Meeting the guardian dragons

The Queen led Alex and Vale through the palace and into a massive courtyard where a tree stood in the centre, it wasn't as tall as the trees out in the forest it seemed to have stopped growing at the perfect height to provide shade for the old couple sitting at a table having tea and chatting.

"Come I'll introduce you" the Queen gestured for them to follow.

As he got closer, he felt his blood call out to them cluing him in that they were both dragons. Apparently feeling the call they both turned to look directly at Alex.

"My my What do we have here, it has been a long time since I felt as strong a call from a dragon tamer such as the one you are putting out now" the woman chuckled.

"Indeed it is a strong blood call this one has, we had better advise the all the parents with whelplings at the appropriate age to keep them away or they will end up bonded in a nonce", the man laughed as he teased the young dragon tamer.

Alex flushed slightly out of embarrassment, "Sorry I don't know how to control it".

"Don't worry dear we are only teasing you, the blood call is natural and instinctive there is no way to control it, so no need to be embarrassed young one". the woman said soothingly.

Alex sighed in relief.

"Where is Landrem and Rinka why are you not with them?" the woman asked curiosity evident in her voice, Alex frowned slightly while the Queen paled.

"They both died 17 years ago". Alex calmly stated

"What!", they both looked furiously at the Queen, "We told you to exile them not execute them Auralana".

"I did" the Queen exclaimed, "They just vanished without a trace during their journey to Valent, we never heard from them or found any hint of what happened".

"Why didn't you inform us", snapped the woman

The Queen lowered her head and muttered, "Because we had no idea if they were alive or dead we chose not to involve you".

"We shall speak of this later young lady", the woman spoke in an authoritarian manner.

"Now perhaps you can fill us in on what happened, the woman gestured at Alex to take a seat, he held Vale's hand as he moved forward, the couple realise the girl was with Alex and not the Queen.

"Who might you be dearie?", the woman looked at Vale and asked.

Vale bowed politely "My name is Valeanaria Duedalion, I am Alex's fiancé".

"Pleased to meet you dear, come have a seat with Alex", she turned to look at the Queen and Levindal, "You two be about the business of the kingdom you have a rather large mess to sort out if I remember correctly".

Showing an unroyal pout the Queen flounced out of the courtyard with Levindal in tow.

They both sighed "Will that girl never grow up she has been like that for the past 50 years".

The old couple turned its attention fully to Alex and Vale, "So a young dragon tamer with an empath for a fiancé, how truly interesting", the old man said, "we will get to that in a minute introductions first, has you have probably realised we are the guardian dragons of the elven kingdom, I am Ramistol, and this is my wife Kelrina".

"It's a pleasure to meet you both", said Alex and Vale.

"Likewise" smile Ramistole, "Now before we get down to brass tacks I assume you want to know what I meant by empath yes?".

Both of them nod in the affirmative.

"Empath is a catch all term used for anyone that is capable of sensing the emotions of another through any means", you young missy there unless I am very much mistaken is an empath, one who probably reads people by looking in their eyes from the way she behaves".

Vale spoke up, "How can you tell".

The couple smiled at her, "Dear we are old as can be we have seen thousands of years of history we have met other like yourself, some came to terms with their powers and learned to control them, others let their powers consume them, all the advice I can give you is those that learnt control learnt acceptance first".

Vale thanked them and seemed to be lost deep in thought.

"Now young Alex why don't you regal us with your tale and tell me what happened to my little Rinka".

Alex took a deep breath and began the story about how Zakath had found the caravan massacred and adopted him, Kelrina had unshed tears in her eyes, of his upbringing and training at the hands of the Omni Magus and Lady Melliandra, his stay at the academy and his eventual run in with the exiled elves who had accompanied his birth father.

"So little Zak took you in huh, he always was a good kid, a bit to nosey at times but his heart was always in the right place, I heard he has granddaughters now, how are they?", asked Kelrina.

"Last I saw them they were fine, heading to Brightwood in the same caravan I came in, I can bring them to visit if you want".

"Why are they traveling with you young Alex? Given Zak's protective nature I would assume he wouldn't let them out from under his snout", snorted Ramistol

"I'm engaged to them".

"My my aren't you quite the ladies man stealing the granddaughters of the golden dragon Zakath", teased Kelrina, "Any more fiancés?".

Alex really didn't want to say, but he know it would come out eventually, "One more she is Kayla the daughter of Lady Melliandra".

"Ladies man indeed, you're going to have a fun time when you travel to the beast tribes", chuckled Ramistol.

"Why is that?"

"You are engaged to the daughter of the strongest fighter among the beast tribes, there will plenty of warriors challenging you for the right to take her for themselves".

"Then there will be a lot very disappointed warriors once we leave there", growled Alex.

"That's some confidence you have there young Alex, hopefully it doesn't cost you your fiancé".

Alex grinned, "Unless they can compete with Aunt Melli I have nothing to worry about, while she can trounce me is straight up martial combat even she has admitted she wouldn't to face me using my full strength".

"Oh, I'm getting curious now care to indulge this old man in a spar?".

"No problems we probably don't want to do it here".

"No fret I will put up a barrier for you two battle maniacs", sighed Kelrina.

The two of them stood 20 meters apart and waited until the barrier was in place, Alex and Ramistol took a stance and stared at each other".

"Go at full power from the start kid or you're going to get hurt".

Alex nodded, lightning covered his body and his windwings unfolded, his eyes became serious. Ramistol's last thought was that maybe he had made a mistake.


Alex vanished Ramistol felt a hand grab the back of his neck, "You lose" sounded out in a calm tone. Ramistol broke out in a cold sweat this kid wasn't over-confident he had every right to that confidence, he suddenly thought of the trail of carnage this boy would leave behind when he eventually visited the beast tribes. He kind of wished he could see it unfold.

They all sat back down while Kelrina ribbed her husband constantly much to the amusement of Alex and Vale. The dragons asked what Alex's plans were in the elven kingdom, he told them about his plans to deal with the highlords who had forced his parents into exile with their schemes and just to look around really.

"Oh yeah something I meant to ask, what is my relation to the Queen she kept calling me her nephew".

"Well she is, your mother's father was Auralana's brother".

"Well she seems nice enough a bit weird though". Thinking back the incident in the meeting room.

"She has her quirks, but I think it is time to get back to your caravan as they will be arriving in Brightwood by time you catch up", they called a maid to take them back to Levindal.

Shortly after they departed Ramistol turned to his wife, "So what's your impression?".

"I think the telling wasn't false he truly will shake the world with his travels and I think the world will be better for it, those beast tribes are in for a beating that's for sure", she grinned,

The maid brought the pair straight to Levindal, who just looked up grabbed his gear and headed for the door.

Alex grinned, "I'm assuming the rush is to stop my aunt finding out we are leaving until after we are already gone?".

Levindal simply nodded and proceeded to the exit, he was handed a fresh mount as he mount Alex picked Vale up as his wings unfolding and sparks gathered on his legs, they set off to catch up with the others.