A Relaxing Day

Alex woke up feeling a weight pressing down on him it wasn't uncomfortable but soft and warm, opening his eyes looked down and saw the raven black hair of Lily where she was snuggled up using him as a pillow, his left arm was currently captured by Anna and his right by Kayla and all three were buck naked.

Alex leant forward an placed a small kiss on the top of Lily's head as he stroked Anna's and Kayla's backs, "come on girls time to get up". He gently said.

After a bit of grumbling and asking for 5 more minutes Alex managed to untangle himself from the girls, he thought back on the last 24 hours wondering where he got the stamina from, while they had stopped for food and drink as well as had small chats about what they had been up to something would trigger one of them and another round would begin.

Groaning Kayla laid on the bed, "Alex I think you broke me".

Lily chirped, "Well you did ask him to on multiple occasions", while Anna giggled, while Kayla flushed red at the comment.

Alex gave them all a bright smile, I'll get the bath ready, I have some spare clothes in my space storage for you Kayla, Anna & Lily waved their arms to show their storage bracelets indicating they were ok on the cloths front.

"I'll be right back" he said as he left the room.

The moment he was out of the room Kayla stretched and she could feel the soreness, but it wasn't very painful, she was trained fighter this was nothing, turning to look at the sisters, "How are you two feeling?".

They both responded simultaneously, "Fine".

Anna added "Dragon constitution remember, although I am a little sore", Lily nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you two are finally back with us, Alex may not realise it but he shut off all other relationships except mine while he was here, there was a never ending stream of girls dying to get in his pants but it never once went anywhere. Hopefully now you girls are here he will unlock that side of himself.

The girls nodded.

"So, what have you and Alex been up to? There isn't much of a story on our side of things just sleep for three years then one and half years to control our bodies and new memories as well as get additional training from Aunt Melli and Uncle Reeves", asked Anna

"Well we already covered the teacher incident in our second year and the tournament in the third year during our breaks, oh yeah you will never guess our monikers. The academy students nicknamed me Tigress because I look like a tiger stalking its prey in combat", she giggled.

"What about Alex?", asked Anna

"He has two one that is used in the academy and the other is the worst kept secret in Valent, in the academy most people know him as the Spellblade due to his ability to cast spells through his swords. The other however he earnt outside the academy, the other is Bladedancer the current champion of Valent City's arena.

"WHAT!", they both cried out.

She said grinning, "I was the only person capable of sparing with him aside from a couple of the teachers so when he turned 15 he entered the arena as training, he wore a mask to hide his face but didn't take into account how prominent his eyes hair and ears are and it wasn't long before someone put them together and news started to spread".

"That is so Alex joins the arena to train ends up the champion" giggled Anna.

Kayla took a deep breath, "He does have enemies in the city however, mainly the criminal gang the runs the betting at the arena, Alex appearance threw off their schemes and he told them to shove it when they asked him to take a dive, the other is a noble house, not a very powerful one but they have connections their son tried to molest me while Alex and I were out on a date, he wouldn't get the hint and tried to get handsy and Alex shocked him out cold, the two bully boy guards of his drew steel they died no knowing what hit them, when the guards arrived Alex explained what happened and due to his good standing in the city as well as being an Academy student they let us go and the dean dealt with the noble family.

*she sighs*

"Sadly, that incident got around and showed how protective Alex is of me so they started trying to use threats against me to goad Alex into a death match, which he agreed to", Kayla pauses

"I wont go into the details but Alex was so mad he slaughtered his opponent instantly pointed to the people who provoked him and calm told them if they want a death match he will agree to it but if anyone ever threatened anyone close to him again he would slaughter them and their entire family".

"There have been three death matches since then but once word go out how easily he annihilated his opponents they haven't been able to find anyone dumb enough but strong enough to take Alex on.

As Kayla finished the recounting, the three girls sat in silence for a moment until.

"Awww I want to go on a date with Alex too", cried Anna.

"Alex is acting just like a dragon should", Lily nods with approval.

Kayla looked at them in shock "Aren't you worried?".

Lily looked at Kayla, "I know you have been with him for the past 5 years but you really don't realise how strong Alex is, Uncle Hubert and Aunt Melli explained to us before we slept in terms of pure magical art or pure combat art he isn't a match for them they have too much built up experience and technique, however there is a reason that when he duels with either of them he is forbidden from using both skill sets, and that is because he could seriously injure them as he didn't have sufficient control back then."

Kayla looked shocked, "You mean…".

"Yes, given a several more years of training and experience He will be able to beat Uncle Hubert and Aunt Melli. One of the reasons aside from learning social interaction was to slow down his progress and solidify his control."

A called echoed down the hallway, "Baths ready do you girls need a hand?".

They all looked at each other and giggled, then as one the all called out, "Yes darling".

Alex helped washing them and they helped wash him, they were all a little bit handsy, but it didn't go much further than that as the girls were honestly a bit sore and Alex was understanding of this. After washing up and getting changed they took a carriage back to the academy Alex suddenly thought of something and asked if the girls had arranged a place to stay, then nodded and told Alex that grandpa had already arranged for them to stay in the dorm with Kayla until the end of the term after that the four of them could go do what the wanted.

