Dragon bond

Everything in Brightwood was sorted without much trouble, the villagers were just happy to be out from under the thumb of those abusive guards. Many of the houses that had been left by the former exiles were still empty so they just cleaned up and moved back in.

By the time night fell Levindal arrived with his troops as well as his wife and son who were promptly settled in the mansion, seeing a light flicker in the girls eyes when the met Levindal's family, I quickly spoke up, "No kids until we settle, after that you can have as many as you want".

The girls blushed at that each lost in her own vision of having little versions of Alex and the imaginer running around.

Levindal and his family headed to bed shortly after dinner, Kayla and Vale also headed to sleep shortly after leaving Anna and Lily sitting with Alex in between them on the couch. The two girls snuggled into Alex enjoying his warmth.

"It's been a while since we last had some time just the three of us", Alex stated and started reminiscing about the past with the girls.

After a while a comfortable silence descended on the room as its three occupants sat their simply enjoying the presence of the other.

Lily spoke, "Alex, Anna and I wish to bond with you", she said with a serious tone. Alex opened his mouth to reply but Lily stopped him, "Before you say anything let us explain what this bond is".

"At it's core the bond is the literal sharing of life force between dragon and another. The dragon will implant their essence in the bond partner and from that point they are inextricably linked, they will be able to talk to each other through the link, always be able to find that person. It will also tie their lifespans together so they both die at the same age, this is the main reason not many dragons bond because they are invariably going to be on the losing side as dragons live for thousands of years where as the next closest is the dwarves who live to around 500".

Seeing a frown on Alex's face Anna spoke up, "Alex you need to understand, when we had our awakening we slept and dreamed for 3 years, the only thing we dreamed about was being with you having a family with you and growing old together with you, we don't want to live in a world where you aren't around".

Alex had never really thought about in terms of lifespan he was technically three quarter elf so his life span would be at most two hundred and fifty years, then he we would pass on leaving Anna and Lily to grieve for thousands of years? He worried about the other girls as he would be saddened as they grew old and passed away but he felt it would be better that the alternative.

"I will bond with you, I love you both from the bottom of my heart and couldn't imagine a world where you both weren't there".

"You're sure?", Lily asked

Alex responded with a deep and passion filled kiss, while she caught her breath he did the same to Anna.

"That's a yes by the way", Alex grinned.

Lily got up and pulled up Alex, while Anna went and locked the door they moved the couch back so they had plenty of room, pulling a roll of material Anna laid it out on the floor the girls then started getting undressed, Alex unsure what was going on just stood there staring.

Lily glanced over, "hurry up and strip". Alex started taking his clothes off.

Soon all three were naked

"Alright Alex, lay in the middle of the fabric", Lily pointed to the cloth Anna had laid out. He nodded and laid down on his back.

This is going to hurt a as we have to cut an incision in your chest to drop the blood essence into but that should be about it, everything we know indicates that once the blood is in there shouldn't be any pain.

Alex nods and watched as Lily and Anna shifted into their demi dragon forms, their wings sprouted from their backs and horns pushed out from their hair scales covered their arms up to their elbows and their hands were a mix of hand and claw lastly they both grew out a tail from the base of their spines.

"Wow", Alex exclaimed, "You both look so beautiful like that, you should definitely spend more time in that form".

They both blushed, "We were worried you wouldn't like these forms so we never showed you until now, "Anna said and Lily nodded.

"Well don't worry you both look amazing, and I suggest you hurry this along because I don't know how long I can stop myself from jumping the both of you", he grinned.

"Once this is done we are all yours" they chorused.

Kneeling down beside him they each jabbed their fingertips and forced a drop of blood essence out, the taking a deep breath they nodded to each other then in one swift motion using their free hand the cut an incision above and below where Alex heart resided, then immediately dripped the blood essence into the respective wounds.

