
As there was no urgency to return to the caravan Alex and company didn't pull an all night dash, stopping when night fell they made camp off the road, setting up the tents they wished each other a goodnight, not worried about a lookout in the slightest.

Alex and Vale entered the tent, unexpectedly Alex felt a tug on his hand, turning to Vale he had a questioning look on his face, Vales violet eyes glimmered in the darkness as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head to hers kissing him deeply. Alex snaked his arms around her waist and returned the kiss with a passion his tongue snaked into her mouth as his hands made their way to her round supple backside and began massaging it, Vale groaned into his mouth. Separating their lips Vale whispered into his ear, "Sound barrier", Alex movements paused briefly as a barrier popped up around the tent, all rational thought fled their minds as they both indulged in each other's bodies and cries of pleasure resounded out.

Morning arrived as the three of them climbed out of their respective tents, Levindal smirked at the couple, "Have a fun night?".

They both blushed slightly.

"A sound barrier going up shortly after a couple enter a tent together only means two things either there is about to be on hell of an argument or sex and given how the young miss here has been looking at you like a predator staring at prey since the Queen stripped your shirt off I'm pretty sure it wasn't an argument".

Vale's blush deepend.

"Ahhh youth", he laughed openly, "if we keep the pace we did yesterday we will probably arrive shortly after the caravan does in Brightwood".

They packed up the camp and proceeded on their way.

During the journey Levindal and Alex discussed the state of Brightwood and what happened after Lord Landrem and Lady Rinka had been exiled. According to Levindal Kaldreth had immediately had him replaced as guard captain of the region with one of his own men, things declined from there he refused to hire in a new blacksmith with Alos gone and started making demands of the village, until the day Kaldreth who by that point in time had become drunk on what little power he had tried to force himself on one of the village girls, he was stopped before something could really happen but word got back to the Queen and she had him arrested immediately. Such was the current situation.

Late in the morning of the third day they arrived in Brightwood. Alex looked around, it looked like a bigger version of the villages that they had encountered along the way. Dismounting Levindal held onto the reins as he walked through the village, Alex put down Vale who pouted slightly, he just grinned gave her a quick kiss and grabbing her hand walked into the village with Levindal. Nearing the village centre they heard raised voices, wondering what was going on they hurried towards the ruckus.

Rounding the corner they saw the wagons parked up in the village centre a troop of guards standing in front the girls and newly returned exiles, while the villagers huddled around the edges looking on with worry etched in their faces. Strangely Levindals troops were nowhere to be seen. Just as they took in the situation one of the guards lunged at Kayla a leer on his face, he was met with a jab then a right hook, Kayla then slid to the right and her knee buried itself into his gut, pivoting on her foot she spun a full circle her as she raised her leg above her head then slammed it down on the guards head, who was promptly rammed face first into the ground as unconscious as they come, she hopped back to the side of Lily and Anna ready to attack should any of the other guards get any funny ideas.

The guard captain grinned, "You just assaulted a member of the guard missy now we have every right to arrest you".

"Oh please," responded Kayla, "That piece of filth insulted me then tried to molest me".

"What is going on here", a voice resounded out.

Everyone turned to see three people walking into the village centre, the girls and exiles eyes all lit up upon seeing Alex had returned


The guards and villagers looked at the spitting image of their exiled lord, many thinking that their lord had actually returned himself, Alex's small group moved towards the altercation, when they reached the girls he let go Vales hand and gave each them a quick hug and kiss, "Smooth moves", he whispered to Kayla as he hugged her", She grinned at him.

"Now then let's get things settled", said as he turned to face the guard captain, "These people are under my protection, that means should anything bad happen to them I take your head as the apology".

"You have no rights here mixblood", he sneered at Alex.

"Actually I have all the rights here", his voice rose and boomed around the village, I am Alex the son of Lord Landrem and Lady Rinka and I have returned to reclaim what is rightly mine from my scum of an uncle, should any stand in my way be prepared to forfeit your life for doing so".

