Monsters come out at night

"NO! STOP!" A heart wrenching scream rung out.

The fat man harshly grabbed a hand full of her hair forcing her head to turn around to face him before he forced his disgusting mouth onto hers.

The girls pupils shrank abruptly at the foul taste forced into her mouth. Her stomach then violently churned. As she puked inside of his mouth.


A harsh slapping noise ring out.

"I was gonna be gentle but don't blame me for being rough! Quick hold her down!" Five men started roughly holding on to her lifting her body into the air before forcibly spreading her legs apart.


The fat man grinned wickedly unbuckling his belt and positioning himself in front of her.

When all of a sudden.


The fat guy's body flew many meters away like a broken kite before violently crashing into the wall at the end of the ally before spitting up a huge amount of blood.

What... Just happened? All of the men were scared witless tossing the girl aside quickly getting into a defensive stance.

"Who's there?! Do you know who we are? You better scram before you end up getting hurt!"

The tallest one in the group said trying to sound as brave as possible but the fear in his voice gave him away.

Li Xiang slowly put her leg down before putting her hands in her pocket and walking unhurriedly into the flickering lights of the ally.

Even though her gestures seemed quite casual and laid-back the more closer she got the more cold the ally seemed to get causing the group of men to cautiously take a step back.

An absolutely bewitching girl stepped into the flickering lights. She had a captivating aloof smile on her face. Her pace was leisure as she unhurriedly took her time looking them up and down.

They had never seen such a alluring girl in their life's not even in the movies and magazines.

She had a small and petite yet slim frame and was perfectly toned. She had long perfect jet-black hair that fell down her shoulders cropping her enchanting face. She had long slim legs that were covered up by her dress pants. She wore a black pair of heels. With a matching belt that was secured tightly around her slim waist. A couple of buttons on her white dress shirt we're undid making her even more tempting.

The crew of men gawked in shock. This was a first-rate beauty! Her beauty could really move the world!

A strong lust and desire pooled in each one of their eyes. Completely forgetting about their boss who had been knocked out cold with his rib cage kicked in just a second ago.

Li Xiang looked at the men who were looking at her like hungry dogs. Disgusting... "I guess it's true that monsters do come out after dark ah!" Her voice was cold as Ice as her eyes glinted dangerously.

Her aura made it hard to breath causing the men to be alert. Their instinct told them to run as far away as they could and don't look back but it was as if an invisible force was holding them down keeping them rooted on the spot.

"Tsk tsk tsk how distasteful..." Li Xiang smiled dangerously.

The tall one pushed down his fear "Ha ha what? Did you come in to join fun?" He smiled wildly licking his dry lips.

Li Xiang smiled seductively not bothering to say any more words.

Seeing that beautiful smile they all felt there body's get hot in anticipation ignoring the true threat in her smile. "Ha, Ha don't worry though beauty! we'll treat you very very gently." He flashed a nasty smile before licking his chapped lips.

"And you can forget about running away!"

One said trying to look intimidating. How could they have felt so threatened by her earlier. They were probably we're just imagining things.

They harshly picked up the girl who's clothes were torn all over while her long hair was messily covering her face and her body trembled as she hugged herself. Her image was quite pitiful as she limped Cutting her a sorry appearance. Just like a broken doll.

One member roughly grabbed her arm causing her to scream out. Her voice came out hoarse from all of her screaming earlier.

She didn't know who the random lady who showed up was but for some reason she felt safe when she saw her.

The members went to go inch closer to Li Xiang with a perverted look on their face.

Li Xiang still stood there with an unmoved expression on their face as if the current situation had nothing to do with her.

The other girl seemed to wake up out her stupor looking at Li Xiang in panic. "Wait! Miss don't do it! Please save yourself! Quickly run before it's too late!"

"Shut up bitch!" He tightened his grip on her hair.

Even through all of the this the little girl still had the ability to think of others Li Xiang sighed to herself

The girl slightly whimpered in fear.

"Tsk! Worthless bitch!"

"You'll get your turn next!"

He spit on her before cruelly shoving her to the opposite side of the ally. Which she screamed in pain as she fell onto the hard cold ground and she was in so much pain she felt cold sweat all over her body she tried to muster all of her strength to stay conscious because she was worried about the girl who stepped in to save her however her body was already weak and the pain was to extreme for so she just fainted.

A violent light shone through Li Xiang's eyes as the air around her turned even chillier.

They gathered around Li Xiang with lust in their eyes.

"Be good and we'll be gentle." They all started inching toward Li Xiang slowly.

When she saw that the girl was finally out of harms way she didn't hold back anymore smiling wickedly "If you fools wanna play so bad don't blame this miss for not holding back!"

A powerful aura burst from her body in one swoop. This was an aura of a demonic domineering tyrant ready to take the world by force. Her aura was so powerful it could be felt in the air as the guys surrounding her pupils abruptly shrink as they felt a strong pressure on their body's almost causing them to feel like spitting up blood they felt like there was an heavy pressure on their body's making them feel like the bones in their body were gonna break anytime.

How? How was this possible?! What kind of power?!!!

However in less then a second loud heart wrenching crys sounded through the night causing those who heard it skin to crawl. The mens terror-stricken scream howled out in harmony as the crisp sound of bones breaking could be heard.

A couple minutes later they eyelids of the fat man trembled as he opened his eyes. He sucked in cold air as he felt immense pain in his body almost causing him to faint again. He wasn't a doctor but he felt like his ribs were shattered to pieces.

What happened?

The lights in the ally flickered eerily.

He didn't even have the energy to scream. Just when he was about to faint again he heard a cold voice call out to him. He tried to keep himself Conscience.

"Yo! Your finally awake! " A melodious voice rung out before a stunning girl popped up in his vision of sight. Before he could admire her beauty he felt a massive chill.

He slowly looked around him and saw his lackeys all on the ground and their eyes were tightly closed shut and their jaws were completely dislocated while saliva loosely flowed out of there mouths.

Even their body's where put in unnaturally abnormal positions as if they had no bones in there body. Their limbs were all abnormally twisted their heads were all turned in his direction.

His heart immediately dropped even though they were still breathing they were half dead they would most likely all be cripples for life not able to even move an inch. Which was truly even worst then death!

The fat guy made a terrified expression.

Li Xiang smiled evilly "I like the expression on your face right now." She said these words normally but nothing that was coming out of her mouth could be called normal. As a sinister smile played on her lips.

"What do you want from me? Do you know who I am?! His voice trembled. His chest felt even more painful but the adrenaline from his fear kept him awake.

Li Xiang's laughter sounded out like the soft tinkering of silver bells. "Even in this situation you still wanna act all high and mighty in front of this great one? Listen I don't give a rick dick or Harry who you are the question you should be asking is do you know who I am? Li Xiang pulled a knife out of her shirt before tossing it playfully in her hand.