
Two people stood together near the academy entrance chatting, the young man was just under 1.8 meters in height crowned with platinum blonde hair cut short, slightly pointed ear tips indicating a faint elven heritage while bright golden eyes peered out of his angular face topped with his lean physique made him quite the attractive sight for the opposite gender.

Standing next to him stood a young woman she was close in height to the young man only shorter by a small margin. Her shoulder length midnight blue hair was loose framed her face with a fringe that stopped just above her eyebrows, steel grey eyes focused on the young man from an oval shaped face. She had lithe build with moderate sized breasts, big enough that they could draw attention but not so much that they got in the way of fighting, for which she was eternally thankful. Overall a stunning young woman.

A small group of freshmen walked by being led by a fourth-year student, a girl suddenly asked the senior who the two people were in a somewhat hushed tone, as she stared at the young man.

The senior looked over and grinned turning back to the small group, "Well aren't you guys lucky it's very rare to see those two around an area such as this".

The group looked at the pair curiously.

"You are looking at the living legends of the academy, the boy is called Alex and the girl is Kayla" He looked at the group seeing no hints of recognition in their faces he chuckled, "You would probably recognise their monikers Spellblade and Tigress".

Lack of recognition turned into looks of hero worship as they stared at the two, while the freshmen had only been here eight months they had all heard stories of the Spellblade and Tigress. Duelling a teacher and winning without a scratch in the second year.

The event that cement their reputation occurred in their third year the international academy competition was held in Valent. Kayla dominated the martial competition while Alex destroyed the mages, which created some ire from the Arcvien delegation who started demanding Alex be handed over to them due to his magic, at that point the head of the delegation reigned in the elders causing the commotion which caused the reveal to the crowd that Alex was the disciple of the Omni Magus, mainly due to the leader of the delegation being Hubert himself.

Alex had then led his team consisting of Kayla, Lynette and Dominic to victory in the group competition.

Humpf snorted one of the freshmen, "Bladedancer is way stronger".

One of the girls looked at him curiously, "Who is Bladedancer?".

The boy looked at her incredulously, "Seriously you don't know the champion of the arena who appeared two years ago, always wears a mask and uses twin short swords?".

The senior laughed, and asked the boy, "What are the three visible features of Bladedancer?

"Every fan knows it's his golden eyes, platinum blonde hair and slightly pointed ears", replied the boy

The senior nodded and pointed subtly towards Alex, "Look closely".

The boy stared at Alex, "No shitting way!"

The senior laughed, "Welcome to the worst kept secret in the city

A voice called out, "Shem you better not be saying weird things about us to the freshmen".

"Not at all Alex, just letting one of your arena fans in on your not so secret identity", Shem called back.

Alex groaned and facepalmed, "I knew I needed a better disguise than just a mask".

Kayla looked at him with amusement and patted him on the shoulder, "There there even geniuses have their moments of idiocy".

"So, what are you two doing hanging out around here?" asked Shem

"Waiting for two very important people to arrive who we haven't seen in years" Alex responded with a grin.

Shem's eyes widened slightly looking at Kayla and Alex, "You mean we are finally going to meet these mysterious girlfriends of yours?".

Kayla nodded, "They were let out early due to good behavior, although I imagine they probably nagged their grandfather until he gave in", she giggled.

"Well I'll get out the way then" Shem said and ushered the freshmen away.

"You do realize Shem is going to notify everyone he can", smirked Kayla.

"I think half the campus knows already, we both blurted it out load in surprise when the teacher delivered the message to us in the cafeteria this morning" he chuckled, "Five years huh".

"Hey once they get here there is something I have arranged, can you promise that you will come with us and do one thing for me?" she asked in an almost pleading tone.

"Of course", Alex promptly replied, due to the building excitement of meeting is two little dragonlings he completely missed the almost feral gleam in Kayla's eyes.

The pair continued to chat for another thirty minutes as they waited, Alex began to notice something was up with Kayla's behavior and was about to ask if something was wrong when a dragon's roar resounded out.

Both their eyes snapped to the sky to see the silhouette of a dragon above the academy, two smaller silhouettes appeared from the dragons, another dragon cry rang out and the dragon banked and sped up to leave.

As the two figures came into view Alex soaked in the changes of the two young women gliding down towards them like a pair of a beautiful fairies, albeit with dragon's wings.

Anna's crimson red hair was still tied up in a pony tail her emerald greens eyes sparkling as she looked at Alex, her cherry red lips smiling showing her pearly white teeth, a face that would make any man look twice. Height wise she would her nose would come up to Alex chin and was curvy in all the right ways with an hourglass waist and was surprisingly busty eclipsing Kaylas by a significant amount.

