Adventurers, gear and revelations oh my

After saying their goodbyes the groups went their respective ways when the arrived back in the guild Ranulf gave some instructions to Syl and headed off to clean up his ragged appearance drawing the gazes of the passing by adventurers wondering what on earth happened to their guild master.

Syl turned to the group and let them know it will take about 3 hours to prepare all their IDs and told them they could wait here and order food and refreshments or comeback later.

Alex looked at the girls, "We should probably use the time to stock up on equipment we will need like food and camping supplies. Anyone have anything specific they need?".

The girls shook their heads.

"We will be back to grab the ID's later then Syl"

Syl nodded and escorted to the main room, "I'll see you all later then".

It was a little more crowded than when they left but still far from being even half full.

From behind them they heard a voice call out, "Hey there cutie let me show you aro.."

The person didn't even get to finish his sentence as Kayla slid backwards ramming her elbow into the put his stomach grabbing the arm that had been reaching for her she spun and twisted flinging the man face first into the floor knocking him out cold.

A round of cheers sounded out from the nearby adventurers, "About time he got his lesson, maybe now the handsy prick will keep it to himself" one fellow called out.

Kayla smiled at the outburst and did a small bow to the crowd.

"Smooth moves Kayla" called out Alex

"Of course, I'm not some delicate little wall flower after all", she grinned at him then she ran up to him and soundly kissed him getting the message out that she was taken.

Whistles and cheers came from the crowd at the kiss.

Slightly flushed from excitement at the brief scuffle and kiss, she dragged Alex out the door while Anna and Lily giggled at her antics.

As the door closed behind them one of the adventurers called out to the clerk. "Oi Carl who was that lot?".

"You know I can't give out private knowledge".

"Skip the act and spill"

Carl grinned, "Ok the three ladies have all been assessed by the guildmaster himself as C class adventurers", a murmur swept around the room, "they are also all engaged to that young man". Groans and boos swept the room.

"As for the young man he just beat the guildmaster in a spar and is going to be an A class adventurer". The room went silent at that proclamation.

"My advice is to pass the word around not to mess with that group and try be on friendly terms if at all possible", said Carl solemnly. The crowd nodded.

Given the propensity of adventurers to travel and being a bunch of gossips news got around fast that there was group of 4 new adventurers a guy and three ladies that were absolutely not to be messed with.

The group of four headed out into the city to look for supplies, given they were at the adventurer's guild it wasn't very surprising there were several shops nearby that catered to their needs. They entered a nearby general goods store and requested one large tent and 4 smaller ones, cooking utensils and a variety of other gear that may be needed, when presented with the list the shopkeeper asked if they were going on a camping trip, Alex replied smilingly no they were a new adventurer team just waiting on their IDs, he also questioned a good armour shop as the girls were all in need of such things. The shopkeeper nodded and directed them to a blacksmith who while not the most popular did good custom work rather than mass produced goods, he then suggested that they would probably need to wait a while for the armour to be completed that they come back tomorrow to pick up the stuff as it would take him a while to get everything together. The group agreed and headed off towards the smithy.

They wandered around in no particular hurry as it had only been about thirty minutes since the left the guild, eventually they found the smiths shop it was neat and well kept as they entered the all started to browse the goods on display, everything looked to be well made. Nodding his head at the quality of the gear Alex headed to the store counter. The counter was manned by a young elven boy who was looking at the girls in rapt fascination as they browsed. Smiling he knocked on the counter top to get the lads attention, "Could I ask you to get the master smith I would like to order some custom gear".

The young boy scampered out the back.

Shortly an elven man came out from the back soot smearing his face and arms which displayed a large musculature common in smiths but not so much among elves. Alex who had been watching the girls turned around at the man's approach to greet him.

The elven man took one look at Alex then immediately bent down on one knee and exclaimed out "My lord".

Alex frowned and the girls noticing what was going on started to drift over.

Alex stepped around the counter and reached down pulling the man up, "I am no lord, I'm just a newly minted adventurer looking to get some equipment sorted out for his fiancés, the general good store directed me your way".

The smith looked visibly shaken staring at Alex if not quite sure what to believe, "Forgive me sir you just happen to look very much like a person I used to know".

"Just call me Alex" waving off the case of mistaken identity, although curious now wasn't the time to start interrogating the fellow.

The smith nodded, "My name is Alos what can I do for you Alex".

"I'm looking for some armour for these young ladies, custom fit, as well as whatever weapons they prefer".

"Ok I'll get my wife to come take their measurements then we can discuss the style and functionality", Alex agreed and the man left to get his wife.

A few minutes later Alos returned with his wife, the moment she saw Alex her eyes widened but her husband must have warned her before hand as she didn't kneel like he had, looking at the young ladies she gestured to them to follow her out back.

The girls followed her into a room out back that looked like it belonged to a tailor. "I'm Eliseia", the smiths wife introduced herself, "Which one is up first don't be shy" a motherly smile on her face.

Lily stepped up and Eliseia began taking her measurements, as they chatted amongst themselves and by the time it was the last person to get measured they were all quite comfortable with each other

"You all seem all seem to be more friendly towards each other then a normal adventurer group did you all grow up together?", Eliseia queried.

"Un" they all replied in the affirmative, "Lily Alec and I all grew up together as babies although Alex was adopted by grandpa" Anna said.

"I met them all when I was nine" chimed in Kayla, "We also happen to be engaged to him as well".

"We? As in all three of you are engaged to that young man out front?". Eliseia gasped.

"How long have you all been together?" prodded Eliseia.

"Anna and I had to separate from him for 5 years when were 12 and we only just reunited recently".

Kayla chirped "I've been with him since I was nine, we went through the academy together", that comment certainly drew some pouts from Lily and Anna.

Eliseia had just finished the last set of measurements dropped the tape, and in a trembling voice, "So he is seventeen and was adopted when he was a baby, who adopted him and where?".

The girls hesitantly looked at the woman who looked like she was about to cry, feeling no bad intent from the woman, Kayla answered, "He was found by their grandfather, the last survivor of a caravan that was massacred in the Dragonmount forest.

Eliseia collapsed to the floor tears streaming down her face, "He lived he is still alive".

"Excuse me, but do you know Alex?" Lily asked hesitantly.

Eliseia nodded her head, with what you just told me of his origins I can be certain who he is because I was there the day he was born, come we need to inform my husband".

The four of them exited the room and came back out to the smithy, Eliseia went straight to her husband while the girls gathered round Alex.

Noticing the strange look on their faces he asked what was wrong, they let Kayla speak who just advised to listen to what Eliseia was going to say.

Eliseia started speaking with Alos "Dearheart you were right about him not being our lord", Alos looked at her quizzically, "He is our lords son, I confirmed it with the girls he was found 17 years ago the final surviving member of a massacred caravan in the Dragonmount forest.

Shock on his face he looked up at Alex from his seat, "No wonder you look exactly like a younger version of him you actually survived, when we heard no word we all despaired, now here you are after 17 years we have the chance to fulfil the oath we pledged".

"Wait hold up, who is we and what oath" asked a visibly agitated Alex, Lily and Anna were holding his hands while Kayla hugged him from behind.

"I'll explain everything but first I must ask you an important question before I reveal everything to you, do you hold the legacy of the dragon tamer as your mother once did?".

Alex thought about what he should do, they obviously knew something of his heritage so keeping it hidden was pointless either way and he couldn't pick up any malice from them, so he answered truthfully "Yes".

"Now I've answered you please tell me what is going on"