Bad luck

Li Xiang went deeper into the restaurant

She gently pulled out her phone and dialed her grandfather's number while taking a long breath before pressing the phone to her ear.

Instantly a roaring voice sounded through the phone.


Li Xiang pulled the phone from her ear while indifferently using her pinky finger to pick at her ear.

"Gee, are you trying to make me go half deaf?"


"I know, calm down! yelling is not good for your old heart. If you keep yelling your heart will give out before your voice does!"


"Are you wishing death on this old man! Wait til I see you....."

"Alright, alright I'm here ill see you soon!"

She hastily hung up not giving him a chance to finish his sentence.

Li Xiang swiftly made her way to the v.i.p room after checking in. Looking at the place around her. She couldn't help but give a sigh It really was such an extravagant place.

The rumors didn't give it any justice. It really was very impressive. Even she admired the elegant interior and design.

Her hands felt itchy while staring at the brilliant diamonds encrusted into the pillars.

Her eyes had an wicked glow in them before she could even have bad thoughts a voice called out to her causing her to feel slightly panicked like she had been caught red handed.

"Miss please follow me ill escort you to the V.I.P room that your grandfather is in."

Li Xiang lightly patted her heart. She was too deep in thoughts too had have sensed his presence. Causing her to be slightly startled.

"No thanks I know the way!" Li Xiang politely rejected while hastily making her way to the v.i.p lounge where her grandfather waited.

A high pitch voice ring out causing her to stop in her tracks.

"yo! Is that cousin Xiang!"

You've got to be kidding me! Li Xiang's eye started twitching violently. What's with this luck? What did she do so wrong for the Gods to punish her like so?

Li Xiang unwillingly turned around with a stiff smile.

"Ah? Cousin Li Wei? What brings you?" Li Xing feigned surprise.

Li Wei was a very beautiful girl with soft delicate features.

Two years ago, Li Qiao the head of the Li family set up an engagement between Li Xiang and the heir of the song family, Song Jiang.

Li Xiang who was 16 at the time was absolutely mortified! She didn't want to get married! She reacted in an immense way by Locking herself in her room and refusing to come out.

Even Li Qiao who knew his granddaughter was very rebellious was shocked when his grandaughter rejected the proposal in such a vicious way.

Ripping up the proposal documents and locking herself up.

He had never seen her so serious before.

His granddaughter who only knew how to joke around and be lazy while getting into fights only knew how to get injured and worry him immensely. This being the reason he wanted to betroth her into a rich family that could take good care of her in the future and keep her safe.

However, before the issue could delve any further Song Jiang boldly broke off the engagement declaring he would only marry his other granddaughter Li Wei.

Li Qiao was absolutely infuriated and yet decided to sweep the issue under the rug without doing anything extreme since his granddaughter was very unwilling to get married anyway.

Li Qiao was cold to all of his grandchildren only willing to acknowledge Li Xiang from the start.

He simply decided that the song's family son was not worthy enough for his most precious granddaughter. That day he simply broke off all business connections with the song family

causing the business world to be shocked. Even more so was the case for the song family. No one could tell what the eldest son of the Song family was thinking angering Li Qiao one of the businesses biggest influencers in the world.

The song family could not be so easily crushed being a multi-millionaire business and having deep business ties with many other huge companies but it was definitely a loss losing Li Qiao as a business partner.

Li Xiang knew that even though her and Song Jiangs engagement was broken off that didn't change the deep-rooted hatred this cousin seemed to have towards her.

Li Wei innocently batted her eyes. "I just came here to eat with brother Jiang!" Li Wei muttered why shyly lowering her head while her cheeks turned bright red.

Li Wei lowered her head so no one could see the smug smirk that appeared on her face.

She hated this cousin of hers with a fierce passion!

She was nothing but a lowly bastard child. Her parents were even dead. So why did their grandfather only adore Li Xiang? Why did only Li Xiang get all the finer things.

Li Qiao had control over the entire Li family and owned many super successful businesses he had come from a long generation of wealth and was crazy rich but would only spoil Li Xiang. He spoiled her so much it could make people green with envy!