Lowering his voice back to a more normal level, "Does that make things clear enough for you?".

"You will pay for this," the guard captain spat out, turning on his heel he left the area with his troops.

Alex turned to Levindal, "Any chance your troops would leave the caravan alone before you came back?".

"None" he responded adamantly.

"That would mean someone with higher authority ordered them elsewhere", Alex shrugged, "I already know I have at least one highlord I have to deal with no point in fretting over it I guess".

The villagers began to shuffle over once the guards were gone, many of the former exiles recognized people among the villagers and very soon everyone was talking to each other exchanging news and stories. Alex gestured Quintus over to him, can you get someone to organize getting everyone settled then we will head up to the mansion. Quintus nodded heading over to Alos who was standing with his family talking animatedly to a group of elves who all seemed to know him. Exchanging a few words, Quintus came back over to Alex and they headed towards the mansion along with Levindal and the girls.

They entered the grounds and walked up to the front door, not bothering to knock Alex pushed open the door and strode right in. Looking around, the place seemed deserted.

"Seems kind of empty", Kayla muttered.

"The servants all left once Kaldreth was arrested, he wasn't exactly the kind of person who inspired loyalty". Levindal informed everyone.

Alex turned to Quintus, "Let's get this inheritance thing out of the way".

Quintus led them to a room in the basement, it was a simple room with an altar in the centre of it, "The process is fairly simple, just place your hand on the altar and state your name and birth parents then allows trickle of mana into the alter, should accept you as the Lord of Brightwood the mark will appear on your forehead".

Alex stepped up the altar and placed his hand on it, "I am Alex son of Landrem and Rinka", he spoke out and then injected the mana into the altar, he felt a something strange a connection to the elven forest all of a sudden as if he had become connected to everything all at once, it only lasted for a brief moment, then he felt a comfortable heat blossom on his brow, the heat faded after a short while leaving Alex feeling very refreshed. He knew something had changed within him but he couldn't pin down the change, it was as if something that had always out of reach was now within his grasp if someone showed him the way. He shook off the feeling and turned back to look at the waiting group of people.

The Anna, Lily and Kayla all looked curiously at the symbol now prominent on their lovers forehead, it was a small crimson dot surrounded by six deep purple rhombus arranged like petals on a flower, it seemed to deepen his already exotic and attractive features as if it always belonged there.

Quintus Levindal and Vale on the other hand were all in complete shock at what they were seeing, a single green rhombus indicated a lord a single dark purple rhombus indicated a highlord, they had no idea what they were seeing but it contained six dark purple rhombus meaning he stood above all the highlords combined.

"It suits you" Anna chirped out, Lily adding her agreement, "Very handsome".

"Could you stop getting sexier please, I have hard enough time not dragging you away at the best of times", joked Kayla.

Noticing the looks on the faces of the three elves, he frowned slightly, "Is something wrong", he asked.

Quintus explained about the marks of lords and highlords and the significance of the one he had received.

"Looks like I'm making a trip back to the palace sooner than I thought" Alex said wryly.

Straightening up, Alex seemed to suddenly radiate an aura of authority, "Levindal, I want you to retrieve your troops find out who ordered them away and bring them back here, you will be responsible for guarding Brightwood until this is all sorted out. Also feel free to make sure your family is in safe place put them in the mansion for a while if you like". Levindal bowed "Yes my Lord".

Turning to Quintus, "For you I leave the task of taking your old role and sorting out the damage my useless uncle caused if you feel up to it".

Quintus bowed deeply, "It feels good to have a proper Lord again after so long, you can count on me".

Alex nodded ok lets see if there is anything immediate that needs taking care of and I will take the girls and head to the palace tomorrow.


Ramistol and Kelrina looked at each other as the felt the surge of power that flowed through the forest as if it rejoiced at finding something lost to it, the focal point seemed to be Brightwood.

"Looks like that kid will be back in a few days will be interesting to see what he has done now" chuckled Ramistol

"I hope he remembers to bring the girls with him", mentioned Kelrina