Losing Control

It looked at me grinning from eat to ear showing off a set of teeth that looked they had been filed down. The things giggled excited with the thought of taking a bite out of me. We both rushed towards each other and arms out reached trying to tear chucks out of each other.

It reached me first and struck out reaching out a cupped hand and tearing a large bit of flesh out of my arm down to the bone. My left arm dropped to the side as I could feel it growing useless. I managed to grab it by the arm and pull it in close. I bit down on its shoulder as I heard it howl out in in pain as I ripped my head back and tore a piece of its shoulder out and jumped back. As I jumped back I chewed the piece in my mouth and swallowed it as quickly as I could.

The wound on my should started to slowly close up as I saw it look at me in anger as it was raising piece of me to its mouth and chewed on it slowly. It didn't seem to have the same regeneration ability that I had. I grinned as I swallowed what was left in my mouth and grinned. I could feel it in the match up that we just had, it was faster than I was but I was the physically stronger of the two of us.

We both started circling each other and looking for any opening. It had also realized that I was stronger so it seemed to be worried about closing the gab in-between us but it continued to look at my arm as I regained the ability to move it and it looked curiously at me as though it was trying to figure out how I was managing it.

I lunged in and tried to swipe at it tired of waiting as the hunger grew worse and worse. the feeling of needing to devour something was starting to take over. while I lunged I was losing all thoughts about what I should be doing.

It smiled as it slide to the side and clawed against my back ripping out another chunk. I staged and caught myself as the wounds stopped blood from flowing again and began to close up again. I threw out my hand trying to grab any of it that I could and it swatted out again.

This time it managed to hit me twice. Once on my hand tearing it to I could see the bone a crossed my entire hand and a second time reaching out and clawing against my face tearing open a gash a crossed the side of the right side of my face. I could feel a slight breeze come though my mouth as I felt true pain for the first time since I had awoken. even though I knew that it would heal I couldn't stand they fact that this creature was staring at me from a crossed the cavern slowly chewing on a piece of my hand as it held the piece of my cheek in its hand.

I rushed over trying to stay on the offence, I hoped that it wouldn't be able to fight back as I slashed out with my hand time and time again as I tried to even the playing field with this creature. it laughed at me as it swayed back and forth looking at me, its eyes seemingly laughing at me.

Its eyes looked the same as the figure from my memory. It was looking down on me, trying to make me feel as though I didn't matter in the world. I began to lose myself in the hunger as i felt rage building up in my mind.

The world was beginning to turn red as though someone had painted the world.

As i heard the voice sound out, I lost control of my body. It looked at me as I stopped missing all of the blows completely and I managed to grab it by the hand. It looked at me in anger as it grabbed me by the throat to keep me from taking a bite out of its throat. I pushed back and continued to push it back as my other hand still flayed to the bone and swung out at its face. it looked shocked as it flew a crossed the cavern and landed on the ground.

It tried to stand put but I had seemingly disappeared as it was standing up. I brought both of my hands over my head and smashed down bringing out as much power as I could. As my hands lowered the creature pushed off the ground and jumped away. My hands came down and left a crater in the ground as I roared out echoing out in the huge cavern.

It took a look at me and rushed towards me wanting to end this battle. There was no more playing around and trying to make a fool of me. it saw that I had lost control of myself and it was going to try to take advantage of this situation.

Both of us reached the each other again as it lunged out with its hand forming a spear hand. It pierced thought me as I felt the hand go through my stomach and back out my back. I didn't stop thought, all control had been lost, all that I could think of was that I would get this creature, I would kill it even if it killed me.

Its hand pushed out my back just as I grabbed it but the shoulders and pulled it in. Terror ran a crossed its face, it had seem my mouth open wide as reached my neck out and bit down on its neck. Its neck was encompassed by my mouth, including the section of my mouth that was still healing up. I felt its veins pulsing a crossed my lips for a second as I closed my mouth and pulled back.

It pulled its hand out my stomach trying to stop me as I slammed my head back and swallowed the chuck of its throat that i had in my mouth. it still was struggling in my hands as it tried to push me off. ripping chunks of my flesh out as it panicked. I just continued to reach out and bit down again and again. Tearing out sections of its throat until it stopped struggling in my hands.

I just continued to rip chunks of it off and throw them into my mouth as though I was trying to win a food eating contest. Blood still was flowing out of the wound in my stomach as I forced piece after piece of this creature into my mouth inhaling the creature.

This was the last thing that I heard as all the power left my body and I fell over my eyes closing as I passed out from the exhaustion and pain that this battle had caused.