Chapter Seven- Maisie VS Mrs. Lennox

Igor had finally gotten Mistress Maisie to talk about what had upset her.

"Yesterday night, after the rally, my mother told me a dirty secret about her and a genalucard." Whoa, a lot of people are confessing recently, huh? Igor thought.

"What did she tell you about that?" Igor looked concerned.

"She slept with one in the very early stages of her and dad's relationship. She was just going to college then, and had a thing for one of the servants who started working at the mansion at the same time that Dad was dating her. He must of been very charming and beautiful if she'd of slept with him because she only goes for handsome men." 

Handsome men? Her father's handsome? To each their own. Igor thought and dwelled on.

"Go on." What are we? Objects? Animals? He thought.

Maisie coughed, and then tried to speak. She tried but couldn't breathe. She had to suck in air hard to be able to breathe.

"Okay. Better."

"Go on, I want to know what ails you."

"Mom became impregnated by this genalucard. Leo is the product of two different species. No wonder my family is so dysfunctional... Dad obviously doesn't love Leo the way he does me and my younger brother. He's a monster to him. A hybrid. That's probably why Leo is so distant to me and everyone else." Igor already knew all this, but at least the family was finally sharing to each other.

He also liked to know how Maisie was feeling and why she felt that way. He was like a psychologist, always wanting to pick a person's brain.

"Leo is your brother none the less. You shouldn't be so upset. The past is the past. Why are you so upset?"

"I had gotten over it last night, after I had told my mother that she was a slut and immoral. I felt horrible immediately after I had said it. My mom stormed out of the room, upset and crying. That's why I was so short with you this morning."

Igor had been short with her too that morning. He was in pain, tired, and had hated Maisie for taking him to such a stupid political rally. He had forgiven her though, and stopped being uncool.

"It's okay that you had been difficult with me. I understand why, and forgive you." His heart was showing on his sleeve, or at least his moral code.

"That isn't entirely why I'd been crying though. Mother came in my room this morning after you had left to go get me breakfast." Oh... That's why it took her so long to respond, Igor thought.

"She... She.. H-hit me, and told me she knew about the White Angels and should of said something earlier. She also said I couldn't go anymore, and that since I'm under her roof, I'll do as she says. It so isn't fair. I'm an adult. I'm twenty years old and she wants me to do as she says."

"Did you ask her why she hit you?" Igor inquired.

"I don't really know. She ran off after that crying." That had to be the reason Mrs. Lennox was rushing by all teary eyed, thought Igor.

"I have a theory its because of how judgmental I had acted towards her." Maisie felt guilty and unfairly treated. She also didn't exactly know why her mother told her about the affair, Leo, and her dad.

What really had taken place before her mother had told her was a fight between Leo and Harry. They were at odds and it didn't take much to set them off against each other.


The night before:

"Leo, don't," Mrs. Lennox said to Leo, who was holding his fist high up in the air. His non-biological father had just picked a fight with him. He slapped him.

They were both angry at each other.Harry was getting very irritated with Leo living with them so long. He had a PHD didn't he? Why didn't he find a job? What was wrong with him? What made him so unemployable? Why was he mooching off of his parents? Harry thought, in discord.

This was because Leo had an initial disconnect between full humans, and had loved Genalucards more. He felt more real when he talked to them. He didn't want to support a society that enslaved such wonderful beings. He didn't want to work with humans equally or support the enslavement of his other kind.

"I wish I were never born to you. You both treat me like shit. IT ISN'T RIGHT." Leo clearly was upset with his mother and his non-biological father, but they had kept pushing his buttons. Mrs. Lennox cried and cried. Tears streamed down her face.

"Mara don't cry," Harry pleaded. He put his hand on her face, and had a concern look in his eyes.

"Whatever," Leo stormed off, angry and lonely.

"Don't do anything rash Mara." Mara Lennox, had op-positional defiance disorder, and tended to do the OPPOSITE of what anyone asked of her. She had gotten better with it over the years, but it didn't seem to of helped enough when she was upset. Mara walked out of the room.

