Who are you

"Who are you! Listen if you let me go I'll forget all of the offenses you did towards me?" His voice was quivering harder then before.

When did the loser get to make the demands? He still had the nerve to act so arrogantly in front of her? Who was letting who off?

"Let you go? The real fun hasn't even started yet!" Since you wanted to play with me so bad I'll make sure to accompany you all the way to the end! You and your comrades can be crippled for life together!"

Li Xiang took her heels and aimed precisely at the spot right between his legs. Before using her knife to do some handy work.


An eerie blood curdling scream rung out for a couple of minutes before dying down into the cold night.

Li Xiang gently wiped her knife off before gently stashing it back away

Li Xiang gently scanned the area.

These men would now live a life worst then death. Their mistake... is having such bad luck to have got caught by her out of all people. What happened next now had nothing to do with her whether they lived or died was now out of her hands. With all the screaming she was sure someone had already called the police.

The ally was quite hidden under trees and building complexes so no one was able to see it unless you were like her and stumbled across it accidentally. She could tell that this wasn't the fist time these thugs had ambushed woman and had there way with them here.

But there was no rape reports because by now these young lady's were now silenced or dead becoming plant fertilizer.

There was only reports of woman who went missing around the area. But the reason was unknown the police so they just filed it as runaway teenage girls.

She gently picked up the girl that was knocked out and called her personal chauffeur to come and get her as it was too inappropriate to call a taxi in this type of situation. She effortlessly carried the girl over her shoulder with her as she stealthily walked far away from the crime scene to avoid any attention and suspicion.

She took out her phone telling the chauffeur to pick her up at an low-key apartment complex that was far away from the crime scene. She still looked absolutely normal nothing out of place on her not even a hair on her head looked messy. You would never be able to guess what she had done just minutes ago.

In less then 5 minutes her chauffeur arrived which was perfect for her who wanted to avoid attention as much as possible. She quickly put the girl in the car before sliding in with her.

"What happened?!"

He saw his miss carrying somebody but now that he got a good look the girls clothes were ripped and she had purple Bruises all over her body and her face was abnormally pale.

Li Xiang lightly pursed her lips.

"While I was walking around I had discovered her body just laying there on the ground in an ally. Even though I don't know what happened I couldn't have just leaver her there. So we'll take her back with us to treat her wounds and wait til she wakes up before sending her back home."

She effortlessly came up with a lie. She did not like lying to him but she also did not want to worry him. And she also could definitely not tell him what happened.

Li jun frowned.

"Are you sure it's alright to just bring her back?"

"It's fine you worry too much! Do me a favor Li Jun and keep this from grandfather I don't want him to be worried.

Li Xiang lazily stretched her back out and slumped down into the comfy chair.

"Ai! I'm gonna take a nap wake me up when we arrived.

"Ok." Li Jun started up the car and started driving.

Li Jun was eighteen the same age as Li Xiang he had delicate gentle features. Despite being young he already had a manly charm to him with a straight nose, red lips and pretty white teeth.

Li Jun had grown up with Li Xiang since they were just kids. He was homeless with no family or identity. Feeling lost and hopeless and tired of it all he sat on the edge of an abandoned bridge ready to jump off and be free from all of his pains and sorrow.

Just thinking about it made the old memory which he would never forget resurface.

A young kid who was about six years old sat on an old abandoned bridge with his little legs dangaling off the edge.

Their was a lifeless look on his face that didn't belong to a kid his age.

His close we're tattered and ripped he didn't own a shirt and his pants didn't even come down all the way.

Luckily the weather was warm out side it was mid-spring as cherry blossoms blew past him despite it being such a nice day the air of death hovered over him. He was quite malnourished with big dark circles under his eyes.

He used his scrawny arms to support his body as he pushed himself forward ready to jump however a voice rang out right behind him.

"What are you doing?"

Shocked by the voice he lost his balance getting ready to plumit to his death.

I guess it wasn't meant to be. The boy smiled bitterly before closing his eyes resigning himself to his fate. It seems like the universe really wanted him gone.

A small hand reached out and clasped onto his wrist with a tight grip pulling the boy back onto the ledge of the bridge. The boys eyes opened in shock as he whipped around to see who the person was.

A young girl who seemed to be the same age as him stood there in a beautiful white dress with a white ribbon tide across her waist and a large yellow floppy sun hat on her head. Her long black hair was loose as little strands of her hair flowed with the wind some pieces even caressing his face like a light kiss. Her face looked as if it was carved out of the finest smoothest quality of jade.

Her cheeks had a healthy tinge of pink on them. And her lips were a light red color. She had a cute slender nose pared with the brightest pair of limpid eyes and a set of long lush eyelashes and a tiny little beauty mark right below her left eye.

He had to have died that's the only reason that would explain why there was an angel standing in from of him!

"Are you mute?" The girl pursed her lips raising an eyebrow at the boy.

The boy roughly snatched his wrist from the girl's grip. Even for her small size and weight she was quite strong she was able to pull him up with ease and despite them being around the same age she was way bigger then him.

"Uhhh! Mind your business! How did you get up here anyways."

"You little brat!" The girl took her small little hands and pulled at the boys skinny cheeks.

"Am I not allowed to be here? Why are you here? Anyways I saw scrawny little legs dangaling at the top! So I was curious and decided to come up!"

The boy swatted her hand away while rubbing the spot where she pinched sulkily.

"Well you can leave now!"

"You.. your not cute at all!" The girl's brows started to furrow at the kids attitude.

"What's your name kid?" she curiously inquired.

"None of your damn business!"

"Why you little!....."

"Hmph!" The boy coldy snorted turning his body away from the girl. All of his sudden his vision got blurry and he felt his body flip abruptly.

When he opened up his eyes he was greeted with the sight of the ground of the bridge. His scrawny body was bended over the little girls tiny knee.

"Wha.... What are you doing!" He looked at the girl in shock but when he saw the look on her face he felt a massive chill run up his spine.

The girl had a wicked smile spread across her angelic face. "Such a nasty attitude! If I don't discipline you today my name is not Li Xiang!"

Li Xiang abruptly pulled down his pants and was shocked. "Oi! Even the behind is malnourished!" Li Xiang pinched his buttocks hardly.

The boys face looked absolutely mortified as his face turned a whole spectrums of different colors before turning a bright red color then pale like a ghost.

Such a vulgar and unruly girl! Where all girls like this?

"You!.... Stop it!" The boy flailed about trying to break free but due to his small lanky figure the girl didn't even budge. Even though they were the same age he was just skin and bone compared to her.

The girl took her hand giving him hard slaps across his tiny butt.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The boy knew there was no point in struggling and gave up resisting. Only crying pitifully as his butt was spanked.

"Wahhhh! You bully!"

Li Xiang immediately got up letting him fall off of her as she dusted off her tiny hands.

"Again boy! What is your name?"

The boy hurriedly pulled up his pants looking at Li Xiang wearily like he was looking at a monster.

"little thing you better hurry up and answer my questions or else! Don't you know my patience is bad!" She raised her hand in threatening manner like she was gonna spank him again.

They boy knew that she would really do it and looked down as he bit his lip.

"I... I don't have a name."