Chapter 4

I thought I requested for the timeline of the end of Iron-Man 2, and instead he goes and drops me of in the starting of Avengers timeline. hhmm.... I sighed to myself thinking, " Doesn't make much difference now that I'm here." I was following Fury and Natasha to the command centre to meet the Avengers. I was extremely excited and giddy to meet them, especially Captain America aka Steve Rogers, but personally I would like to meet the Hulk more. We reached the room and immediately all eyes were on me. There was a pin drop silence, when it was broken by sound that I'm quite sure is the BGM when you die in Galagar.

We walked into Fury's office on the other side of the glass panel. "What is she doing here Fury?" Stark was sceptic of me not in Handcuff or in a cell. "Nice to see you too Tin-Man." I retorted and turned towards Captain America, "It is an honour to meet you Mr.Rogers. I'm a big fan." "The pleasure is all mine Ms....?" He asked looking from me too Fury. Before I could answer. "She is Ms.Jane Constantine and she will be working with us on finding Loki." he said pointing at the screen behind him. A video of Loki escaping and controlling Barton with just a touch of his scepter, was playing.

"So Captain, how are you adjusting to civilian life?"I asked. "Cooking, boxing, Running and Music."Steve replied. I thought for a second and said, "Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, oh..and this one is even before your time. Man of Cuonstant Sorrow by The Soggy Bottom Boys." "I know that on. One of my favourites too. And please call me Steve." We were talking, Tony occasionally chimed in.

"Wait a minute Director, I thinking you should think this through. Dont you think it is unsafe to just let her in?" surprisngly it was was Banner. "Its a lot safer than letting in a mindless big raging green monster on a metal bucket, tens of thousands of feet in the air filled with people." pointing at the screen playing a video of Hulk transforming from Banner and going to town with the army, bashing a tank, flattening it. "Dont worry Dr.Banner. Although I may not be an enhanced, I'm an exellent judge of character. And most of all, she checks out all the boxes for the Avengers initiative." Banner was surprised and looked at me, "So Ms.Constantine, where are you from?" "Austin, Texas" whatever he was thinking he did not expect THAT. "Wait, so you are not an alien?" this time it was Tony. "I'm 50 percent alien, 50 percent human, 100 percent awesomeness." I explained my situation to them and saw faces of understanding, as the were all products of experimentation, well except Tony.

" Few hours before Ms.Constantine's arrival, an object was stolen from our base by this man." pointing at the screen he continued. "He goes by the name Loki. And the object in question is this." "The Tesaract." Steve and I said together. "You know of this?" he asked. I simply nodded my head and continued the explanation myself. "The Tesaract is a source of unimaginable power that could destray the whole world in the blink of an eye. Loki; as far as I know, intends to use it to create a tranportation wormhole to bring in his army 'the Chitauri'. The scepter that he carries is of the same power field. You need to retrieve it at all costs. He plans to invade Earth and subdue all the humans. So I suggest you start looking for him ASAP."

One hour later

"Banner found him. Suit up, we are going to Germany." "WüNDERBàR!"I exclaimed.