Chapter Eight-The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

"I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what I was dreaming. All I remember is blood." Igor put his right hand on his forehead, his head was hurting. It had been hurting all night after his deadly nightmare. The red clouded his red eyes. A migraine had set in.

"It's okay, I know how it is," Maisie smiled halfly. A man had died a bloody death, and he had administered it. Igor felt very guilty. There was no way that he had killed someone. He didn't believe in killing innocent people no matter what the circumstances. Knock knock knock, someone was tapping at Maisie's door.

"Yes?" Maisie answered.

"It's your mom." Oh no. Not her, Maisie thought.

"Come in." She replied shortly. 

The door swung open. Her mother was sobbing.Maisie felt horrible immediately. Igor didn't know how to react. He just decided to stay still and watch.

"I-I feel so bad. I don't want you to hate me. I-Its just..."

"Just what?" Maisie asked.

"I saw something the previous night. I need some privacy to tell you though." Mara replied. Igor had been standing still, watching, but had eventually tuned them out.

"Igor... HEY, IGOR." Maisie was shaking Igor.

"Uhh... what?"

"Mother asked for privacy. Will you give it to us?"

"Yes, my bad." Igor left the room. I wonder what their problems are? Igor thought.

"I saw, Igor with blood on his face the other day... And he chanted the White Angels motto." Mara put her hand over her face. "He was in a trance. He didn't even know I wasn't you. What happened to him?"

"I don't know. I didn't know this would happen..." Maisie had begun to feel guilty for bringing Igor to the rally.

"You better tell me how he even got out of the house. Servants aren't allowed to leave unless they are with their Mistress or Master. So, you must of done s-something." Mara's tears started to roll down her face silently. The sadness welled up.

She had felt miserable for hurting her daughter so badly, but she felt the need to find out what had happened to Igor. Her feelings were clearly mixed about it. The difference between night and day.

"I-I took Igor to a rally. A White Angel's rally."

"You did what?! You know better. You can't just take servants to political rallies. That's against the law

!" You sure are the pot calling the kettle black, Maisie thought. All the while this conversation was going on Igor was outside the door listening. That's so hypocritical, he thought. Maisie and him were on the same page without even knowing it.

"Please, don't tell anyone Mom."

"I'm going to have to tell your father." Mara started fidgeting with her hair. She and Maisie were the same in this regard, and so were a lot of their other tendencies.

"Please don't." Maisie begged.

"Alright I won't. But, you have to tell me. Why weren't you two together after the rally? Why hadn't you gone home together?"

"I told him to go into the new comers van."

"Why would you do that?! Are you brain dead Maisie?! That's even more dangerous than just taking him to the rally." Maisie felt like an idiot. She did what she was told by whoever asked. Why was she such a sheep? Why did she do everything they asked?

"I don't know. I was just doing as they asked, I didn't know Igor was going to come home damaged."

"You just didn't think, did you? Maisie don't be so naive. You can't trust everyone."

"You were this way once too, Mother. Trusting everyone, and doing what you thought would make a difference. Going off your instinct," Maisie hit a nerve with her mother. Mara knew she was right.

"Yes, I was. Not anymore, I learned my lesson."

"Well, nonetheless, please forgive me. I can't do anything about it. I'm not sure what happened to Igor. I guess I can just opt out of the organization and we can forget this happened."

"Yes, we can. Are we good? I don't want you feeling slighted."

"We're good." Mara gave Maisie a hug. A somewhat long hug, but Maisie was okay with it. It was relaxing to make up and have a hug.

"Please apologize to Igor too. I think he deserves one if you forced him into doing something illegal."

"Yes, I will." Maisie was dreading that she had to apologize to her servant that had to do as she said, but, she didn't want her mother to get on her case about it, so she decided it would be better to just suck it up and get it over with.

"Alright, see you at breakfast." Mara walked out of the room and almost bumped into Igor on the way out.

"Sorry, Mrs. Lennox, I didn't mean to be in the way. I just wanted to be near by if you two needed anything."

"It's okay Igor, and you can help Maisie with her outfit now," Mrs. Lennox walked down the hallway. Igor walked slowly into the room.

"Igor, sit down please. I wanted to say something." Igor sat down on her bed. "I'm so sorry I made you go to that rally, and there's no telling what they did to you at the welcoming center." Truth was, Igor didn't really know himself what happened at the center. It was all bits and pieces.

"It's alright. I'm fine. Nothing happened." He didn't know what happened, not really. He just had nightmares, and felt sick, nothing big.

"Okay, good. I won't drag you into that again." Maisie put her hand on his. That was rather affectionate for her. He caressed her hands. They looked into each other. They had feelings for each other and it showed. Igor knew the consequences and had decidedly pulled away, leaped up and went to Maisie's closet.

"Would you like to wear one of your plaid shirts today?" He ignored what had just happened between them.