I heared the voice inside of my head talk as I walked around the cavern. So far nothing was coming back to me. I wasn't able to thin of anything what would help me to remeber. In fact the only thing that I to be successfull in was the fact that I was able to catch quite a few rats in the cave. The simple pleasure that I was able to take in eating them surpised me.
As I walked i had seen a could of differant creatures but I hadn't been able to catch any of them so far. The seemed to be simpled creatures, a few spiders that were larger than the rats, the looked tasty but I wasnt able to do anything since they ran away as soon as I tried to get near them. The were a few insects that flew around here and there but it didnt seem to be anything that would be as tasty as the fat rats that i was eating that the moment.
The only one that had surprised me was that there was a small creature, that looked as though it was a similar to myself. it stood about as tall as my knee, and walked on two legs. It looked as though it had a a enlongated head and it two pointed ears, along with light green skin. The only thing that I was able to think of when i saw it wasnt the fact that it might have some answers to what had happened to me, it was the simple fact that it would be far tastier than the rats I was eating.
I had chased after it until it slipped around a corner slightly faster than I did. I roared out in anger that seemed to take over me as it slipped away. The only condolance that I was able to find was the face that I was able to the section of the cavern that it had lead me to had more of the rats. i had hunted them until I could feel my anger subside.
I still tried to find it, walking farther and farther down the cavern as i looked for any sights of it. So far none were to be found. I wasnt going to let up though, I had to know what exactly it was that that thing was and what it tasted like.
Suddenly turned another corner and saw it again. the little green creature looking at me. This time it wasn't alone, it was flanked by two other little green men as I licked my lips at the very sight of them. I felt a low growl come out of my throat as I slowly approached them. I wasn't thinking of anything besides the fact that I wanted to devour them.
The three little creatures split off and circled me, the one that I had chased stood right in front of me. All three of them looked at me with the same look that I knew I had. It was one of pure hunger, so pure it couldn't be said to be something that was wrong. It was almost bliss.
I looked at them and knew that they were going to put up a fight. I hadn't had a challange for my food so far. This was going to be interesting, a pure struggle for life or death. This would end one of two ways either with me having the meal that I so desperatly desired or with me being their meal.
The creatures on the side reacted first and lunged at me. They were about ten feet away sprinting at me as the one in the front came at me too. They rushed in as I felt my body react.
I ran forwards to the one in the front and reached out for it. I managed to grab it by the shoulder as I felt my talon like hands dig into its flesh. The other two reacted as the reached me, the one on the left jumping onto my arm holding his companion and the one on the right grasping me by the arm.
I howled as I reached out my free hand and ripped out the throat of the one that I had a hand on. The one on my arm bit into my flesh, while the one on my leg dug its hands into my leg pulling a chunk of my leg out straight out of my flesh. I felt the blood pouring out of these wounds but i couldnt bring myself to care as I knew that i was going to have a full meal if i was able to finish off these other two creatures.
I reached up and grabbed the one on my shoulder as it bit into my shoulder and broke its neck. Throwing it to the ground, the one on my leg jumped back as it saw the other two creatures life less on the ground. One with its neck tore out of its throat and the other with its neck broken twitching on the ground.
I laughed as I threw myself at the last one while it was trying to run away. I could see it had fear in its eyes as i felt the pain in my leg as it had inflicted in me. Laughing in the maddness i grabbed it by the leg as I felt it clawing at my chest, as it stuggled to get away.
I lowered my head to it still laughing as I licked my lips wondering how this creature was going to taste as I bite through its neck and felt the pure bliss of food. I felt the creature stuggling as I continued to take another bite out of the otherside of its neck.
I could feel the wounds on my body pouring out bloods as i couldnt stop myself from coninuting to eat the creature.
I could feel the wounds on my body start to slowly stop bleeding as i ripped out another chunk of flesh and shoved it into my mouth. I couldn't stop eatting, the hunger had increased. I could feel it again.
I knew that this was going to be my life from know on. Killing to make sure that the hunger couldn't be felt. Kill and eat that was who I was and I loved it.