I fell into the ground with the rope still around my chest. It was different than it should have been though. there was still some pain but it wasn't nearly as bad as it should have been. It was more like a mild discomfort. The ground had caved in around my body almost like it was a molded to my body to cushion the impact.
There it was, the same feeling that I had when I made a connection to the water. The slight burning of my veins as some strange power coursed though them and made me feel like I was going to explode with power. I moved to grab the robe and the two little creatures immediately jumped off and scurried up a tree. Throwing myself at the slower of the two I tried to grab ahold of it. I missed by a huge amount. I was still trying to gain my bearings and these two little bastards knew where to climb in the trees.
One of the little creatures looked at me a glint in its eye. I could tell it was mocking me, teasing me with the sweet idea that I would be able to catch it if I tried harder. I picked up some stones off the ground instead and started to throw them at the little terrors and make it so that I could snatch one of them up as easily as I could.
They always seemed to move out of the way at the very last second almost like they had a sixth sense for danger. It was always by just the tiniest sliver but it was enough to make sure that the they didn't get so much as grazed by the stones. Instead they climbed to the branched and started to throw twig, and stones, as though they had wanted to get revenge on me as badly as I wanted to get it on them.
We danced back and forth, they would hit me fairly regularly. All while I was stuck back trying to see if I would be able to get even close. It didn't take too long for the anger and hunger to build up in my mind and in the bowels of my gut. I wanted to tear their throats out and eat it, starting with the one that had glared at me while the other one watched. All for the revenge that I had planned, I was willing to take any and all of the hits that these creatures threw at me.
I finally got a idea after dancing back and forth still unable to land a blow on these little creatures. I decided that it was the best plan that I had so far. I grinned from ear to ear showing off plenty of teeth squinting my eyes. I knew that I had to look ghastly in the eyes of these little beast but this plan would work.
I reached back slinging my arm back as far as I could. The grin grew, the rocks the creatures threw hit me every time now, I was standing still so I wasn't much of a surprise and they were willing to take advantage of it. I pitched my arm out as hard and fast as I could. There was no real form to this throw, but I leaned into with everything that I had. Felt my arm reach out and extend as far as it could, there was a sharp pain in my elbow. I knew that I had gone too fast for my own body at that point but I wouldn't be able to stop.
The rock was still held firmly in my hands as my arm flew around my body. My hand made a loud crack as I released the rock and watched it fly through the air. It was perfect the two little creatures grinned and continued to throw the rocks as I moved forward as the rock was flying past me. I was a blur moving as fast as I could, the rock was just simple afterimages with speed that seemed to be splitting the air.
Suddenly it the two little beasts looked over and saw that the rock wasn't aiming for them as they grunted seemingly mocking my for not even trying to hit them. Then a loud crack pierced though the air as they shifted on the branch.
The rock had hit exactly like I had wanted, right at the beginning of the branch, splitting it off the tree. The branch gracefully fell threw the air. Looking as though it was a act of a god that was doing this and not a bloodthirsty fiend like myself.
The same couldn't be said for the creatures. they were terrified falling through the air. the branch had suddenly left their feet dangling in the air. they struggled to reach each other as I neared the area that they were falling to. Faster and faster they fell though the air, making it seem as though it would take a eternity for them to reach my arms.
I continued to grin, my eyes slotted from the distorted look of this guilty pleasure that I found myself in. The beasts had looked down and seen me staring at me as I looked at them. There was terror in the one that had glared at me. It knew what I was about to do. It realized a fate that would keep it in pain for the entirety of its short life.
The other beast looked resolved though. It had managed to reach out and grab its partner by the wrist and straighten right into its eyes. The terror left the other one as it seemed to feel other emotions running through it. The resolved beast flung the other creature back into the trees. It growled something in a language that I couldn't understand.
I roared out in anger, this little beast had just cheated me of a meal and I would make it pay. I snatched it out of the air as soon as got within my reach. I pulled it down to the ground and felt its face smash into the grass that was below my feet. It would pay for what it did, for what it had caused me to lose out on.
It didn't seem to want to give me any satisfaction though as it whispered something in the primitive language that it had used before. There was no struggled as I placed my knee on its back, it was settled into its fate. It had sacrificed itself for its kin, and that was something that I would respect but that wouldn't earn it reprieve from the anger it had caused me.
It continued to whisper its words, the other one hit the tree it was flung at and it began to scream. it didn't matter, I knew that I would be able to eventually catch it and make it mine as well. For now though there was a meal on my plate, and I wasn't a being that would ever turn down a meal.
The respect that I had for this creature would always stay with me as I bit into its neck and began my feeding frenzy.