
Lily looked at Alex, "Does this mean that when you are in human form your dragon blood is submerged leaving you with draconic magic but poor affinity and when you shift to your demi dragon form your dragon aspect become dominant boosting your magic affinity".

Alex nodded, "I figured as much as far as the affinity side of things, I honestly wasn't expecting the blood lines swapping dominant positions with each other, I'm not sure what impact that may have on other things".

"Well lets head back and get my mana awakened", Kayla said looking excited at the prospect of having magic.

Everyone agreed and they all headed back out. Alex thanked the clerk on the way out, as they passed the job board a voice called out, "Excuse me are you by chance an adventurer group heading out anywhere?".

Alex turned to the voice and saw that if came from the robed and hooded person who was checking out the job board, it was hard to tell the gender due to the baggy robe but the voice sounded feminine but sounded off like it was being distorted.

"I'm afraid not we will be staying in the elven kingdom for at least 6 months", Alex replied.

The hooded figure seemed to slump in dejection, "Why are there no parties letting me join", the figure grumbled.

Vale piped up, "That's probably because you are hiding yourself, no adventurer groups whose lives depend on trusting each other would agree to someone in there group that looks so suspect".

The robe seemed to slump further, "I have a little self confidence issue around strangers and I find this helps me talk to people".

Kayla said with a smile on her face stated, "Hiding from your problem in a robe isn't going to fix it you will have to take the robe off at some point".

Alex nodded and gave the robe his best smile, "Kayla is right, you just need to find the determination to face people and not worry what they think about you".

A flustered silence came from the robe, the entity seemed to find its voice again "B but people always stare at me whereever I go".

Vale joked "Yeah we get that a lot too, Alex especially when he went shirtless for a while".

"The less said about that the better thanks" Alex smirked at Vale and they all laughed.

Alex thought for a minute, "Tell you what if you're still here when we depart and are willing to show us your true appearance, we will accept you into the group until we reach out next destination that has a guild hall, is that ok girls?".

They all nodded, and robe figure agreed.

Ok if you choose to come join us before we leave come to the palace gate and advise the guard that you are looking for Alex, Anna, Lily, Kayla or Vale and they should send someone to get one of us.

They wave bye to the robe.

As they departed the guild the clerk spoke out to the robed person, if you don't mind my advice I would take up their offer that young man is a class A adventurer and a well-known person in his own right.

The robed person stared thoughtfully at the door the group had just departed through.

They walked back to the palace and headed over to see the two guardian dragons, as Alex wanted to ask them about awakening mana in someone older than twelve as well as ask if they would teach him draconic magic. As they entered the courtyard of the pair of dragons they noticed a third figure seated with them, as they got closer they recognized the face of Zakath.

"Grandpa" Yelled out the sisters and ran over as Zakath scooped his granddaughters.

"How are my two little angels he said giving them a big hug and then set them down.

"We have seen so many interesting things and met lots of people" said Anna excited to see her grandpa.

Lily chipped in, "We also both bonded Alex at the same time and had a small accident"

"I'm assuming that because all of you are standing here in one piece everything worked out fine?", Zakath said cocking an eyebrow.

Lily and Anna giggled, "Mostly ok but you will need to see the change it had on Alex".

"Girls you're stealing all the fun", Alex grumped a bit, they both giggled.

"Care to explain Alex, what change exactly" Zakath inquired.

"Oh nothing much I just happen to be part dragon now", Alex smiled.

"You're what!", cried Zakath

"Jeez gramps is your hearing going, part dragon, here let me show you seeing your hearing go so bad", Alex smirked and transformed into his demi dragon form.

Zakath for first time since Alex could remember had nothing to say, he just stood there dumbly not entirely sure what he was seeing, the young boy who he took in out of pity and had turned out to be a dragon tamer, who was everything he would want in a grandson had somehow become at least partially a dragon when bonding is granddaughters. All sorts of thoughts started flying around his brain, could this be something that could always happen with dragon tamers or was it just Alex, to his knowledge of two dragons bonding the same person at the same time had ever been recorded.

He shook his head slightly to clear it of miscellaneous thoughts, "Alex do you have the Draconic affinity now?" he asked.

"Yes, it exists in both forms but in my human form it is low and in demi dragon it is high", Alex responded.

"Interesting" mused Zakath.

"That aside I have a question, do you know how to awake a person's mana who has gone beyond the age of awakening?", asked Alex.

The three dragons gave nod and Ramistol stated explaining the process.

"It's actually a very simple process, a mage of sufficient strength and control fills the man veins of the other and once their veins have been filled it will naturally make the link to the mana reservoir in them. It has a few drawbacks which is why it isn't used very often though. Firstly the two people need to have absolute trust in each other, as the process can end badly for both parties if the person being awoken rejects and fights against the mana coming into their system and that level of trust is hard to reach. It also requires intimate contact with the other through a kiss", Kerlina threw a scathing glance at her husband at that last part.

"I see" said Alex not a hundred percent certain he believed the kiss part. He felt a tugging on his sleeve.

Kayla looked at him with upturned eyes "Can we give it ago pleeeeeease" Kayla asked.

Before Alex could agree Kelrina dropped a bomb, "You too will lock mouths here where we can keep an eye on the process so we can save you should something go wrong. Kayla flushed a little at that and Alex wasn't exactly comfortable kissing Kayla infront of the guardian dragons and his gramps.

Sighing, "Ok then, if you're ok with it Kayla let's get this done".

Kayla just stepped into his embrace wrapping her arms around his head pulled his head down to hers. As the kiss started Alex tapped into his mana and sent a thread of it into Kayla where it started filling her mana veins. Kayla felt his mana intruding into her body she just entrusted her everything to him knowing he would never hurt her, so she just enjoyed the kiss and let Alex do all the work. Kayla's complete trust in him and the comfort of the kiss sped the whole process up a great deal, her passion started to flare as more mana filled her up she tightened her grip on Alex as if trying to merge them together, Alex responded to her demands instinctively while he was busy making sure everything went smoothly. Finally the veins were filled and a strand made a tenuous connection with Kayla's reservoir, once the connection was made Kaylas mana surged and steadily pushed Alex out, the feeling of her mana being awakened made Kayla feel so good she let out a deep moan into Alex's mouth. Getting his mana out was fairly quick process, only taking about 30 seconds to retrieve safely.

Alex gently ended the kiss, but Kayla had totally forgotten where they were, and tried to pull him back into it.

"Kayla we have an audience", Alex whispered to her.

This snapped Kayla back to reality as she realized what she had done, she blushed a deep red.

"Congratulations little kitten you can now start learning magic".

"You're going to teach me your magic aren't you Alex", Kayla demanded.

"Sure thing if I remember right you are lightning attributed so I can show you how to use lightning armour to boost your speed and reactions, just don't do what I did when I first started using it". Alex warned.

A medley of queries rang out about what he did.

Looking somewhat shamefaced Alex replied, "Misjudge the speed boost and run face first into a wall".

Everyone broke into laughter.

As the laughter subsided Vale spoke up, "Can you also unlock my mana Alex?", she blushed as she thought back to what she saw Kayla go through.

"Sure thing", he said stepping over to Vale he hugged her and said just relax and let my mana flow", he lowered his down and kissed her and began the process with Vale with pretty much the same results, a successful awakening and an embarrassed young woman.

Once the process was complete and Vale calmed down, Alex turned to the three senior dragons and bluntly asked, "Will you please teach me draconic magic?".