Chapter 3

" So why did you come here again?" Stark pointing his repulsor blaster on his palm at me. I did not immediately reply but I flew up to his level to meet his eyes and said, " Stop pointing that pathetic thing at me." I really was a big fan of Robert Downey Jr. and his character as the Iron-Man but something really ticked me off. Maybe it was his haughtiness and superiority complex that gave an impression of an @sshole.

" Your weapon goes 'PEW PEW PEW'....Mine goes..." I concentrated on my right arm and my hand started transforming. It took 2 seconds to fully tranform into this huge 2 metre sized Energy cannon. It started whirring and the thrum of power produced a hum that was increasing in volume and pitch." vrrrmmMMM..."I casually held it one one hand not pointing at them, " I would suggest you put it away." I did not give them time to retort as I called back SCORN, the symbiote in my arms which was half Klyntar and half machine, a cyborb of sorts( CYBIOTE or SYMBORB i guess?

" I suggest we talk somewhere more 'secure'." stressing the secure part flying down. Natasha nodded " I will have to cuff you. Standard procedure." she secured me with what I think are either adamantium or vibranium " Ohhh...kinky. " I winked at her. " I dont swing that way." she whispered. " Oh, but you will. Believe me."I gave her a smirk. A few minutes later I was standing in a machine which I guessed was scanning me for 'alien germs' and other things such as internal organs, bone structures and anotomy. Natasha raised an eyebrow looking at me. " My face is up here darling." I gave her a look as if saying 'I told you so'.

An Hour Later.

I was sitting in a room eating what was meant for at least 8 people with Natasha and one Mr.Nicolas Joseph Fury, keeping I'm sure was keeping an 'eye' on me. "So you were human before this? from Earth?" Natasha doing all the talking. " Hey! I'm still part human you know. You could call me....What is that phrase? ah yes 'escaped lab rat'. " I said stuffing my face in the process, not bad for a secret government organization.

" Can I just ask you one thing? Why the F@#K would someone create a pineapple pizza?" Ignoring my question she continued her '21 questions'. "So can you tell us more about that thing in your body? I assume they are they are your other half?" " Ten points to Gryffindor! Yes 'they' are an intelligent alien species called Klyntar. We are sharing a symbiotic relationship, although each host can carry only one symbiote I can carry 5, the reason being my DNA being spliced with klyntar DNA." " Do you know who did this to you?" I replied, "Kree".

I was lying right through my teeth, spinning a wab of lies and creating a pretty solid backstory. "I heard Mar-Vell came here so I jumped at the opportunity to escape." Natasha looked at Fury as he stiffened at the name. He finally opened his mouth and asked, "Captain Marvel knows you?" "Nope. I know her, she does not.I was considered top secret 'research material'. Mar-Vell was pretty famous, being a 'named' soldier and all."

" Coming back to the symbiotes. what are they? what do they? how did they live without a host before you or are they born with a host?How do they reproduce?"Natasha firing off a few questions, dragging us back to the topic. "There are a total of 5 symbiotes and each have different properties and functions. The ones you have already seen are SCORN and PAYBACK. Scorn is a unique symbiote which is half machine. It can scan and copy any tech it sees as a possible advantage." I changed my right hand to Iron-Mans gauntlet with the repulsor cannon and changed it back to my normal hand. I could see Fury's mind working overtime, thinking of a plan and possible counters against me. I did not say anything and continued. The blue one is PAYBACK. It alows my to fly, produce EMP blasts and breath in multiple environments." Shit I gave them too much info on me. Whatever...The damage is done. Have to be careful from now on.

I continued, "The other 2 are just there for cellular regeneration and me too look cool." I changed into Toxic, the mask looking a little similar to spiderman's and again changed into Hybrid's form with a little tweak. I Changed his colour to black, formed a big toothy mouth with a long slobbering tougue...making him look like a reflection of VENOM. Other people would have shat themselves looking at the slobbering face of terror itself but these two had nerves of adamantium (see what i did there?😆).

Natasha was asking me the finer details of the symbiotes when Fury picked up a call, "Mr.Fury, Mr.Rogers is on his way Dr.Banner has already landed and ready to start their search for the Loki and the Tesaract...I just got word that Stark has arrived." "Good. Hold of on the search, Let them mingle. And tell Steve to give me my money. He will know what it means." I heard every word and was shocked. This is not the end of Iron-Man 2, rather Avengers has alredy started, with Loki escaping with Barton and the Tesaract.

"Wait! Loki is here??!!" I shouted without thinking. "super hearing" I said pointing at my ear guiltily. "You know that guy?" Fury asked on high alert. "yeah. I mean, Who doesn't know that careful with him, he is extremely dangerous. Did he have a scepter like thing?" Fury nodded, wanting to know what it meant. "Thats bad news. He is twice as dangerous as he normally is. He can control people's minds with it." "One of my best agents is under his control. Do you have any more intel on this guy? I'd appreciate the help." "Sure." I replied explaining to them the whole nine realms, world tree and Asgard.