
The door to the cell opened setting them free not that they couldn't have just left any time they wanted, the group stepped out of the cell. Kayla and Melliandra went off to the side to start catching up. The King looked at Alex smiling, "So what's this I hear about you murdering a team of royal guards?".

Alex repeated what he had just told Melliandra about the encounter outside the city, he even presented the squad leaders head for identity. The King frowned at the sight of the head, he knew this particular person, the now dead man had a trail of incidents where he used his position to bully people, he was already on report and was looking to be court martialed if he had kept his ways up. Unfortunately for him he encountered Alex.

Alex began introducing the King to everyone, everyone bowed and greeted the King, when he got to Rose the King was surprisingly already familiar with the robed girl.

"Your father is still waiting an answer little Rose" said the King.

Rose, looked up a the king, "Tell my father he should have thought of the consequences when he allowed the family to disown me and never made any attempt to even see how I was until now, I will not return to the family who abandoned me just because they have run into some trouble", she took a deep breath. "I've found the place I belong and I have no intention of leaving it ", her eyes briefly flickered to Alex at that last statement. It was quick but the King caught it and sighed internally thinking about the reaction his old friend was going to have after learning his daughter refused to acknowledge the family and had her eye on a young man. He also noted Rose had changed drastically from their last meeting, she now had the hood down and looked straight at him no trace of anxiety or fear, nothing like the stuttering mess who hid inside the robe.

"Very well little Rose I will relay your message back to your father", he turned back Alex, "Now how about a spar, I've been dying to have one with you ever since Melli told me about you". He grinned.

"No I get first spar with Alex you will have to wait your turn", called out Melliandra from the side.

The King humphed "No fair you know I've been waiting to spar with young Alex here and after hearing he killed a group of guard without breaking a sweat I want to even more".

"No is no Rak, he is my student so I get preferential treatment", the deadpan stoic face made it impossible to argue with her.

"Fine I want to get at least one spar in before the games come along so Alex has enough time to recover". Grumped the king.

Alex cocked and eyebrow at that comment and Melliandra almost laughed.

"Excuse me Your Maj…

"Uncle Rakkar", the king said.

Ahem, "Uncle Rakkar did you want to duel me with just martial skills or my full power?".

"Your full power of course I don't want to have to hold back against you".

"Ok Uncle Rakkar", he turned to Melliandra, "Aunt Melli is it ok for me to duel Uncle first", he subtly winked at Melliandra.

Almost unable to maintain her stoic façade she simply nodded, the King beamed slapping Alex on the back

"You're a good kid come let's head back to the Palace and get this spar under way", the King practically dashed out of the room.

The moment he vanished from the room Kayla couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, even Melliandra chuckled.

"I don't remember you being this sneaky when you left Dragonmount Alex", Melliandra said amused.

Alex sighed dramatically, "It looks like the world has corrupted me Aunt Melli", he grinned, "We better hurry after him I guess".

Everyone followed in the wake of the king, who was impatiently waiting at the entrance to the guard post, as they exited Dominic spoke to Alex and explained they were going to split up here as they still needed to head to the guild to report then arrange accommodation, Rose obviously chose to stay with Alex and the girls. They agreed that they would send word once they were settled. Saying their goodbyes the groups separated.

Following the King to the palace they noticed it was very crowded, they asked Melliandra if it was always this busy, she explained that the crowd was from the influx of people coming to see the games in a couple of weeks. They reached the Palace in short order, the King still in high spirits from the thought of the upcoming duel led them to an open training area where they were to spar.

"You're sure you want me to use my full power Uncle?", Alex asked one last time.

"Of course I'm sure lad, now Melli said you could last 10 minutes against her when you were twelve, lets see how good you are now", the king gestured Alex to join him out on the training area.

Melliandra remembered when she told him about her sparring with Alex she had forgotten to mention he was banned from using magic, oops. She didn't say anything as she wanted to see what Alex was truly capable of and also because her brother needed taking down a notch or two.

The King faced off against Alex in the centre of the sparring area, Alex asked if they were going hand to hand or weapons, Alex said he had no preference. The King selected hand to hand mentioning he was less likely to hurt Alex. Kayla almost bust a gut holding in her laughter when heard that, her uncle was in for a very rude awakening. Sadly everyone there thought the same as they all knew exactly what Alex was capable of.

Alex adopted his stance his entire demeanour shifting as he readied for combat, the King looked on approvingly, Begin called out Melliandra, Alex body was suddenly covered in arcs of lightning and the windwings appeared on his back he moved, the king was no slouch and while not able to completely lock Alex in his eyesight he had a rough idea where he was allowing him to block the incoming blow, soon wished he had dodged is it as his arm became numb from the impact, he tried to counter with a straight, it was a bad move as Alex spun to the side stepping in, the King seeing Alex gaining his side he viciously retracted his arm throwing a vicious elbow, without breaking stride Alex simply ducked under the elbow as he rotated around the King coming full circle and with all the twisting force of his spin behind it Alex's fist planted itself in the side of the King. Everyone winced when they heard the impact and the sound of all the air in the kings lungs being blasted out as he flew several meters across the room, the King inhaled sharply as his lungs recovered from the impact and just lay there wondering how someone could possibly hit him so hard.

He yelled out still laying down, "Melli you said you could last 10 minutes against this kid, I call bullshit".

Alex grinned and the girls all giggled, Melliandra called back out, "I forgot to mention Alex was banned from using magic during our training sessions" no hint of apology on her face.

"Why didn't you say something before I got my ass handed to me?".

"Because you have recently gotten a little big headed and needed a lesson", Melliandra put bluntly".

"Lesson learned, I feel like a runaway wagon ran into me", moaned the King.

"Sorry uncle I held back as much as I could", Alex said a bit sheepishly.

"That was holding back?", asked the King incredulous.

"If I had hit you full force I would have caved in your ribcage at the very least". Replied Alex.

Alex walked up to the prone King and extended out his hand, "What kind of monster are you kid", the king asked.

"Not monster, dragon", he shifted into his demi dragon form.

Suddenly a new voice called out, "You there marry me!" it demanded.

The king groaned and muttered oh no under his breath so only Alex heard, the girls all turned to see a young woman standing there who no one had noticed approach, she was pointing at Alex with stars in her eyes.