
I continued to walk though the woods. There was a certain quietness to it thought. The creatures here had been easy prey for me, they weren't able to get away as I found them and slowly worked my way through the flavors of all of the creatures that I was able to find. I would walk for a few hours trying to avoid getting tired. The nightmare that I had had was enough to make me want to become a insomniac.

I looked far and wide for the little gnome and wasn't able to find a single thing as I walked though the woods. The trees were quite and there didn't seem to be any signs of it. I knew that one of these time I was going to see it though. It was just going to be a time that I got a small amount of revenge compared to what I had been wanting to have. I would make sure that I got it though, it was a start to making sure that not a soul alive would be able to so much as laugh at me.

There was a stillness to it all though. As I was walking I had seen several small signs here and there that someone else was here. Small embers from logs that had been aflame and flattened grass as though someone had slept on it. These were the things that I was chasing now. I was curious, it may have been the gnome but I had a feeling it was something else. Something or someone that would be able to challenge my power in this forest. I was ready for it, I wanted to test out the abilities that I had gained here and the idea that I might be able to get a meal out of it was going to be a excellent bonus.

After several days of following all the signs of camping here and there I finally got some ground. I heard several creatures talking in front of me.

"There is something here, we found that dead gnome a few days back and that's not a good sign," a light masculine voice said

Another rough voice scoffed as it said, "Anything could have happened to that gnome. they annoy all the creatures that they run into there, they just finally pissed something off that they weren't able to handle."

"We should return at least I don't feel good about this we just need to get back to town," a final lady like voice said its voice was quivering as though it was terrified of what fate might await them.

I peered around a tree, hiding my self in the shadows of it trying to look and see what was this group looked like. I made sure to stay well hidden as I looked out. I didn't want to rush out. I had learn after the several times that I had fought groups that I would always be at a disadvantage when taking on more than one opponent.

It looked to be a diverse group of four people standing in a circle. The first two voices where talking so I was able to see what they looked like. The voice of reason and the first one to speak was a noble looking man. he was dressed in a full suit of material that looked like metal with a huge shield that he was leaning against. He looked to be about my height but the shield had to be massive compared to him. as he leaned against it He barely reached the top of it while it looked like some of it was buried in the ground to hold it up. On the ground in front of him there was a weapon of some sort I couldn't make out except for the fact that it had a long wooden handle with some sort of bizarre spear head attached to it.

The voice that had scoffed was a polar opposite of the metal man. He was standing paying with a ball of fire. Dressed in long flowing bright red robes bright with the hood drawn back, his face illuminated by the ball of fire. There were scared from what looked like burns a crossed most of his face. He just stood there still talking with the man, no weapon in his hands but I knew that he had to be someone special like me. He was able to take control of the fire and bend it to his will. He would be the on that I needed to look out for if I started a fight.

The feminine voice was a woman sitting next to the metal man leaning against his side. She was wearing a pure white robe that was flowing around her body. She looked at the two men that were talking as though she just wanted to leave this place. Her arms were crossed against her like she was trying to pout. It didn't seem to be getting her any where with this group, she seemed used to it though as a scowl was growing on her face.

The last person though was the one that surprised me the most. I couldn't tell it was a man or a woman. It seemed to be slightly taller than me and dressed in a pure black outfit that seemed to absorb all of the darkness around it. Even its hands were covered not allowing even a sliver of skin to poke out of its outfit. The only thing that I was able to see was piercing blue eyes like the river that I had been staying by. this was the person that I knew I would have the worst luck with.

The only reason I know that It was going to be the hardest one to distract out of the group was easier enough to see. It was quite but staring right at me as though it knew I was here. I double checked that I was hidden. I was, there was no way this thing knew I was here unless it had the same ability as I did.

I tried to figure out if it had the ability to see the pattern of lights as it finally spoke out a quite voice that spoke with authority," Come out I know your there, you aren't even trying to hide your bloodlust."