Chapter Six- The Truth Behind Leo Lennox

"I have a confession I want to make, and it can only stay with you. You cannot tell anyone else. If you do i'll find out eventually. I might just have to kill you in the case that you do. I want to get this weight off my chest. Will you promise me, in blood, to not tell anyone?" Leo whispered.

"I will. As long as you let me ask questions during the story."

"Okay then, we have to make the promise in blood to make it even more ingrained into your head." Leo took a red and black pocket knife out and flipped it open. The blade was very sharp and he nicked his thumb. He expected Igor to do so too, so he handed Igor the knife with the blood on it. Igor was reluctant to do so.

"You have to. Or I can get you arrested for anything I want." Leo spat.

"Yes, Leo." Igor took the knife and cut his thumb. A swelling pain came up through his finger. Leo shook his hand, and was sure to let the two bloody thumbs touch.

"Can I get a bandage for this?" Igor blatantly asked.

"Yes, here," Leo gave him a bandage. Igor then wrapped his finger up in it.

"Alright, lets start the confession." Igor said.

Leo sighed. "Okay, well... When my father and mother were dating, my mother had an affair. With a genalucard."

"Whoa, two very big secrets to keep."

"There's more. My mother didn't get arrested, but the genalucard who impregnated her was imprisoned, and then sentenced to death.

My real father was a genalucard and died through this horrible system. I had always wondered why I look a little different then my siblings and not at all like my father." Igor was always curious why the master had the same bulge as them.

He didn't dare ask. He guessed now that Leo had wings too. It was also curious because he didn't even know genalucards and humans can actually make babies together. At least, the human being like a mule or a zebriod (Horse and Zebra mix). These were the interesting wonders of breeding and genetics. Leo did look sort of like a genalucard. He had gotten his Genalucard father's amber eyes.

That was explainable though as a lot of humans have very light brown eyes. He also had strawberry blonde hair. Which looked like a mixture of his mom's blonde hair, and maybe his real dad's red hair. He also looked a little paler than an average human, and didn't like going out in the sun too often.

"Did your dad find out it wasn't his child?"

"Right after she found out she was pregnant, she told him. She was afraid she was going to go to jail too. Of course, humans don't have the same punishment as genalucards. They actually don't have any punishment and are encouraged to have the baby. If its a female genalucard who is impregnated, they make her give birth and then execute her."

"That's unfair, but if she did die, you wouldn't know either parent."

"Yeah. I found out when I was 18. They thought because I was an adult that it would be good to finally tell me. I had already had plenty of suspicions about it. My non- biological father seemed a little bit cold to me. He was doing his best to be nice to me and try and play with me though." Leo smiled halfheartedly. "I at least feel better about it now. That's why I justify sleeping with genalucards. I am half of one. I have the right to be with my kind. I have a right to be with both kinds."

Leo was a rare being. Not many genalucards and humans actually had babies together, but maybe it was a beginning of a new world. Where people could procreate with the other race. Also, maybe they'd finally be able to work together and co-harmonize.

That was just a pike dream for Igor though. He wanted equality with the humans just as bad as everyone else. That could never happen in my lifetime Igor thought unsure of himself and depressed.

He liked human girls more than genalucard girls and if he could marry one and become their equal he would just love to. He understood the need to be with others. Something about him made him different too. He was also quite different then the others.

"Well, now you know who I am exactly. We are kin. Please, don't let your kind go to jail for my mess ups. It wouldn't be fair to her," Leo begged staring Igor down. Igor had no intentions on turning Leo in. He wasn't that dim anyways. He saw the asset in having Leo here, so he didn't have to deal with Maisie so much.

"I don't intend to turn you in now. Yes, we are brothers by way of the alucard." Igor half bowed. "I'll be on my way then, Mistress needs me." Igor walked to Maisie's room. "Okay, bye. See you later Igor." It was definitely good to tell him. That helped me get a lot off my chest, Leo thought.

I'm glad I have an ally in Master Leo now. It'll help me stay away from Maisie some of the time, Igor thought to himself.


"Where were you?" Maisie asked Igor.

"I was helping your elder brother out."