Besides who didn't know that the Li Qiao came from old money. He came from generations and generations of wealthiness.

Her father was aiming to be the heir of the Li family, not just him but all the males in the Li family were aiming for that spot.

Ever since Li Xiang's father and mother died. They had a chance.

Li Qiao favored Li Xiang's father the most. Anyone with eyes could tell that he was gonna be given all rights to be the heir that inhearated all the wealth and companies of the Li family.

However when news of their death spread it was one of the darkest days for the Li family to be more specific Li Qiao and his wife. However, everyone besides a selective few people celebrated their death in the shadows.

So Li Xiang was also a huge pain in a lot of people's eyes. Their biggest fear was that Li Qiao would hand over the entire Li fortune and businesses to her the far daughter he adored so much. That's how much Li Qiao loved and doted on her.

She was now 18 still pretty young and was still wet behind the ears. This giving them hope that they can still snag the spot.

Anyways when they were young Li Qiao would always give Li Xiang rare expensive thing's that Li Xiang would just play with then throw away when she got bored.

Li Xiang got to eat delicacies since she was just a baby. Stuff that even some of the other members of the Li family couldn't even get their hands on and yet she ate it everyday!

This cousin of hers was almost even given the man that she had loved and admired since she was little. Just the thought would make her furious.

However, feeling the man she loved and admired standing next to her instantly calmed her down.

Li Wei looked at the cousin that was in front of her and ground her teeth together.

The girl in front of her was wearing black heels with black dress pants that were secured around her waist with an expensive black leather belt and she was wearing a white button-down shirt the first couple of buttons undid at the top giving her a crazy and wild yet untamable look.

Her long black silky hair spilled down her shoulders and down her back. While a simple pair of two dangling white jade earrings hung from her cute little ears.

Her face was completely bare and yet was enough to throw countries into mayhem. She also had a beauty mark right below her left eye making her quite exotic looking.

She had her hands lazily tucked in her front pockets.

She was a couple of steps up the stairs making her have to look down to see them. However, this action gave off an unrestrained aura of a domineering king.

Li Wei could not help but take a big gulp in a daze. She instantly snapped back and looked at the man that was next to her who's eyes haven't left Li Xiang not even once.

The hate in her heart became deeper. Like a cats claw gently scratching at her heart. She gently tugged on Song Jiang's sleeve.

Her expression turned sad instantly making others wanna embrace her in their arms to spoil and protect her.

"Sorry brother Jiang I shouldn't have dragged you over here but I wanted to say hi to cousin Xiang I'm.... I'm sorry." Li Wei meekly bit on her lip looking aggrieved.

Men that were passing by felt their heart itch as they impatiently waited for the man to comfort the beauty next to him. If he didn't they would!

Li Wei waited for him to comfort her so she can set her heart at ease but all that she was comforted with was silence making her feel even more uneasy.

She quickly looked over at Song Jiang feeling alarmed. His burning gaze was still on Li Xiang.

Song Jiang was always a cold man of little words he had an extremely handsome face. She had loved and admired him since she was young. Every girl desired to be with him. He was the man of many girl's dreams. She worked so hard just to get his attention and affections. And yet....

Her heart dropped and she called out his name in a panic. "Brother Jiang!"

Hearing his name called out Song Jiang finally focused on the girl right beside him. Seeing the panic in her eyes he slowly lifted up his hand and gently stroked her head. Putting her at ease.

That's right he must hate this slut as much as I do! Li Wei thought.

However, no one could tell what that cold man was thinking as his eyebrows were tightly furrowed together.

Li Xiang didn't feel like watching the show this time around. She asked them to excuse her and without waiting for a response quickly dashed away.

"Well I'm having lunch with grandfather I'll see you later!"

She gave a polite wave as her figure got further and further away.

Li Xiang didn't even spare a glance to Song Jiang the entire time treating him like air. Causing him to strangely feel really Irritated.

Even though Song Jiang didn't do anything to her that would warrant bad blood. The thought that she almost had to get married to him made her dislike him and find his company pesky and bothersome.

Plus the way he was staring at her gave her goosebumps. Making her wanna avoid him at all costs.