Meeting new people

The four of them stayed locked up in the room for the next 2 days letting out all their pent-up frustrations. After getting that out of their system they returned to a more normal routine, they even went to the guild a few times just to try out a few jobs to get the feel of how things worked. They didn't take anything that would take them more than a day or two to complete and at the girls request Alex let the do most of the fighting so they could build up experience and polish their skills in real combat. So he would normally observe from nearby calling out helpful bits of advice.

So time passes quite quickly and the day of the meeting arrived, it was to be held later in the day and Alex would meet Alos at his smithy where he would take them all to the gathering. They arrived at the smithy on time and Alos brought them to a carriage that was waiting nearby he brought his son and wife Eliseia along with him. The carriage travelled the streets until it finally left the city after about an hour of traveling they arrived a country estate.

The group disembarked from the carriage and walked to the doors Alos gave Alex a reassuring smile and opened the doors, walking into the foyer they were greeted by a stately looking elf who's face was frozen in shock looking at Alex. He suddenly stepped forward and gave Alex a bear hug, laughing while tears ran down his face.

"Oh my stars you look exactly like him".

Alos smiled wryly at the site, "Alex this is Quintus your fathers former house carl he now works as the head butler for a high-level noble house in Valent".

"Enough with the hugging I'm pleased to meet you as well Quintus", he said prying the elf off.

Laughing Quintus started rapid firing off questions. Alex held up his hand and simply said bring us to the other I will answer all questions there, I'm not a big fan or repeating the same thing ad nauseum.

The old house carl puts a serious look on his face and nods, "Very well young master, this way please".

Alex groaned internally as the appellation appeared.

Reaching the door of the meeting chamber Quintus took a deep breath and pushed open the door, to see a room full of elves of all ages and genders both light and dark elves were present. Alos entered right behind with his family and stood off to the side then Alex entered into the room and the place descended into pandemonium as they all got a good look at me. All the older elves seemed shocked while the younger ones weren't paying attention to him but the women with him, he shook his head wryly.

"Nope won't do I refuse to accept it with such a bland entrance", yelled an ancient looking elf.

Alex looked amusedly at the elder while the elves around him tried to calm him down. To everyone's shock Alex bowed the elder

"I didn't realise I was being judged on my entrance would you mind if made a second attempt?".

"Very well but it will have to be a grand entrance to impress me lad" grouched the elder.

Grinning Alex headed back out and closed the door behind him A few moments later thunderous footsteps could be felt approaching the room, the doors opened as if afraid of his approach, in strode Alex, Adorned in his lightning armour and wind wings, each step sent a tremor though the floor, he stood there in all his majesty golden eyes glowing with power radiating an aura of pride that would bow to nothing, his voice boomed out.

"I am Alex, also known as the Spellblade and the Bladedancer, champion of the Valent arena, adopted grandson of the Golden Dragon King Zakath, disciple of the Omni Magus and Lady Melliandra the reaper of the battlefield. Who are you to judge me little elf?".

Off to the side the three girls were looking at this side of Alex they had never seen before, only Kayla and Lily were close enough to hear Anna mutter, "Oh fuck me I want him in me right now". They both nodded in agreement.

The elder just stared at Alex his eyes glazed and he spoke in a clear voice resounding voice.

"Child born of elf and man but raised and beloved by dragons, he will walk the world and change will follow in his wake, while he will not rule his will shall shape the continent. With one hand will he shelter and the other destroy all that turn their blades against him and his. The only thing waiting those who bar his path to greatness is the cold embrace of death"

The elder collapsed back into his chair panting heavily, "You have finally shown yourself child born of elf and man but raised and beloved by dragons".

Alex pulled back his power slowly reverting to the normal everyday Alex people were used to

"You ok there old one?"

"Never better, that is the second time I have made that particular telling, the first was on the night you were born when I saw you for the first time cradled in your mother's arms" he replied with a surprisingly strong voice.

"Rest now old one, and thanks" Alex patted the elf on the shoulder.

He cackled "Least I could do".

Turning to the rest of the room his golden eyes swept across the room a slight aura of pride leaking out again.

"Well that should settle issues about my heritage what will you do?

As one the older elves knelt and cried out, "My Lord".

Almost as the felt compelled seeing their parents kneel the man who radiated such and imposing aura the elven youth followed suit.

