I walked after I killed the elk to a small river that seemed to be a decent enough place to make a shelter for now at least. there didn't seem to be any other predators but myself. It made the stay slightly boring but at the same time it made me realize that I would be able to have a easier time eating my fill even if it was more boring that was.
First I walked over to the river and looked at the washed the blood that I had gotten all over myself off of myself. it was oddly relieving in a way, like I was washing off all of the problems that I had found myself while I was trying to find my place in this world. The thoughts that had been putting all of the rage into my mind since I had woken up facing the floor in the cavern.
The water had a certain chill to it while I washed my face. I cupped my hands and splashed some water on my face looking into the river. It was crystal clear besides the blood that was running off of my body that I had gathered from all of my kills.
I looked into the crystal clear reflections and looked at myself for the first time since I had been out of the cavern. I was clean shaven, a surprise to me since I hadn't shaved the entire time that I had been wake, not that I had slept either. The hair that I had was pure black contrasting the snow white skin that I had. There was also the bright icy blue color of my eyes, they seemed to piece through even my reflection. I splashed more water on to my face so that I could wake up a little while I saw the sin rise up just past the tree line.
A smile cracked my face as I watched the right orange sun crest the tree and several bird like creatures took l flight above the tree line. they looked almost like snakes with winds but there seemed to be more than that to them. They flew with a simple grace that seemed to just pour out of them. I stood up and looked at them, that seemed to be enough of it to spook them as I watched all of them take flight and turn in the other direction as quickly as possible.
I thought about chasing after them for a minute but knew that since they would be able to fly I wouldn't be able to do anything to catch them. I would have to wait for prey that u would be able to hunt at this time. the elk was a good start but I wanted to have something with a little more of a challenge. the problem was if I was able to be able to find anything that was able to give me that challenge.
There would be a little more hope if there was even the sight of a creature that had a chance to get a larger meal. I knew that I would need to go out and find a meal sometime soon but I knew that there were other things that I needed to figure out. The cold water that I was standing in was the best place that I had found so far be begin to sort out all of the things that I needed to think about.
The first thing was the need to find out what this Mana Circuit thing was and be able to found out if it would be able to benefit me. There had to be more possibilities that showing me shiny lights when I closes my eyes. That wouldn't do me any good besides keeping me awake when I was trying to fall asleep.
I walked to a deeper part of the river until I was about waist high and sat down. The water sent a chill down my spine as I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The hunger appearing in the back of my hear trying to make my thoughts wander and drive me insane. the ides of food, hunting killing, the taste of blood and wanting to rip the throat out of something. All just so I could devour something, filly myself so I wouldn't have to think of anything else. I tried to keep thoughts clear with every time my mind went wanted to wander as I kept my mind under control.
After a while I calmed down my breathing, inhale, exhale, in and out. Slowly I managed to empty my mind. The lights in my eyes seemed to dance around while I managed to begin to control my thoughts. they had a simple grace to them but they seemed to make some sort of pattern as though would be able to find each and everyone of them, wither it was the where they were now, or where they would be.
As I followed the patterns I felt a warm sensation from my toes up to the hair on top of my head. It felt like something was slowing in my veins making my body warm up even though I had a river of ivy water rushing over me. It started off as a slow sensation building up faster and faster. It felt like my body was speeding up, the feeling of the water was gone as I looked up.
There was a sphere of water floating over the top of my head. It was oblong and not even close to being a perfect sphere but for not knowing what exactly I was doing I was happy with any sort of response that I was going to get. There simplicity of it made me excited as I saw the water was no longer flowing around me either. I had managed to somehow take control of the river and bend it to my nonexistent control.
It was all fun and games until the sphere collapsed right on top of my head as I laughed and choked on some water. I stood up in the water coughing up water, immediately laughing. I didn't know how I had done it but I at least had a start figuring out this world and what all it entailed.