Marry him? Get in line!

Everyone stared blankly at the newcomer wondering where she even came from. She just stood there staring fixedly at Alex, who just stared back a quizzical look on his face as if facing something he couldn't figure out. The King sighed from the ground.

"Everyone this is my daughter Petra", said the King in a resigned tone.

"Go find your own Petra this one is taken" called out Kayla.

"Kayla! I haven't seen you in years, where have you been… wait what do you mean he is taken?", Her mouth seemed to take off before her brain could process what Kayla said.

"Taken as in he has a bonded life mate", she looked proud at that admittance.

"No that cannot be, how could fate be so cruel for us to meet yet already be separated by an insurmountable gulf". She said dramatically and collapsed to the floor laying perfectly still face down.

Alex looked at the King, "Is she always like this?"

The king finally accepted Alex's hand up and tiredly nodded his head, "She should be back to normal in a second". As if on queue Petra bounced up smiling brightly and bowed to the group.

"Sorry about my impromptu performance I don't often have an audience of strangers to play to", she winked at Kayla who simply rolled her eyes at her cousin. She bounced her way over to the King and Alex were standing.

"Are you ok father?".

"Yes Petra both my pride and body will recover thanks to Alex taking it easy on me", he thought back on all the offhand slights he had levelled Alex's way and was very thankful the young man wasn't vindictive.

Alex grinned. "Next time just martial skill yes?". The King readily agreed to that.

"What brings you here anyway Petra I thought you had plans already?".

"They fell though, I was bored so I asked gramps where you were and he told me you were fetching someone from out of jail. I was curious so when I heard you had come back I came to see who you went to meet, only to see you floored in a single exchange". Petra explained. "Where did you learn to fight if you don't mind me asking?".

"I don't mind, not like it's a big secret, Aunt Melli trained me for a number of years when I was younger and I honed my skills in the Valent arena for a couple of years".

"Aunt Melli huh, now I see how Kayla got in first", Petra muttered to herself.

"So that statement you made at the start was just to grab the attention of the audience, couldn't you have picked something other than you saying that you want to marry me?" queried Alex.

"Oh that, that part was a hundred percent serious," she smiled radiantly.

Alex rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming on, "Let me get this straight, you have no idea who I am, where I'm from or what I'm like and you want to marry me?".

"Yep:", she giggled, "I made a promise when I was little, I would only marry someone who could defeat dad in a spar, so far no one except you has so you have to marry me".

"Marriage isn't something to rush into with a complete stranger so just cool yourself down and we will see how things go in the future we are likely to be around for a while, you never know you may not be able to stand me after getting to know me", Alex grinned, he was trying to find an excuse to get Petra to back off and forget about the whole thing.

Petra seemed to sink into deep thought, "Very well we will get to know each other first but don't think you can escape me". With that declaration Petra headed off to meet up with some friends.

"Well that was… interesting" said Alex, "Is she always like that?"

"The marriage thing was new that's for sure", the King spoke up, "You don't seriously intend to court my daughter do you Alex?".

Alex shook his head "Not really while she seemed happy it almost felt like she was putting on a front, Vale what did you see".

Vale smiled happy that the power she had thought was curse for most of her life was proving to be useful, "there sadness, resignation and anger, the sadness seemed to be directed at no one in particular the resignation towards Alex and the anger towards a target not here. She was definitely upset about the marriage that is certain".

A serious look crossed everyone's faces, and they all looked at the King who sighed upon seeing all those gazes directed at him.

"Normally I wouldn't tell people about this but seeing you are all now involved in the silly mess let me explain, Petra when she was younger did indeed promise to marry whoever could beat me it was a silly little childish promise that should have been ignored, but she held onto it using it a shield to deflect the advances of would be suitors. After enough time came to pass it became common knowledge that my daughter would only marry someone capable of defeating me, sadly she has let her pride and stubbornness get the better of her and won't let the promise drop. She was just starting to see a young guard commander, everything was going well, she may have eventually come around and discarded her pride for him but then I go and make a blunder by duelling you because my pride got to me".

"This young guard commander how good are his martial skills and is he participating in the games?", questioned Alex.

"One of the best, I've sparred with him in the past and while he is not quite at my level he isn't far off and given a couple more years he would probably give me a run for my money and yes he is competing, he is actually favourite to win, Why?".

"The inkling of an idea, we need to do something drastic to shock the pride out of the princesses system and just admit her feelings, a lot is going to be up to chance in this plan but it's probably the fastest way to resolve this. Looks like I'll be taking up your offer to partake in the games uncle", Alex grinned.

"I hope you know what you're doing, I'll arrange for your entry as a special guest the former undefeated champion of the Valent arena, the crowd will love the idea".

The King hurried off to get it sorted out leaving the group in Meliandra's care. Taking them to the guest wing of the palace, each of them was assigned their own room, Melliandra stated as the girls started to complain they were just their assigned rooms they didn't have to sleep in them if they didn't want to.

Alex opted to have a nap in his room while the girls all gathered in one of their rooms.

"So what are we going to do about Petra?". Kayla started the discussion with what was on everyone's mind.

"I don't think we need to do much except ensure that there is one of us with him at all times to prevent that idiot from forcing herself on him and making all our lives miserable", commented Lily.

Vale nodded, "I doubt Alex would even be receptive to her advances knowing she has no real feeling for him, while Alex isn't a saint when it comes to his relationships he would never willingly enter one with someone who doesn't like him".

They all agreed with that.

"Now that's sorted on to the secondary topic", chimed in Anna. four sets of eyes settled on Rose "When are you going to finally confess to him?". They chorused.

Rose looked at them and sighed, "What do you mean finally we have barely known each other more than a week"

"Oh please you had your eye on him since the day he carried you to the trail" Anna quipped.

"Add in you haven't left his side unless forced to since your crying fit and it's pretty obvious how you feel no matter how long it's been since you met".

I guess it is pretty obvious to everyone except Alex", she slumped a bit, "Am I doing something wrong, or does he not like me?". Rose looked like she was about to cry.

Vale gave her a hug as Kayla spoke up, "Don't worry Rose it isn't anything like that it's actually a bit of a mental block Alex has".

Kayla went on to explain the period of time in their lives when Alex and Kayla had been sent to the grand academy in Valent, while Anna, and Lily went through their awakening, separating them for 4 and a half years. Alex made the decision not to enter into any other relationships until they reunited, and so he did. Alex refused any girls affections, he became adept at keeping things at arm's length to the point that it is now habit, he doesn't mean to hurt anyone by it, it's just instinctive to him. We haven't managed to break him out of the habit yet although he is a lot more proactive once you're in the relationship.

Rose just sat there digesting the info, "So you're saying that if I just approach Alex and let him know how I feel he will accept me?".

"Well to be perfectly honest we all had circumstances surrounding our entanglement with Alex", Vale thought back to when she first met him a small smile playing on her lips.

I can see the affection he holds for you in his eyes, but his natural habit to stay away from new relationships is stopping him from making the first move so that is going to be up to you".