
I opened my eyes groaning and holding my head. It felt like someone had took a hammer to my head when I wasn't looking. I stood up slowly looking around trying to figure out what was going on.

The last thing that I could remember was my sight going bloodshot while I was fighting the creature. Then my vision coming back as the system told me that I had gained something called a Mana Circuit. The pain had been so unbearable, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to use that Berserk Skill all the time. It wasn't like my regeneration, it was something that could only be used in the worse case scenarios.

I stood up looking back at the at the body on the ground. It was eaten clean, I must have done it off of instinct while I was passed out. Feeling around I tried to find out if I was still wounded. Not even a scar was left on my body. I didn't know if this was a good or a bad thing. The hungry was a downside but at the same time I had to make sure that I wasn't going to lose control, just in case I was never going to regain my thoughts again.

I walked around the room, the hunger was coming back little by little. I didn't know if it was a good thing that it was coming back just so that I would wake up before one of the creatures of the cave came back. I walked around and tried to see if there was anything useful before I left it behind in my life.

So far there was nothing to be of use, the only thing that was even in the room was the throne that the creature had been sitting in before we had fought. It was bare not even a cushion for the beast to have been sitting on while it was waiting in this cavern. I took a last look at it trying to figure out what exactly why it here and didn't find any clues. It must have been here for a reason but for now it just left me full of questions.

I looked to the back and saw it in the back of the cavern there was a path leading out. I grinned and started to walk out wondering that food would be in the next room. I looked around and tried to didn't see anything that was worth giving a second look as I walked out.

As I looked around the path it seemed just like all of the other paths, with just a minor difference while it slowly forced me to hunch down and start to finally crawl on my knees to get out. I could feel the hunger growing as I crawled farther and farther. Slowly there was a light in the distance as I sped up. Faster and faster I went trying to make it out of the god forsaken place.

I finally walked out into the moonlight as I saw the outside world for the first time. IT was beautiful compared to the dark and cavern. There were trees as far as I could see that were only broken up by a few mountains in the distance. The moon was breaking thought the trees, lightly illuminating the ground. The area that I walked out of, looked to be a small meadow. Nothing noticeable was near it.

I looked up to the moon and slowly took a breath, smelling all that was near me. I closed my eyes and slowly saw a few dim lights in the distance. I didn't know exactly what they were but my hunger grew as I felt like they might be filling.

I kept my eyes closed as I started to walk towards on the of lights. Slowly picking up pace as I began to sprint. I could smell everything near me. The warm small of thing alive came into my nose as I opened my eyes and saw something near me begin to run.

I locked eyes with it and sprinted after it speeding up faster and faster. It was quick but I knew that I could catch it, this would be my first meal of freedom. This was the beginning of the end, the end for everything that stood in my way.

I jumped at it as it ran away missing. Growling in frustration I pushed myself harder. I was faster than it but it kept bobbing and weaving thought the trees as I chased it. I could feel the growling continue as I finally saw my chance. There was a small clearing ahead, I would just have to push it there. I rushed up and could feel my hand just miss it as I pushed out a hand as it went around another tree.

It ran right into the clearing just as I wanted. I rushed as fast as I could after it. This was my chance, this would be my meal. Midway though the clearing I saw my chance and pounced on its back as its furry four legged body crumpled to the ground, kicking as I pushed it down. Twisting its neck around I quickly killed it so I could enjoy this first meal of freedom. I took a bite out of it and savored the taste of freedom. Slowly enjoying it as the hunger died out.

The familiar sound of the system came though my ears as I finished up my meal. The hunger was gone for a little while but I knew that this would be different than the cavern. It was all open space filled with obstacles. I had gotten lucky with finding prey that wasn't easy. They would adapt to me and become harder for me to hunt as I was out here.

I would need to find a steady stream of food as while I was out here. There were no rats running around me for easy meals. There was also the lights that I was able to see, I needed to find out what this ability was, it had to be something that I had gotten from devouring the creature in the cave. I could tell it was something that could lead me to more meals but I would need to know how to control it.

For now thought there was only one thing that I need to do and that was enjoy the first meal of a new life.