Lily quickly retrieved the medicine she had concocted from her storage bracelet and with Annas help closed the wounds. "Now we just wait, from everything we know it will take about two hours for the essence to merge."

Alex simply nodded his head. Suddenly his face paled as cracking noises started coming from his body, "Thought this wasn't supposed to hurt, it feels like every bone in my body is being broken", he growled out through clenched teeth.

"It shouldn't hurt, all the records and even grandpa said there should be no pain," Lily and Anna started to panic.

Seeing their panicking faces, Alex said through clenched teeth, "I've felt worse training with Aunt Melli don't worry about me".

Then as if to prove the lie a scream ripped from his throat that would have woken the whole village if it hadn't been for the sound barrier. The girls tried to comfort him as best they could tears streaming down their faces as they saw him suffer so much. Suddenly he spasmed into a sitting position his knees tucked into his chest and arms wrapped around his legs. After almost an hour of pure torture the pain had stopped the girls knelt on either side of him and wrapped their arms around him, apologizing over and over.

"It's not your fault girls, I think my tamer blood is a bit special and the mix of dragon essence triggered something and it isn't over yet".

He gently disentangled himself from their embrace and stood up took a step forward and turned to face them he slowly closed his eyes, and feeling the changes that had just wreaked havoc in his body he instinctively knew what to do, so he did it, nothing ventured nothing gained, and he would like to think he went through all that pain for something.

His eyes opened and the girls looked on in shock as his pupils now looked like a dragons, then they noticed the changes taking place on other parts of his body his hands were slowly distending becoming more claw like, scales were spreading up his forearms the could see horns start poking through he hair he hunched forward as the pain from his back made him grunt, suddenly wings burst from his back along with a tail, the sudden release of the pressure caused him to lurch upright rock back his head and roar.

Anna and Kayla looked on in amazed shock there was no records ever of something like this ever happening, the girls didn't even feel a drain on their life as described in the tomes they could feel the link with Alex strongly so the bond had worked but something outside anyone's knowing had taken place and Alex had become a demi dragon with at best guess a full dragons lifespan.

Alex muttered, "This is going to take some getting used to", he flapped his wings a bit and swished his tail.


He looked up as her heard two sweet voices call his name, he froze as he saw the girls still naked in demi dragon form and his blood suddenly roared and started pumping around his body, the two of them walked towards him hips swinging, Alex grinned, "Looks like we are both thinking the same thing".

He reached out and pulled them both into his embrace and kissed both of them, things got out of control very quickly.

The next morning Alex was woken up to a loud knocking he got up from the tangle of limbs tails and wings while the girls groaned, "Who's there he queried when he reached the door, "It's Kayla and Vale", came the reply, he unlocked the door and stood behind it until the both entered they were so preoccupied by the sight of the naked demi dragons they didn't pay any attention to Alex as he closed and locked the door.

Hearing the lock click they both turned to see Alex there, "Alex?!"

"Yo", he smiled lifting a hand

"Don't Yo me what the hell happened after we went to bed", Kayla almost yelled.

"Well that's quite the story you se…".

"Put some pants on first seeing you naked in that form is making horny as hell, shit you look sexy to me no matter what you are look like", grumped Kayla.

Vale giggled at Kayla but couldn't help to think that the current Alex was every bit as attractive as his normal form.

He grabbed his pants and put them on, lucky the tail is high enough to get the pants up high enough, once he had his lower half covered, he helped Anna Lily wake up, they chose to stay in demi dragon form, lucky for them their clothes already took into account their draconic appendages.

Once everyone was at least semi decent and the room had been tidied up Alex sat on the couch not being used to his wings a tail sitting was quite awkward Kayla and Vale sat on either side of him touching his tail, wings and horns to just to make sure they were real.

The three of them explained what had happened last night to Kayla and Vale, both were shocked at what occurred.

"The problem is while I instinctually triggered the transformation it isn't so easy to revert back again, so for the time being I'll be in this form".