
I could tell that I was just as shocked as the rest of the group. The metal man stood up taking his spear and shield in his hand putting his hands in front of him. I saw him take a stance as looking like he was going to jump in front of me try to attack me as soon as he saw a sign of danger.

The red cloaked man rotated to me and grinned he had been wanting a fight but his hand rotating around as he make a second ball appear and float out in front of him. the light made him look far more intimidating than me. He was slowly backing behind the metal man, getting ready to attack while making sure that he was going to be able to be on the passive with his defense hiding behind the other mans shield.

The woman immediately jumped behind the metal man looked at me with terror in her eyes. She looked like she seemed to know that I was the one behind killing the gnome. She showed the look of fear openly and made it look like she was going to run away at the first moment she had a change. the only thing that surprised me was that she seemed to pull out a small staff out from behind her back and make it look like she was going to attack when I could tell that she was the least of my concerns out of this group.

The last person, the it still sat there looking at me, no feat just a mild curiosity in its eyes. It stood up slowly and took a couple of steps towards me. I noticed that they were taller than I had thought, it looked like I was going to be in the most trouble than me. It walked towards me hands out looking at me like it was going to make no moves of aggression like the other ones were.

I took a step out of the shadow of the tree and walked slowed towards a more lighted area. I realized it was a good thing that I had cleaned myself up before I left the camp that I had made the other day. My hair was ragged and I was still wearing the rags that covered my waist and part of my legs but at least I didn't have any weapons like the other people. It seemed to relax them some but at the same time it made them do a second look at me like they were going to decide to throw me down still.

"Well," It said," you look familiar to me, where have you come from."

I growled lightly, I hadn't spoken from the time that I had woken up in the cavern so words seemed to be hard to form as I said,"Yooooou... wherrrre.... from....."

I sighed a little I wanted to have more knowledge but part of me wanted to go ahead and try to eat this group. The words didn't seem to calm any of them down.

The metal man spoke first," This beast is feral, we need to chase it off."

"No," the robbed man spoke," we need to kill this beast its obviously dangerous."

"SHUT UP, do not speak until I allow you too," It spoke holding up its hand to the other two

They both went silent immediately looking at It with some slight fear in their face. It was obvious that they were terrified of It. It was the leader of this group, they would follow the lead it set. I grinned knowing that I wouldn't have to worry too much about the others jumping on me when I didn't expect it.

It spoke again, "We are from a town not too far from here Mead is the name, were are you from."

"Heeeereee.... cavvvvvern..."

"What happened to you."

"Waaaakkkkeeee..... nnnnoooo iiiidea.... sooooo hungryyyyy.."

"We have food we can share with you," It pulled out a small pack from behind its back, it was trying to offer a olive branch to me while I wanted to know why.

It through out the pouch and it landed in front of me making me curious what type of food it was going to offer me. I didn't know what they ate but I was certain that it wasn't going to be anything like I had ate before. I slowly approached the bag and bent over to open it. The second I reached down to open the bag I noticed something.

It had disappeared, it vanished from my sight. I looked around paniced as the other three seemed to not be as concerned about the disappearance of the last member of there group.

"Here," a Its voice said behind me

I spun around looking at the figure. It pulled its head wrap back and smiled at me. Its wide grin showed me the teeth that I recognized. They were the same as mine. I panicked as it moved closer to me.

"Don't worry I'm hungry too," It spoke and for the first time I realized that this was a man speaking to me

It vanished again, I wasn't able to see where it had gone but I heard the red robed man speak out from behind me in fear. I spun around and looked back seeing that the robed man had a hand piercing though its chest as the man pulled it out and lunged at the metal man. As it pulled its hand out the mans chest as he crumpled to the ground.

The metal man was luckier than the robbed man. He managed to pull his shield up as he grunted from taking a hit that pushed him back. He tried to pushed back but he was flung into a tree. The black clothed man reached out and grabbed the woman by the neck quicker than I would have ever been able to. He snapped the woman's neck as he walked towards the metal man who was struggling to get up.

He broke the mans spear in half while he tried to push up off the ground and shoved it though the metal helmet of the man. For the first time I realized that I hadn't moved the entire time that this ad all happened. It was all over in a split second as I felt the hunger grow in my stomach and made me realized how badly I needed a meal. I just had to wonder if I was going to be on the menu tonight or not.

My concern went away as He looked at me grinning. I could tell that it had the same hunger that I had. This was a comrade that I would hold dear as long as it valued me as well. This wasn't like the demon in the cave this was a man didn't want to try and devour me as I wanted to consume him. This was a kindred soul, a partner in all the devious things that I would want to do. This was the best thing to happen to me since I woke up in the cave.

He looked at me and simply said," Lets eat, we have many things to talk about and I do hunger so badly."