History, a fan and frustrations.

Alos indicated for Alex to sit, he did so, and the girls surrounded him, he was grateful for the support they were giving him he imagined he wouldn't be handling it so well if they weren't there to calm him.

"I'll start at the beginning", said as the events unfolded from his mouth and Alex listened.

Alex mother was a half elf of the dragon tamer clan she was called Rinka, his father was a noble of the elven people and inheritor of the house of Brightwood, his name was Landrem. They met each other after the massacre of the dragon tribe, she never told him what she was until the fell in love and got married.

Sadly Landrem had a brother who like many elves was a hardliner for racial purity and isolationism. He was vehemently against such a union but Landrem simply over road him with his authority and nothing could be done. That was until he got help from some of the other hardliners who also weren't happy with bringing what they saw as mongrel half breed into the nobility. They managed to falsify information to indicate the Landrem was conspiring against the elven nation, unable to discredit the so-called evidence Landrem was found guilty stripped of his title and exiled from the elven kingdom along with his family.

Those of us that were still loyal to your parents chose to join them in exile and to be safe we split into different groups one lot headed north to the dwarven territories then back down into Valent. Another group crossed the Icewall mountain range while two more headed down south, one went to the confederation and the last group your group was to round the base of the Icewall mountain range then take the trade routes through the Dragonsmount forest up to Valent. All but your group was confirmed to be fine but you and your parents never showed up we feared the worst, but we couldn't find any news, as time shifted on we all established ourselves here and in the confederacy.

But now you're here alive.

Alex leaned back in the chair and sighed, while he couldn't say his life was ruined after all he was strong had three stunning and caring women as his fiancés a decent fortune to spend he was still rather upset at the elves who had forced his parents to flee their home essentially causing their deaths. While he never placed much importance on his origins, he had always been curious as to who his mother and father were and what situation they must be in to be traveling through that forest with a six-month-old child. While there may be little he could do about the other conspirators against his birth parents there was plenty he could do to his so called uncle which he felt vaguely compelled to if for no other reason than his parents brought him into this world and died to keep him safe.

Coming to a decision Alex looked at Alos, "So what are your plans now that I'm alive?".

"Gather those still loyal to you return to the elven forest and demand you be allowed access to your birth right" Said Alos.

"Wouldn't I just be laughed at?"

Shaking his head Alos explained "Eleven inheritances choose the inheritor, the Brightwood inheritance never chose your uncle even after getting rid of your father, which means it is waiting for it's true inheritor. Your uncle is basically prancing around with a given title without being the true owner of it".

"Oh, just so you know you also have two elven fiancés".

"I have what now?", exclaimed Alex.

"He has what now?", exclaimed the girls.

Eliseia smacked her husbands' shoulder "You could have handled that better".

Alos winced

"You were promised to be engaged to another noble house should they have children of opposite genders, the other was made when we left the elven forest a minor merchant house who stuck with father through everything promised his new born daughters who had arrived about two months after you hand once you grew up", she explained.

Alos chipped in "Honestly we don't know why they never annulled the engagement contracts but your fathers housecarl still has your copies and they indicate the partner contracts haven't be discarded.

"We will deal with these so-called fiancés when we meet them", humphed Anna with Kayla and Lily nodding in agreement.

Alex grinned at the girls, then looked back to Alos, "How long will it take to gather everyone?".

"A week at most, enough time to finish your armour request".

"Very well", Alex stood up "We should return to the guild and get our IDs then it's time to relax".

They exited the smith the sun was sinking in the sky, but it was still plenty bright out. They headed back to the guild Carl was still behind his counter while another counter was manned by an older lady steel grey hair tied up in a bun, reminded Alex a lot of Ms Rightworth.

Carl was already dealing with a group so Alex and the girls headed over the available counter, "Hi, we are here to collect our IDs please".

"Certainly sir may I have your names".

The four of them dutifully responded

"One moment while I go check" and she hurried off.

Alex and the girls waited chatting with each other until the lady returned with a tray bearing 4 brand new IDs, her eyes for some reason were sparkling as she looked at Alex. She handed out the IDs and explained how to use them just hold them like so and place your thumb in the indent the ID will then display the name and rank, each ID is linked to its owner so no one else can activate them.

Alex gave his ID a go pressing down on the indent a projection popped out displaying his name and the fact that he was a class A adventurer, the group dealing the Carl happened to glance over when Alex activated his ID.

"Holy shit how does a newbie like you get a class A designation", yell out one of the group drawing the attention of the now crowded guild building.

Alex shrugged "Beat the guild master at a spar I guess".

"Oh its those guys, that team must not have heard the news yet" the atmosphere went back to normal as everyone turned back to what they were doing.

The girls all tested their IDs grinning in satisfaction as their names popped up with class C displaying. Putting away their ID's the woman behind the counter suddenly spoke up

"Excuse me sir, you are the arena champion Bladedancer correct?".

Alex gave a quick nod

"Can I have your autograph", she requested anxiously, "I have watched all your matches and I'm a huge fan".

Alex grinned, "No problem", took the pen and paper she offered, he asked her name and then made out the autograph to her, she looked overjoyed.

Waving bye he and the girls left the guild, they had already enquired about lodging and food so that is where they headed.

The inn was called the Adventurers Rest and was a huge building that only catered to adventurers that were staying on a long-term basis so you had to pay up a week in advance, which was perfect for them. Entering the building the saw a counter manned by an impressively built looking man. The four of them walked up to the counter.

"A single room for the 4 of us please", requested Alex.

"Please show your guild IDs first sir" the big man asked politely.

The four of them retrieved their ID's and activated them, the mans eyes widened as he saw the classes on display, he quickly returned to normal.

"That's fine, we have plenty of rooms large enough to accommodate the 4 of you will it be a bed each or one bed for all of you", he smirked slightly.

Before Alex could even utter a word

"One bed for all of us, and the room better be sound proofed", all three girls said in unison.

Honestly those three are in synch for the weirdest things Alex through to himself.

The man at the counter just coughed and proceeded to hand them a room key while Alex paid the money, they were advised of the times meals were served Alex thanked the man and the four of them headed up to the room.

The moment they entered the room Kayla activated the sound proofing while Lily and Anna were busy taking turns locking lips with Alex, quickly Kayla joined the action halfway to the bed and halfway undressed Alex suddenly asked

"While I'm not complaining what has gotten you three so eager?".

Anna looked at him, "We haven't had sex since that night of course we are frustrated".

"But I thought if you wanted me to sneak over you would have asked me too, I just assumed you didn't want to do anything in the dorms because we would have kept everyone up".

The three girls all looked at each other dumb founded then burst into giggles.

"Looks like we need to be more open with each other about some things so things like this don't happen in the future", Lily giggled.

Kayla reach around from behind him and stroked his muscular chest, "Of course we want to have sex with you idiot that first night was amazing".

"In that case that case Lily goes first as she went last before", putting words to action Alex wrapped his arms around Lily and massaging her round soft and supple ass and lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

Anna looked at Kayla, "Rock paper scissors for who goes next?"

"Sure, but that's only for his dick I'm still going to join in the fun" Kayla says staring hungrily at Alex.

Very shortly the sounds of moans and cries of pleasure echoed around the room, and lucky for the rest of the inn the sound proofing worked otherwise no one would have gotten any sleep that night.