Picking a fight

"Oi! Old man hurry and step on it or this great aunt is gonna be late!"

In the back seat of a taxi, a young lady restlessly drum her finger on the side of the cool surface of the car door impatiently.

The sun shone down through the windows in the car brilliantly illuminating the features of a young girl who seemed to be around the age of eighteen.

Her silky pin-straight jet black hair gracefully flowed down her back like a waterfall and scattered about on to the car seat.

She had a perfectly symmetrical face with a little oval head. She owned a fine pair of long graceful eyebrows. And long Silken eyelashes And under them lie the most breathtaking pair of luminous eyes.

Her eyes were like big deep enchanting pools and under them was a little refined beauty mark right below her left eye.

Her small nose was straight and delicate making others want to pinch it. She had a flawless pair of pouty lips that had a light natural red tint to them.

And every time she opened her mouth to talk two little canines would poke out making her simply adorable and lively.

The old man instantly fell out of a trance when he heard the young girl speak.

He couldn't help but slowly shake his head to himself.

It was really a shame as soon as she opened her mouth her refined demeanor would instantly demolish.

Her voice was a beautiful rhapsody created by the gods it was charming like the sound of tinkering bells and her appearance was very exquisite but it was a shame. She talked like a delinquent!

She slowly took her heel and gave a couple of light kicks onto the back of his chair.

"Old man, are you listening?" Li Xiang was really speechless she was in a rush ai! However, this old man only knew how to look at her in a stupor for minutes!! Was he stupid or something?

The old man awkwardly cleared his throat. He was quite flustered. "My apologies miss! Where are you headed to again?"

He wasn't paying attention! However was it really his fault? The girl was really beautiful! In all his days he had never witnessed such an exquisite beauty. Especially so up and personal.

Her looks alone we're really enough to turn over countries and trouble the heavens!

"Ivory Lotus, please! And make it quick mister I'm in a rush!"

"Alright!" The old taxi driver immediately started driving.

Wait... did she just say... Ivory Lotus?


His old heart really couldn't take any more shock! Who didn't know that Ivory Lotus was a new high-class Restaurant that had just recently opened up and had some of the most well-known and respected chefs in the world working there.

Wealthy people from all over travel here just to have a taste of the delectable cuisine.

Commoners could only dream of being able to dine at such a high-end restaurant. Some wouldn't even dare to dream about it!

All his pay for a couple months would only be enough to buy a small side dish at the restaurant maybe not even that!

Sigh~ She must be another rich young miss but with her looks was it really that surprising?

But what miss would take a taxi? He was a little curious but decided not to look into it too much and just do his job.

Li Xiang slumped back into the back seat with a long breath before texting her grandfather that her arrival was gonna be delayed before slipping her phone back into her pocket.

This time she was really helpless. Her grandfather and her were supposed to have lunch together but she was running a little late.

She could already hear his long lectures ringing into her ears as she slowly started to dose off.

"Miss! Miss! Miss!!"

Li Xiang woke up to someone shaking her awake violently.

Li Xiang instantly woke up and entered into a fighting stance still half asleep and started shouting.

"Dammit! which one of you punks are trying to pick a fight with this great one! Show yourself!"

The old taxi driver was scared witless! As soon as they arrived he tried to wake her up. Who knew no matter how much he called out she wouldn't even budge an inch!

Wasn't she a little too defenseless?

He unfastened his seat belt to try gently shaking her awake. Who knew even after five minutes she still didn't budge.

He then got a little worried. What if something was wrong with the girl. The old mans mind immediately started thinking the worst.

He started to shake her roughly in hopes of her waking up, but who knew she would immediately jump out the car while getting in a stance of a gangster and roughly putting her heel on the hood of his car.

She even dared to say such a brutish thing out loud!

"Miss we have arrived!" He told her while placing his hand over his chest trying to calm down his pounding heart that had been given a huge fright.

Li Xiang who looked around was now fully awake. She looked around in shock. It was now completely dark outside. She instantly fished her phone out of her pocket as quickly as she could panickingly fumbling it a couple of times in her hand before checking the screen. She then felt all the blood immediately drain from her face.

She had over seventeen missed calls and over thirty texts.

"DAMN IT ALL!!!" Li Xiang yelled before turning to go dash into the restaurant.

Before she could run inside she heard a panicked voice yell after her. The old man watched as the lady's face turned pale to a whole spectrum of other colors. He was confused but was quickly shocked when he saw her running off.

"Wait miss! You forgot to pay!"

Was she planning to not pay? She was quite beautiful and dressed very nicely and she was headed to one of the most high-end restaurants in the world. He assumed the young lass came from money but it appears everything is not what is seems!

Li Xiang abruptly stopped in her tracks before hurriedly digging in her pockets while roughly pulling out bunches of wads of cash out of her wallet and throwing it to him which he instantly caught.

Catching the cash in his hand he could tell by the bulks of it she gave him more than a generous amount.

"Old man You should have woken me up earlier Now I'm late! Anyways thanks for the ride!"

Li Xiang gave him a childish grin while giving a cute little salute with her two fingers before spinning on her heels and dashing into the restaurant.

The old man felt aggrieved. He did try to wake her up! However, all that remained on his old face was a warm smile while watching her back as she left. kids these days! He was an elder who loved the young!

He undid the bundles of cash and diligently counted it out. After a couple of seconds, he was thoroughly shocked.

It was at least around 50,000 Yuan! This was a lot for him to make especially all in one day.

His hand holding the cash slightly trembled. He then looked at the cash in his hand and felt so grateful.

This amount of cash could really help him and his wife out a lot. Tears filled up his old aged eyes while a trace of warmness flowed to his heart warming him up despite it being quite cold outside.

He was a taxi driver for about most of his life but no one had ever treated him generously like this before.

He worked very hard to be able to take care of and support his sickly wife. She was the last thing he had in this life And with this money, he could finally afford to buy her the medicine she needed to get better.

The old man made a joyous expression. When was the last time he truly smiled like this?

Maybe years ago?

The old man got back inside the car while he drove off with a silly grin on his face. Hurrying back home to his wife with good news.

If they had an affinity he would meet this unruly youth again.

However, this encounter was immediately drowned out by the bustling crowds of people moving around all along the streets carrying on with their daily lives.