Lily didn't loose out in looks department with her raven black hair tied back in a braid that reach down to the very bottom of her back, her sapphire blue eyes gleaming in joy, in fact if it wasn't for the eye and hair color the two would look like twins.

No one said anything as Alex and the girls stared at each other while they glided down. Kayla smiled in joy at seeing her two sisters after so long and knowing they were here she could finally do it.

Anna and Lily gently set down in front of Alex and Kayla and folded their wings away where the just magically melded into their backs. They then proceeded to launch themselves into Alex arms. They both wrapped their arms around him and squeezed, Alex was sure he heard his ribs creak.

Wrapping an arm around each of them he whispered, "Welcome back my two little dragonlings".

"Did you miss us?" Anna asked with a cheeky grin.

"More than anything" responded.

"Prove it" said Lily.

Alex promptly set about proving it, he tightened his grip on Lily's waist and lent down stealing her lips with his, this wasn't the innocent kiss on the lips they had shared when they parted 5 years ago this kiss was filled with passion and longing suddenly her mind went blank as she felt his tongue entering her mouth she instinctively responded with her own, Lily drowned in the feeling as she pushed herself against him, eventually separating, Lily just looked up at him with glazed eyes and could only say, "Oh my".

Alex felt a hand on his chin that brought his head around to face Anna, "My turn" she huskily said and grabbing the back of his head aggressively brought his lips to her own, already somewhat turned on by the kiss with Lily Alex lost a little bit of control and his hand that was on Annas waist had moved downwards and was now massaging her ass, Anna groaned into his mouth and like Lily pushed herself into him as if trying to meld together. Once they separated Anna started up at him with glazed eyes and the only thing she could say was, "Wow".

Snapping out her daze at her sisters exclamation Lily glanced over at Kayla and saw a she was starting at Alex with eyes full of lust, "Oh dear" she muttered then called out to Kayla, "You turned eighteen recently didn't you Kayla?"

Kayla nodded

Having heard the question and seen the response Anna chimed in, "Aunt Melli warned us about this it was one of the reasons grandpa allowed us to come out a little early".

Alex cocked his head to the side a look of confusion on his face.

Lily asked Kayla "You have everything prepared I assume?".

Kayla nodded again.

"Ok let's go, lead the way Kayla", Anna took hold of one of Alex arms and Lily the other as the followed Kayla out of the gate and into a waiting carriage.

Alex sat sandwiched between the

Lily and Anna while Kayla sat across from them with her eyes closed.

Before Alex could ask what was going on Lily held up her finger to his lips and proceeded to explain. "As you know Kayla is a member of the beast tribes, they tend to accept someone as being a full adult capable to start a family the moment the hit 14 so long as they prove capable of supporting one. Which is why you don't often run into someone like Kayla who doesn't have a mate at the age of eighteen. One of the physiological traits of the beast tribes is the women who don't have a mate by the time they hit physical maturity, which is eighteen, will go into heat a state that affect their mentality it makes their body more sensitive and their desire and frustrations build up until they either have sex or relieve themselves with certain instruments.

"Right now, Kayla has a few days of frustrations built up and is trying to keep calm and not jump you".

A slight blush touched Kayla's cheeks

Alex mind was having a hard time processing the information being given to him, "So where are we going?"

"He is having one of his moments", giggled Anna.

Lily sighed, "We are going to the place Kayla prepared to take care of her frustrations and you are the one who is going to take care of them".

"What about.." before he could finish the sentence Anna pipped up "Don't worry about us we will be joining in".

Alex flushed at that statement, "You two so much bolder and more blasé about this kind of thing than I thought you would be".

"Its because we are now full-blooded dragons, during the awakening we aren't just growing into our new bodies but also awakening our hereditary memory's", explained Lily.

Alex pondered for a minute then smiled, "Doesn't make you any less my two little dragonlings".

Shortly the reached the place Kayla rented out.

Kayla lead them to the master bedroom and as the four of them entered, finally Kayla couldn't hold back any longer she pounced on Alex gluing her lips to his. Her arms wrapped themselves around his head, his hands found their way to her perfectly round and toned ass cheeks grabbing them he pulled her up as she wrapped her legs around him mewling into his mouth in pleasure.

"Fuck me senseless" she growled

Already filled with expectation as still feeling the lingering impact of the kisses he had shared with Lily and Anna earlier you could almost hear his already wavering control snap.

As he moved towards the bed the flushed faces of Lily and Anna watched in great interest and expectation for their time, Anna turned her head to Lily slightly and said, "Rock paper scissors for who goes next?".