
I looked up blood still on my face looking at the other creature I smile as I tore a chance of flesh out of the other one I knew that this would get it I knew that this would be what I wanted. I saw the other one sobbing at what I had done. I giggled while I slowly finished my meal, I knew that it would leave before I could catch it. This would teach it a lesson though to fear me and not to try to mock me or what ever it's plan had been.

After I finish my meal I looked up and saw it was gone I had enjoyed devouring the other one but I'm knew but I would not be able catch this one for now. So far I've eaten one that would be enough for now I knew that I had to be poor but I could not find the energy to continue the hunt for today at least. I am headed back to where my camp was just wash my face off I was beginning to gain my sanity little by little.

I went back in the river and washed my face for the first time since I've been awake I actually felt tired. There's something about what I just done something about what I had accomplished they gave me a sense of satisfaction. At the same time I knew that I would have to track down more meals. What really interested me about was what I would be able to find tomorrow food out here was so much better than what it had been in the cavern.

I slowly went to the river and washed the blood off my face and looked at myself so tired from the few days that I've been out there the more power that I knew that I could unlock but it would have to wait. So far I found some of the secrets that I wanted to. I know there is more to this world I knew there is more to what I was here for what I had been brought here for but I would find out into time.

I slowly laid-back closing my eyes I got the warm power slowly go through my body the ground slightly softened around me. As I closed my eyes I can feel all the weight of all the decisions I have made so far washing off my back. I need a there be more problems to solve but so far the hunger had one out on me every time. The hunger one out of my mind simple answers for what I needed like those two little beast gnomes they had been for a week or than me but they have been smarter than I had been. I had to learn I had to grow I had to adopt I couldn't but the hunger keep getting me.

Sleep came quickly it might've been because I had not slept since I woke up in the cavern. Maybe I didn't need to sleep as often as I used to. It was on the simple pleasures though I always enjoyed sleeping it was something that made me want to go relax. that I would have the things that I could see it was an entire world that I could go through. In my dreams I was already the king and conquer of my own empire.


As I slept I dreamt of the cloaked man. His glowing eyes looking down at me. I was reaching up to him, blood all around me. I could feel the pain in my stomach as I looked down and saw a gapping hole piercing though me. I looked back to the man and reach my my out begging for him to help. All he did was laugh, a deep guttural laugh chilling me to the bone. That laugh haunted my dreams as I felt myself falling for eternity.


I woke up with a start. I feel like I have the following forever and that dream until I woke up in a cold sweat panicking. My hands and dug in the ground while I slept. I didn't know what it has been up and tired I knew that maybe I still needed to sleep but not as frequently or maybe it was my sanity wanting to play with me as I was slowly slipping away.

Set up splashing water on my face. I walked up and will be able to walk the Forrest. I didn't know what I would find today but it had to be better than having that nightmares. It was the first time that I hadn't experienced the hunger though. I wasn't able to tell if it was from the dream or if I had finally gained some sort of control over myself. I doubted I had any control. I was no better than a beast any more.

This is something I was going to sacrifice though my sanity as much as I wish to keep it I would sacrifice it for the hunger. The hunger was consuming I could feel like I had to find a way to control it. So far devouring things seem to feed it seem to make it stronger. There had to be someway to control it there had to be something.

Maybe I'll find that way someday. It wasn't today, today I had only gotten clarity for long enough to realized the hunger didn't always win. This gave me hope but at same time I knew that I would find something to eat I knew I would find something to make the hunger go away. I also seem to know that the only reason I felt a need these things that I felt was because of a little gnome yesterday sacrificing itself. I haven't felt any of these things when I killed the demon when I devoured the goblins or even up to the point of eating the gnome.

I will try to find my sanity again.One day I will have my revenge I would have my mind back I would have everything that I wanted. For now though I have a hunger and I had to feed it to be able to maintain what I had or I might lose everything.