
Rose sat there struggling with something as if caught between two opposing forces, one demanded she run to Alex now confess and hope for the best, the other told not to do it, not to get Alex involved in her mess with her family. The stress built up inside and tears began to leak from her eyes.

Vale looked into her eyes and was shocked at the swirl of conflicting emotions, "What's wrong Rose, I can tell you want to go to him but something is holding you back", the other girls sat there in silent support.

"I want to go to him I really do", Rose began, "but I don't want people to think I'm using Alex as a shield, my family have been looking for me to re-join so they can use me as a marriage chip, I've avoided them up until now but they will catch up eventually, they are well connected at high places in various counties. I don't want to put you all in danger just for me".

Kayla snorted, "Rose pay very close attention to what I am going to tell you, I am the daughter to one of the strongest warriors to live in this time, and niece to the King of the beast tribes, Anna and Lily are the granddaughters of the Dragon King Zakath, Vale is the heiress of the Duedalion trading company and Alex is connected to all of us plus he is the beloved nephew of the Queen of the elven kingdom and their hero, add in being the disciple of the Omni Magus and I doubt there is a single person on this world that is better connected than Alex, not to mention his personal power is purely ridiculous.

Anna looked over, "You missed adopted grandson of the Dragon King Zakath and champion of the Valent arena".

"Oh right, thanks. My point is there is nothing your family can pull that Alex can't handle, as for other people thinking you're using Alex for a shield the only peoples whose opinions should be worth anything are us your sisters and Alex and none of us think you are using him as a shield, so enough moping about and go tell him!".

Rose sat there an incredulous look on her face as Kayla put the whole thing in perspective, Kayla was right Alex was just some simple boy, even if he acted like it at times, he was immensely powerful and held sway with a lot of the most powerful people known. What the hell was she worried for.

She got up and hugged each of the girls, "Thank you for being the first friends I've had in a long time now if you'll excuse me I have something to go do. Putting action to word Rose got up and exited the room.

"Well that's one more", giggled Anna, "How many more are we letting in, I feel 10 at most is a good solid number".

Kayla giggled, "Seven is good one for each day of the week".

Lily rolled her eyes at their antics, and Vale just laughed before speaking up, "While it may seem silly to others we all know the task Alex has ahead of himself to re-establish the dragon tamers and we all know how completely incapable he is of chasing after a woman so without us practically throwing them at him he isn't likely to gain more wives.

The others nodded. Well at least Rose is sorted now we just have to deal with Petra.

Alex heard a faint knock on his door, "Come in" he called out, the door open and Rose still wearing that baggy robe walked in, Alex was lounging on the bed, "Was I interrupting something?" she asked.

"Not at all" Alex replied, "Was just thinking of taking a nap, do you need something Rose?". She nodded her head, "I have something to show you and something to say to you". she turned and locked the door, "I don't want any interruptions".

She walked towards Alex, and stopped a couple of meters away and looked at him. Ever since I cried in your arms in the wagon I have felt more and more idiotic wearing this robe but it was habit, now I've decided to break that habit because someone more important has come into my life and I want that someone to be able to see me and not just the robe.

As she said those words she started pulling off the long baggy robe over her head, as the hem of the robe came up it exposed shapely lily white legs, Alex gulped at the site feeling like he was watching something he shouldn't be as the robe slowly revealed more, just as the hem reached the top of the thigh Alex could see she was wearing a pair of hotpants underneath and was both strangely relieved and disappointed at the same time. The robe continued it ascent up wards, Roses stomach came into view just as bare as her legs and just the same lily white colour from having hidden away from not only people but the sun for the past ten years. Again Alex gulped his heart rate picked up, but he knew this was important for her so he sat still and controlled himself. Now the robe was bunched up enough and high enough Rose bent forward and let the weight of the robe do the work for her as it slid the rest of the way off pooling on the floor as she righted herself.

Alex looked at her fully divested of the robe, she truly was stunning she was a match for Vale in the chest department and considering Rose was shorter it made them seem even bigger. Alex got his first clear look at her face without the obscuring effect of the hood, she had delicate features, with deep brown eyes and full red lips that almost looked like she had painted them although it may just be standing out more due to the paleness of her skin, her hair was a light brown almost blonde in colour cut short almost boyish in its cut but it suited her well.

"So what do you think", asked Rose. Alex sat there with a stupefied look on his face, and before he could engage his brain his mouth acted, "That was the most stupidly sexy thing I have seen in my life", he blinked realizing what he just said and blushed a bit in embarrassment, Rose giggled and blushed which only added to her allure, Alex was having a very hard time controlling himself right now.

Rose put a more serious look on her face as she stood there exposed to Alex, "The thing I wanted to say is this, although we have only known each other for a short time, I have never felt as safe and warm as the times I spent in your arms, I don't know if it's love I'm feeling as I've never been in love before all I know is I want stay by your side and never leave, just the thought of not being able to see you hurts, so please let me stay with you".

Alex climbed out of the bed and stood before Rose, "Are you sure this is what you want, I come with a lot of baggage, and I don't plan on settling down any time soon so we will be traveling all the time plus I have four other fiancés and possibly more in the future.

Rose smiled up at Alex, "Yes I'm sure but while we are being open and honest like this I have to warn you my family will not like me being with you as they wish to pull me back in to use as a marriage tool".

Alex smiled back, "Let them try". He lowered his head and kissed her. As their lips separated, Rose murmured, "So I guess that is a yes to accepting me?".

Alex chuckled lightly, "To be perfectly honest I had a very hard time holding myself back when you were stripping out of that robe".

"Well then perhaps you should stop holding back" she whispered into his ear her arms wrapped around his neck. Alex's mind blanked for just a second then he sealed her lips with his, his hands moved across her back caressing it the crop top proving no impediment to the invasive hands. She started to push him back towards the bed, Alex had just enough rational thought to put up a barrier before reaching the bed as things soon escalated from there and Rose's cries of pleasure rang out,

Back with the girls, "Well she hasn't come back so I assume everything went well", said Kayla

"What went well?", asked Melliandra as she entered the room, looking around she noticed the absenteeism of Alex and Rose.

"Rose should be having the best time of her life and if things go as long as they normally do they are going to miss lunch but should be done in time for dinner, although Rose's ability to walk at that point in time is open to debate", explained Anna