"With what?" Maisie had pushed further to get more information out of him. He had to think of a good story.

"I was just organizing his book collection for him."

"In what order?" Maisie hounded again for information. She was either suspicious or just being really annoying. Igor tried to remember what order the books were in Leo's room. He had only been in there a few times.

"Ordered by genre, Mistress." That was most likely with Master Leo just as it had been the rest of the family.

Igor had picked up that pattern with the family's own quirks that each of them had learned through the other. Most people pick up other people's habits and speech patterns by living with them for quite a long time.

To an outsider, families look very similar and tightly knitted together like a nice pair of baby booties made by a mother. The reality of it was the Lennox's were a very dysfunctional family. Everyone did their own thing and didn't know or care what any of the others were doing.

They only saw each other in passing and when they ate. Also, not everyone came to dinner or lunch or breakfast every single time. A lot of the time they would just buzz their personal servants/maids to get them their meals. It was not a surprise that the family was like this.

"Okay. Igor, get me my breakfast. I don't feel like seeing my ghastly parents today." That was strange, she usually loves to spend time with her parents. I wonder what happened between them, Igor had thought.

"Yes, Mistress. I shall go down and check on what they are serving. Then I'll ring you. I hope you don't mind," Igor said cautiously trying not to make the mistress angry. Mistress Maisie had her days where she was on edge, for some reason or another. It was as if she was hiding her true self most days and others she didn't care. Either that, or the pressure of her life got to her some-days.

"Yes, that's fine. Thanks." Maisie looked discontent. She was very unhappy about something, unusually so. Igor had decided to find out. He found out things by observing. Of course, it wasn't concrete evidence against anyone.

But, circumstantial evidence proved pretty correct for Igor most of the time. He also followed his gut. A very certain thing to do that had kept him alive over the years. Alive and in better shape then other people.

Igor went down the stairs to the kitchen. He saw they were making everyone three pancakes with strawberries and their choice of jam. There was also coffee, milk, and orange juice as the standards. There was something new too.

The delicious smell of Canadian bacon leap up into Igor's nose. Igor sent Mistress Maisie a message about what he found. The response, that took at least twenty minutes to get back to him said:

"Please get me some orange juice, one pancake, strawberry syrup, and two pieces of canadian bacon." Igor hurriedly got the requested food on the plate.

He walked in his normal graceful fashion, passing a disgruntled Mrs. Lennox on the way up. She had looked upset too. What's with these people and being upset today? Igor thought. Igor raped on Maisie's crimson red double doors.

"Yes come in... Leave the food on my desk please, Igor." Maisie sounded distraught and sad.

"Yes. I shall." What was wrong with her today? Igor thought. Igor was genuinely concerned. He did care for her, even though he did hate her too. He now had a Love-Hate relationship with his dearest, Mistress Maisie.

She had slighted him, but he had always forgiven people and genalucards for their wrong doing. What was the point in keeping a grudge anyways? It wasn't very healthy to have them. It kept intelligent people at odds, when the world would have been a better place without people going down others throats.

He had decided to just forgive Maisie, as she had enough to deal with as it was. Igor walked cautiously into Maisie's room. She was in her bed, crying. He really wanted to know what was wrong and who made her cry.

"What's the matter, Mistress?" Igor said gently. He was walking on thin ice when it came to human females' emotions and he knew it, so he tread lightly.

"Igor... I am not in any mood to tell you.... now please leave." She sniffed

"I am here to serve you. Please let me. I know something happened, otherwise you wouldn't be so upset." Whoa, he has a heart. 'A real conscious, loving heart. I never knew. Now I feel so bad for betraying him,' Maisie thought, lamenting.

"If I tell you, you need to keep this a secret from my mother, father and brothers. Please promise me you will," Maisie looked serious. What is with people and promises today? Igor was thrown off by all of the secrets he had been given. It was as if he had been the person to talk to. The being that deserved honesty.

"I promise you." Igor bowed and smiled. "Now, what's the matter Mistress?" Maisie sat up in bed looking wounded and hurt by someone, like she was stabbed in the back, and didn't even know why.