Out of curiosity Anna asked how Kayla had rented all that out just so she could have sex with Alex and was promptly told she had access to her mother's accounts in the city.

Suddenly remembering something Alex almost hit himself knowing for the 'right opportunity' was a dumb thing to do he just opted to get it done.

"Hey girls", he started, "I meant to ask you all earlier but swept up in the flow of things and this is something I don't want to drag out" ,he flourished his hand and held it out and three rings lay in palm, "will you consent to being my wives?".

The three girls all held out their hands ready to receive their ring, tears glistening in their eyes, feeling a crushing weight removed from his heart he hadn't even realized was there is slid each ring on to the appropriate girl, for Anna it was a golden band adorned with a glimmering emerald shaped like a dragon, for Lily it was the same except a sapphire and for Kayla it was a gold band mounted not by a gem but one of the most precious metal known mithril shaped in the likeness of a cat. The girls all started at their newly placed rings feeling an immense sense of joy in their hearts as the all glomped onto Alex. Good thing he hadn't done this back in the house or they may not have left for another day.

Reaching the main entrance, the group disembarked the carriage, Alex looking a bit dishevelled and the girls were all wearing radiant smiles.

"It's almost lunch time let's head to the cafeteria and then we will give you the tour if that's ok with you girls?", Alex said.

All three of them nodded in the affirmative.

The rest of the day went with hiccup they at lunch and toured the academy with the girls showing them everything, they left many broken hearts and crushed dreams along the way as the news got around the two new babes with Alex were his fiancés as was Kayla.

They separated after dinner to go to the dorms, seeing the girls off Alex headed off to get some sleep only to find a small crowed outside his room.

"What is going on here then?", Alex questioned.

Everyone turned to face him, when Shem the nominated spokesperson of the group stepped forward and asked, "Alex how exactly did you land those two babes as well as Kayla and have them all happy?".

Alex looked at the group of boys ranging from 12 to his own age of 17 and grinned, "Very well I shall teach you the secret", he said in a conspirator like voice. "First you must become the adopted grandson of a dragon king".

The whole group almost face planted at that, "Be serious Alex", said Shem

"I am though, Zakath the Golden Dragon King found me as a babe in swaddling the last survivor of a massacred caravan, he took me in as his own where I grew up with his granddaughters who were also babes in swaddling and also happen to be the two women you saw me with.

"Wait so if you were raised by dragons how did you get to know Kayla I know you guys were a thing before even entering the academy", queried Shem.

"Zakath hired various tutors for me as I grew one of those happened to be Kayla's mom I knew Kayla from when she was nine". Alex responded

Shem's eyes widened as the penny dropped, "You mean to say you were raised by the Golden Dragon King, tutored in the magic arts from the age of six by the Omni Magus and trained in martial arts from the age of eight by Lady Melliandra?".

Alex nodded. Everyone looked stunned, until one of the younger boys said, "Are you one of those heroes we read about in the story books or something?".

Laughing Alex responded, "Hardly my draconic raising has given me a much different view on the world I simply wish to be strong enough to protect my family as I see the world then live off my acquired fortunes and raise my kids in peace".

"Now the lot of you get lost so I can get to my room and sleep".

They boys all started dispersing wishing a good night, Shem stood there looking at Alex, "You know with your strength you could be a ruler?".

Alex nodded, "Yes I could but I have no desire to rule anything, far to much work and the only responsibility I want is to keep my family safe", Alex shrugged, "good night Shem".

Later that night in the Palace of Valenta City

"You feel he isn't a prospective threat?"

"Correct my King, unless provoked there is no chance he would turn on Valent"

"Would he provide aid in a time of need?".

"Probably not my King, he would be a neutral party unless something he cares about is directly threatened he wouldn't intervene".

"Very well, you may leave, well done on your job we will provide a bonus for this"

"Thank you your majesty" the figure bowed and departed the room.

The figure slumped back in his chair, "At least I don't have to go about ordering the assassination of a promising youth". he muttered to himself.

"Yes that is very fortunate for you Paul" A soft voice coming out of the shadows in the corner of the room.

"Show yourself", demanded Paul.

"Oh keep your crown on" the person stepped out of the shadows


"Been a long time Paul, last time I saw you your head only reached my knee cap" Zakath chuckled.

"Why are you here and what did you mean by that comment?" asked Paul

"Well I'm going to tell you a very important bit of information that I very much insist you keep to yourself", Zakath replied with a smirk.

"You have my word as ruler of Valent that the information shall not be passed on" Paul calmly proclaimed.

Zakath nodded, "The last and most important bit of information about Alex is that he is the last of the dragon tamers, it was nothing short of a miracle I found him. His existence is known to all dragon kind".

Cold sweat broke out on Pauls forehead as he realised the disaster he had just avoided, he didn't dare imagine what would happen to his kingdom should anything happen to that boy and it was traced back to him.

"I don't expect you to give him any special privilege I have trained him to be strong to be able to live the life he wants with freedom to choose his path. But conspire against him and nothing will save you".