Becoming an adventurer?

The last little bit of time at the academy went by in a blink both Alex and Kayla were given top honours in their fields and that was that his promises kept he could now travel where he wanted see what he wanted a gleam of excitement grew in his eye.

"I know that look" smirked Kayla, "That's the look you normally have when you're about to do something idiotic", Anna and Lily nodded in agreement.

Alex deflated slightly, "I was wondering where to go from here, if you three still want to form an adventuring group and travel around the continent seeing the sights that is?".

The three girls looked at each other then back at Alex, "Of course we do", the chorused out.

Anyone need to pack anything or say goodbyes, everyone shook their heads they had packed and said their goodbyes already.

An hour later they arrived outside an impressive building with the sign of the guild on it.

Looking at the building Kayla spoke, "I sure hope this isn't expensive, access to moms account was a one time only thing."

"Its fine, I have the money side of things covered", Alex spoke up

"Where did you get money?" they all asked.

Alex laughed, "I saved the stipend we were given as there was nothing I really needed to buy, when I joined the arena I took all that saved money and bet on myself to win, I did this each time I had a match, I have a few million in gold in the bank now".

The three girls just looked at him.

"What? I thought it was a good idea to build up some capitol, seeing Anna wanted to be an adventurer and Lily wanted to be the team alchemist while Kayla just wanted to tag along until she found what she want to do in her life". Alex shrugged

All three girls felt a massive surge of warmth in their hearts as they looked at this young man they all loved so much.

Ok less hanging around outside more signing up. He smiled to the girls and led them into the guild. It was a little after lunch so the place was fairly empty.

Off to the side a group turned to look at the newcomers and their eyes lit up at the sight of the girls just as they were going to go introduce themselves they heard a rumbling I wouldn't do that if I were you come from the side.

The group turned to see hulking brute of a man not looking at them but with his eyes locked on Alex, "You see that man standing with the?" he asked

"So what he is just some young pretty boy showing off to some girls"

"He is the Bladedancer boy and if I'm not mistaken those three girls are his fiancés, if you were to try anything at all you would be lucky to get out of it alive", the brute spoke fear evident in his voice.

"Just know this he has been through four death duels, in all four the opponent didn't last more than ten seconds and that one only lasted that long because flaying someone alive takes a little bit of time".

The group gulped and sat back down, "Good choice", rumbled the brute.

Alex and the girls approached the service desk, a bored looking man stood behind the desk, who did try to be professional when the four of them approached, First we would like to sign up as adventurers secondly we would then like to form a team".

"Certainly sir, can I grab all your names first".

"Sure I'm Alex this is Kayla…"

"Wait a moment sir sorry to interrupt but do you happen to go by the name Bladedancer?" The clerk queried

"Yes that's me is there a problem?".

"Sir we were advised that you would probably come in over the next few days and were asked to keep an eye out for you by the guildmaster, if you don't mind I will take you to the meeting room and inform him".

Alex nodded his ascent while wondering what was going on.

The clerk showed them to the waiting room, where they seated themselves to wait for the guildmaster.

"Anyone have any idea what's going on?" Alex asked.

"Probably something gramps did, he does have a lot of contacts" said Lily

They continued to chat amongst themselves until nearly an hour had gone by when the door opened and in stomped what appeared to beard with legs.

"So your Zak's boy huh, don't look like no dragon to me"

"Are you a dwarf or a talking beard with legs?" asked Alex

The newcomer to the room just stood there blinking then burst out into raucous laughter.

"I be Ranulf Battlehammer, guildmaster of this here place, and that be the exact same thing ol' Zak said when he first met me too, so while ye no be a dragon ye be Zaks grandson through and through". He looked at Lily and Anna, "Ye both have the look o yer mother in yer, she were a wonderful woman even without a beard, was a sad day when I heard of her passing".

Lastly, he looked at Kayla, "And ye would be ol' blank faces young'un well at least ye haven't lost the ability to use yer facial muscles, that woman gave me the willies when she fought with that blank look".

Kayla looked amused at his comment about her mother.

Anna and Lily both had slightly sad smiles on their faces, Alex squeezed their hands.

"So what's the issue with us signing up as adventurers the usual way, I'm assuming there is more to this than just wanting to meet us." Alex asked.

"Aye lad spot on, ol' Zak warned me about ye in advance so we could prep the advanced testing apparatus, if what he's been telling me be true ye would have busted the normal stuff" laughed Ranulf.

"Well follow me then I'll be takin ye lot to get tested"

A short while later they are in a large underground training area with various bits of equipment dotted about and three adventurers that were sparring on the far side.

"Ok who is up first?", asked the young woman manning the equipment.

Alex gently pushed Anna forward, "You first Anna it's you wanted to become one the most".

Anna walked up to the young woman who introduced herself as Syl, she told Anna hold her hand on the orb and she would feel a pinch which is just the orb taking a drop of blood. It looked faintly reminiscent of the orb Uncle Hubert used to measure Alex mana capacity but much bigger.

It only took a minute to complete the process, they looked at the results


Race: Dragon

Age: 17

Mana capacity: Moderate tier higher bracket.

Elemental affinities:

Water non

Earth non

Fire Moderate

Wind non

Space Low

Lightning non

Draconic High

Oh, so this orb pulls race and age and can display Draconic, so it is a more advanced version of the one Uncle Hubert used.

One by one we get our selves tested


Race: Dragon

Age 17

Mana capacity: High tier lower bracket.

Elemental affinities:

Water low

Earth non

Fire Moderate

Wind non

Space non

Lightning non

Draconic High


Race: Beast tribe cat

Age: 18

Mana capacity: Moderate tier lower bracket.

Elemental affinities:

Water non

Earth Moderate

Fire non

Wind non

Space non

Lightning Moderate

Draconic non


Race: Human/Elven mix

Age: 17

Mana capacity: High tier Lower bracket.

Elemental affinities:

Water Low

Earth Low

Fire Master

Wind Master

Space Moderate

Lightning Low

Draconic non

Syl looked a bit dumbfounded when she saw Alex results, he grinned a bit sheepishly and shrugged. Ranulf looked through all our results and grinned, "These lovely ladies sure do be havin' some thorns attached, normally this would be where we conduct the spar part o the test each would spar against an A rank of similar skill set. But in this case I'll be flagging it as I'm aware of who ye are and who trained yus all in combat I would rank ye all at around mid to high level combatants but ye still be wet behind the ears and need to build up some experience so Ill set yer ranks at the C level", Ranulf grinned

As for you boyo, I've seen your matches in the arena and I witnessed all four of your death matches, so I know the difference between the strength you put on display and that which hide away and I would like to fight ye meself, would ye be willing lad?".

"Friendly spar or intent to kill?".

"Come at me hard boyo I want to see what ye can really do", Ranulf grinned

"We may want to relocate to somewhere less destructible good chance we will cave the place in", stated Alex.

Ranulf nods, "Follow me well do this on the mage testing ground".