that while it might have been a large rat there was not enough to give me more than a momentary repeve from the hunger that I felt inside me. I knew that I would have to find something else to give me some peace while I figured out the situation that i had found myself in.
I slowly raised myself off my knees and stood up to go out and hunt for another meal so that I might be able to keep the feeling of hunger from coming back. This was my first goal since i had woken up. I knew that i would need to find out what had happened in the past but i didnt want to ever feel the hunger again.
This was the life that I was going to lead fighting off the hunger as I fought against what ever I had to so that i could right the wrong that had happened to me.