Harry was very displeased. He did love his wife's child, he had even promised to. The dissonance that loving a child that his wife had while with him, that's wasn't his, caused a lot of disharmony in his being. Leo was someone that could make it on his own. He was someone with high intelligence. Harry wondered what caused Leo to give up on job hunting.

Mara did the exact opposite of what Harry asked of her. She did something very rash, and told her daughter about Leo and her affair with another man. She was feeling guilty about it and expected her daughter to be understanding with her. She came out extremely disappointed. She plopped on her bed, very unhappy.

She fell in a deep sleep that was generally caused by crying for long periods of time. She awoke to a sound. The sound of a van pulling up. Igor had walked out of the van with a brownish red substance that covered his face. His eyes were like dead fish eyes, if fish had beautiful red irises. Mara went down the stairs trying to figure out what had happened to Igor.

"Igor where have you been, what happened?"

"To protect the innocent we shall fight down the evil. The evil is at the top and we shall triumph over it like an angel out of the sky fighting with lightening." It was the White Angels motto. She had read in the internet news at some point that some vigilantes had said it before in the past.

Then they would pass out and not understand or recall what happened the previous night. She knew Maisie was in the White Angels. She found out by finding mail with Maisie's name on it with the White Angel symbol on the return address. She became very suspicious of Maisie. She had decided to put an end to it in the morning.

"Igor go to bed, I shall talk to you in the morning,"

"Yes Mistress....." She wasn't his Mistress Maisie, what was going on?

"Goodnight." She didn't bother to investigate what the brownish red substance was. She didn't want to know. It could of been a few things, but if she found out, she wasn't sure she could handle it.


After the argument with his parents, Leo was very upset. He found his maid, Charla and charmed her into making love with him. He had admired her for her beauty for quite a long time. She had emerald green eyes, snow white hair, and long legs. They spent the night together and in the morning Leo had made his way out of her room, only to bump into a tall, manly, slender genalucard, Igor.


The day's drama ended with everyone being locked up in their room. Maisie had a greater appreciation for Igor. She had even started to like him past his exotic looks.

She started to care for him. Igor felt better about Maisie and was very glad that her mother had decided that she wouldn't be able to affiliate herself with the White Angels anymore. That also meant an even thicker air of hatred throughout the home, but at least she was safe from their political agenda.

Igor finally stumbled into bed after his long day. He read part of 1984, shut his light off, and fell asleep. A horrible nightmare enveloped him. He murdered another genalucard with a poisoned tipped sword. He flew from the ceiling and plunged the sword right into man's chest. It was all very vivid as if he really was doing it.

"NO, I CAN'T DO THIS," Igor screamed, tortured in his sleep. One of the other servants came into Igor's room and turned on the light. Igor was punching and kicking in his dream.

"I CAN'T KILL HIM," He continued to scream. The rest of the servants came into Igor's room, curious, but frightened. The Masters, the Mrs. and Mistress Maisie all came into the room. Maisie gently patted Igor on his chest, and then gently shook him. His eyes bulged out.

"What happened? Why am I drenched?" Igor asked frightened. He saw that the whole house was in his bedroom and in the hallway. What was this, a party? Igor thought.

"You were kicking and screaming." Maisie told him, concerned.

"Really? I.. I don't know what kind of dream I was having," Igor frowned.

"Here's some medicine to put you to sleep without any dreams. It'll do for now." Maisie gave him some very strong sleeping pills and a glass of water. He remembered part of his dream. He wondered if it was true.

"Thankyou," Igor took the pills and water and swallowed. Everyone walked out of the room back to their rooms, maybe disappointed that nothing exciting happened.

Igor woke up to his shock alarm, heavy and cold, again. He pondered why he kept feeling so ill in the morning. He was usually quite warm. He now was freezing and could barely pull his own weight. He cleaned himself up and went to Mistress Maisie's room.

"Hello Mistress Maisie. May I come in?"

"Comme innn," She dragged her sentence out. He went into her room, dragging his feet. He felt drowsy.