All except one woman who sashayed forward her gorgeous violet eyes locked on to Alex face. She stood at 1.75 meters tall, her pure white hair cascaded down her back reaching the top of her buttocks, her face was beautiful carrying the ethereal look associated with elves with her long pointed up swept ears, and her dark chocolate coloured skin marking plainly of dark elven descent, the thing that really separated her from most other elven women was here breasts unlike most elves who sported modest size in that area this stunning woman's were bigger than Lily and Annas.

She stopped directly before Alex and slowly knelt but unlike the others she instead said "Husband".

Alex kind of figured that would be the case as Alos had warned him one of his elven fiancés would be at the gathering. Alex looked down at the top of the woman's head then he slowly bent down, and gently grasped her upper arms and pulled her upright. She looked up staring directly into his eyes as if searching for something and almost seemed happy that she didn't find it there.

"Alex said softly no one who would be called one of my women ever need kneel to me, we shall discuss the matter of our engagement later and he ushered her to go stand with Lily, Anna and Kayla.

He let silence reign for a short while allowing him to gather his thoughts.

"I will say this now I have no desire to rule over anyone or any place, I will return to the elven forest I will deal with my so called uncle as while I never knew my birth parents it is the least I can do for the people who brought me into this world and died protecting me. By extension if you wish I can bring you all back with me, but I will not stay in the forest I will help set you back up, but I will not rule over you. My only desire is to protect my loved ones and the freedom to go where I please, once I have been where I want, I will settle down and hopefully raise a family.

He turned to Alos "Do they know of my mother bloodline?".

"Yes my Lord"

"Very well seeing you can already guess as two of my fiancés are dragons then I will make it clear I follow in her steps as a dragon tamer, as such when I do settle down the location will be one discussed with the dragons as they do not want the last of the blood line to fade out. Nor see something like the betrayal occur again in the future".

"Knowing all this I feel it best to give you some time to talk about his amongst yourselves, remember I am no Lord I am simply Alex a wandering adventurer I will not compel you to stay or go you have families here now make your own decisions".

Alex turned to look at Quintus, finally with drawing back his aura.

"Quintus can you lead us to a room we can stay in while you all discuss this", he looked at his elven fiancé, "You may as well come with us so we can get to know you and talk about this engagement".

She agreed with a nod of her head.

Quintus stood up and showed them to a nearby study that they could all comfortably rest in.

Once everyone was seated, the dark elven woman spoke before anyone else could.

"Let me introduce myself I am Valeanaria Duedalion daughter of Bouemont Duedalion head of the Duedalion trading company". she bowed her head slightly, "My friends call me Vale" she smiled.

"I assume you wish to ask me why I kept the engagement contract intact correct?"

Alex simply nodded.

"At first I didn't know about it, then when I found out you had been gone for so long I wasn't worried about you showing up and demanding to be you wife so I never did anything, in recent year in all honesty I have used it as a shield of sorts".

"A shield?" Lily queried.

Vale sighed deeply "Not to be boastful but I'm attractive and belong to a rich family who runs a very successful trading company that combination tends to attract a certain type of man, so I used the engagement as a shield to fend off all but the most ardent pursuers".

Alex spoke up, "Do you wish to cancel the contact now that I am alive? I'll be honest you are breathtaking", Vale flushed slightly at the compliment, "but I don't know you and you don't know me so I'm not going to arbitrarily marry you out of some deal our parents made when we were still babes".

Vale looked into Alex eyes, again seemingly searching for something and not finding it.

"You're really telling the truth aren't you", she seemed to almost break down at that point, "your heart burns bright and pure in your eyes, you don't see me as an object of lust and desire to make your own, there is no greed in your eyes like all the rest, you truly care for my well being and opinion." Tears were streaming down her face, everyone was shocked at the sudden change in Vales emotions, Anna and Lily got up and embraced the young woman in a warm hug trying to comfort her.

Alex looked over at Kayla with a confused look on her face she just shrugged back.

Getting up he crossed the room an knelt in front of Vale, an softly took her hands in his not sure what to say in a situation like this he said the first thing that popped in his head, "Don't worry Vale I'll make sure nothing harms you, just tell me what's wrong".

Vale started into his eyes her eyes reddened from the tears gazing into his golden orbs with a cry and more strength than any of them expected Vale barrelled into Alex chest wrapping her arms around him and curling up like a little girl she continued to cry as she said, "Please don't leave me now I've found you".