The Invite

Zakath, "Yep".

Ramistol, "Sure".

Kelrina "No problems kiddo"

"Well that was anticlimactic", Alex stated, "I was expecting all sorts of conditions and restrictions".

"Nope, you're a dragon now kid welcome to the family", chortled Zakath.

"Well there is one stipulation", he continued, "you cannot teach others and no one can be around while you are being taught, I don't want someone killing themselves trying to mimic what we will be doing"

"How long are you staying for gramps?", asked Alex

Zakath pondered, "I'll probably stay to help train you and leave when you head of to your next destination".

"You can use the courtyard next door for your normal magical training and we will train you in draconic magic here, now off with you and get your two new mages up to speed we will start draconic magic in the morning", advised Kelrina.

Alex and along with Kayla and Vale headed to the courtyard next door while Anna and Lily stayed with Zakath.

The five dragons started discussing various topics and Anna and Lily relayed their adventures to their grandfather.

Next door, things weren't going quite as expected, as shortly after entering the courtyard closing and locking the door so no one accidently walked in and got a spell to the face, Kayla and Vale jumped Alex and were currently in the process of divesting him of his clothes, Alex mentally shrugged and started stripping them back while quickly popping up a sound barrier. A couple of hours later after both the girls were satiated, Alex asked what had brought that on.

"What do you think, we locked lips for a good 5 minutes straight and the feeling of your mana washing out my mana circuits and awakening me was euphoric it felt almost as good as what we just did". Kayla grinned at him.

"Well at least you guys just got horny from the awakening, when I awakened mine I instantly cast a fireball and zeroed out my mana and collapsed.

The girls laughed at that, "I think I remember Anna and Lily mentioning that at one point", Kayla claimed

"Ok let's get dressed before I get distracted", he said as he got up, they clambered back into their clothes and began their lesson on magic, he pretty much outright copied Uncle Hubert's first lesson except placing much more focus on the imagination and intent side of things. He pretty much told them he learnt the basics from Hubert and worked his way from there, Hubert pretty much just acted as guide and answered the odd question so Alex told the girls they should follow their own path but to be truly strong in magic is to create your own.

Magic didn't need to be about big flashy movements he explained even the smallest thing could tip a fight in your favour, a small patch of ice placed under the foot of your opponent or rise or dip on what was once flat ground to trip your opponent up. He got them to try materializing a small orb of their various affinities, which they took to with great excitement. Perhaps due to the way he awakened them he was particularly sensitive to their mana movements and could help guide them easily. After a couple of hours practice both the girls could form a small elemental ball for each of their elements.

"Well girls that's the basics of the basics you are able to form an object using your mana, from this point forward its up to you to decide how you want to develop. I'll teach you about internal magics like my lightning armour once you have reached a certain point in control of your mana, otherwise you will injure yourself trying to use it". Alex finished up the lesson.

We should probably get back to the others we have been gone for quite a while now its probably close to dinner", as if on queue Alex's stomach rumbled.

The trio headed back next door, to see only the old couple sitting there, after asking where the others were and finding out Zakath was being shown around the palace by his granddaughters they decided to meet them in the dining hall. They were the first to arrive, they took their places at the table chatting about magic while they waited on the others to appear. Sure enough a short while later Zakath Lily and Anna all appeared and joined them at the table.

As they sat down Zakath spoke up, "So I hear you deposed 4 highlords, are now holding the position of grand highlord and are capable of using tactical class spells now?

Along with being a demi dragon, its been a busy time since leaving the academy I'll say that never a dull day", grinned Alex.

By all the ancestors you haven't been out of the academy a year yet and you have accomplished more in that time than many do in their lifetime, Slow down or you won't have anything left to do in a few more years". Zakath said jokingly.

"Well we will have to see what the messenger from the beast tribes has to say tomorrow, hopefully the moron is clever enough to keep his mouth shut", Alex said.

Ah yes I heard about that incident I wouldn't worry about killing the idiot the king only really worries about the heir and that daughter of his", Zakath advised.

Dinner arrived and conversation stopped while everyone ate, Alex who was still hungry from his long sleep ate about twice as much as anyone else.

Once dinner was finished everyone retired to the study to chat then slowly dispersed to their rooms, Kayla and Vale hung back a bit holding Anna and Lily back as well, and whispered something to them, the sisters blushed a bit then ran up to Alex and dragged him into his room closing the door behind them.

"Tonight we have you to ourselves", Anna chirped

"They told us about the session you had before magic practice so tonight we got you", Lily agreed.

Alex grinned and stripped of his shirt then transformed into his demi dragon from, "Lets make the most of it then my two little dragonlings"

They quickly divested themselves of their tops and transformed as well eyes glowing with undisguised lust at the man they adored as he stood before them, They found him attractive in his human form but this demi dragon form of his always sent them over the edge. Alex kept rational just long enough to secure a sound barrier before he lost him self to his carnal side with his beloved dragonlings.

Everyone met up downstairs the next morning for breakfast after washing up. They all discussed their plans for the day. Kayla and Vale were of course going to be practicing magic,

Anna and Lily would accompany Alex while he waited on the beast kin envoy to arrive which hopefully shouldn't be too long after breakfast, Zakath would overlook the two aspiring mages and make sure they didn't blow anything up.

Once everything had been sorted they all went on their way. Once Alex and the sisters reached the audience chamber they spotted the beast kin group being brought in. Nice timing thought Alex. They headed in through a side entrance.

The Queen saw them come in and waved them over, "Nephew", she tried to stand up but her aide firmly clamped down in her shoulder keeping her in place.

"Party pooper" the Queen said, "Oh by the way nephew the playmates from yesterday are here again".

"I know, I saw them entering out front", he grinned, "Lets see what they have to say this time and if the moron prince can keep himself under control".

"Show them in", the Queen called out to the guard who promptly vanished and came back in a short while later with the beast kin trailing behind him.

"Greetings your Majesty and of course you Lord Alex, due to the unfortunate circumstances of yesterday I failed to introduce myself I am called Remmel", he bowed, "My king sent me to meet with you in order to invite you to visit the beast kingdoms as he has heard much about you from his sister Lady Melliandra and would like to meet you in person. As it would happen the request coincides with the great games an event that is only held every five years to determine the strongest among us.

The King recognizes you as the former arena champion in Valent as well as the disciple of his sister and is willing to allow you entry into the games if you so desire.

Alex looked interested and asked a couple of pertinent questions, "I'm assuming magic is a no no but what about body trans morphing skills?".

"You are correct about the ban on using magic it is all fought with pure skill at arms, as for body trans morphing of that I am not sure there are those among the beast kin who do have transformations and it has never been disallowed.

"I see" said Alex, "well just checking about that as I do have one and it isn't magical in nature it, so I was curious. Now when is all this all taking place, and how long will it take to get there?

The great games are still a while off about a year and a half, and taking the normal travel route it would take about two weeks to reach the beast tribe capital but there is teleportation services to the capital from here, so you have options", Remmel explained.

Very well we accept the invitation although I'm unsure if I will partake at this point in time but knowing myself I probably will", Alex grinned.

"I will relay the affirmative response to his majesty". He bowed and left with his escorts.

*Well next destination is decided then until then we will just relax here train and take in the sights*, Alex thought to himself.