The Queen is a pervert!

After Levindal calmed down from his outburst, he quickly explained that the Queen had a standing order that any one claiming to be a dragon tamer was to be brought before her as soon as possible.

Alex frowned wondering why on earth the Queen of the elven kingdom would have such a standing order, he wondered if his mother ever met her? Seeing he wanted to be on the Queens good side he thought they may as well go on ahead of the caravan and meet the woman who ruled this land.

Although he didn't like the idea of leaving the girls behind, they should be safe in the caravan guarded by Levindal's troops. Making up his mind to go, he asked how long it would take to reach the palace, he was informed if they rode light through the night they should arrive in the morning. Turning to the girls he gave each of them a hug and a kiss, "Stay safe".

Just before he departed Kayla spoke up, "You should take Vale with you, her ability will allow you to find out anyone who has hidden animosity towards you and protect you from those hidden in the shadows",

Vale nodded her head determinedly. Seeing her wanting to help even though he was aware of her discomfort with her powers warmed his heart nodding he and Vale jumped of the wagon. Levindal soon came over to them with a spare mount.

"I thought we were traveling light", he said as he spotted Vale who looked like she would be joining them.

"She is light" Alex replied scooping her up in his arms, she squeaked in alarm and wrapped her arms around his neck, he activated his windwings and electricsteps, "Lead the way, I can't ride one of those things to save myself".

Levindal looked at him skeptically but kept silent as he turned to his lieutenant and made sure his orders were clear then galloped off with Alex keeping pace beside him. Vale and Alex chatted away as he ran, he found this quite good practice at helping his mastery of both skills as time went on. Alex caused quite the stir as they passed through a village, the warning horn sounded out to clear the main road, the villagers promptly moved out of the way to let them through, they soon saw the captain on his horse galloping at speed then they noticed the figure of a man carrying a woman in his arms, green wings flowing behind him and electricity dancing around his legs keeping perfect pace with the captain on his mount. They quickly passed through the village leaving a group of very curious elves behind.

Alex asked, "Will your mount be able to travel for so long without stopping?".

"Yes, these fellas are specially bred and trained and can run for two days straight without needing to stop for food, water or rest so long as they are in top condition", he affectionately patted his mount.


"The same can be said about you, not only are you keeping pace seemingly with no strain at all you are also carrying someone", Levindal said a hint of disbelief evident in his tone.

"Not even my top speed", smirked Alex.

Levindal rolled his eyes at that comment


The journey continued on as night fell Alex noticed the road was actually lightly lit by plants that were from the side of the road. With no delays or incidents they travelled through the night bantering between the three of them. Alex and Vale found out that Levindal was married and had a three-year-old son. As the sun crested the horizon they arrived at the gates of the palace, although large village would be a better description.

Greeting the gate guard they were let inside where someone took Levindal's mount away to be rested. Putting down Vale, who was quite reluctant, the three of them walked to the main palace building. Upon entering Levindal led them to a waiting room and advised them he would report to the queen and come and get them when she was able to see them.

Shortly a maid arrived with some refreshments for them while the waited, they whiled away the time chatting and looking around the room. Alex was currently seated on the sofa while Vale was looking out the window when a door on the other side of the room flew open and a young woman bounced in, she was only about 1.7 meters in height with long blond hair done up in twintails and sparkling blue eyes.

"Yay nephew discovered", she cried out happily and leapt over to where Alex was sitting launching herself on to his lap as she gave him a big hug. After releasing him from the hug she pulled back and bombarded him with questions, Vale stared at the sight and giggled at the look on Alex face.

"Oh who is this" the young woman turned to look at Vale.

"Hello, I'm Valeanaria, your nephews fiancé, it's nice to meet you".

The young woman looked on approvingly as Vale called Alex her nephew, "Good girl I approve", she switched back to Alex and with a sly look, "So nephew already is already attracting the ladies".

Coming out of his daze over the sudden turn of events, he gently picked up the young woman and placed her sitting on the couch as he replied, "Indeed Vale here is the fourth to fall into my nefarious clutches", he smirked.

She smacked him on the arm "You should ask before moving a lady like that", then she shook her hand in pain, "What are you made of she said and started poking his arms and chest, how are you this solid, take your top off Aunty has to check her nephews growth", she demanded.

"I refuse".

She pounced on him trying to pull his top up, "Refusal denied".

Such was the situation that greeted Levindal when he entered the room, Alex trying to stop the surprisingly strong young woman from stripping his top off with Vale almost bent double with laughter. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He coughed politely.

"What exactly are you doing your Majesty?"

Alex stopped dead in his tracks and Vale stopped laughing and looked stunned at Levindal.

"Chance!" the Queen yelled out and in one smooth motion stripped the shirt off of Alex, "Nice distraction Levi", she threw him a thumbs up.

Turning back to Alex her eyes widened as she saw his sculpted toned and lean musculature you could almost see the muscles ripple as he moved, fascinated the Queen poked his chest, his pectoral twitched at the surprise touch, the Queen gulped and looked at Vale, "Do you get to play with this?".

Blushing Vale just nodded her head.

"Lucky girl"

Levindal just rolled his eyes and face palmed, "Your majesty please stop drooling over your nephew and return his shirt".

"Such a party pooper Levi", but she gave Alex his shirt

Alex stood up and stepped away slightly to put the shirt back on.

"By all that is holy even his back is amazing, it should be illegal to have a body that sexy".

Alex almost face planted at that comment and swiftly pulled his shirt on.

"Apologies for her majesties mercurial behaviour she has been under a lot of stress recently", explained Levindal.

"It's fine I just wasn't expecting to be molested by royalty today, I'll just chalk it up as a new experience" Alex smirked. Out of curiosity how exactly are we related?".

"That's a conversation to be held somewhere else". She got up and gestured for them to follow as just practically skipped to the door she entered in from.


"My lord a report has come in, a caravan managed to pass the border a few days ago and is making its way toward Brightwood, it is currently under escort from a troop of cavalry. Also a man matching the description that was passed out was seen entering the palace an hour ago he only had the elven woman with him we are assuming the other three are still with the caravan".

A sigh escaped the mans lips, "Any other news?".

"No my lord".

"Very well, your orders stand as they were, observation only do not make a move on the caravan or the young man nor the young elven woman with him no matter what happens, if we hurt or kill any of them we will bring a disaster crashing down upon our heads."

"Yes my lord".

"You may leave", he said sighing in frustration, the arrival of the boy turned everything on its head, whoever he chose to side with would be at the advantage, he considered targeting the women, but he heard what had happened to those that attempted such a thing and he wanted to stay if not on his good side at least out of his ire for as long as possible.