Chapter 7

"So let me get this right, a galactic evil warlord is collecting magic stones which are basically the instruments for the creation of the universe and everything in it, just to wipe out half the population of the entire universe?" Stark looked like he was going mad "And why does he want to do that?!" surprisingly so was Fury. "Well he basically thinks the natural resources are going to waste and the universe is overpopulated." I turned to Fury, "We need to get the cube back to Asgard where it belongs. Its potential for destruction is immeasurable and seldom can be stopped, even by someone like Thor or Mar-Vell."

"I can't do that Ms.Constantine, the board of directors won't like it." Fury shook his head. "You mean him?" I tranformed my index finger on my right hand to a USB jack and inserted it into the screens socket. It showed the member of the board of directors of SHIELD Col.Rick Stoner, Senator Sterns and a SHIELD Agent named Zwittler in a room talking about Project Insight and then saluted with the following words that shocked the the SHIELD agents in the room including Fury and Natasha, "HAIL HYDRA!!". "Where did you get this?" Fury asked, his voice grave and a somber look that made him look like he aged ten years at that moment.

"Wait so HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD?" Cap stood up his hands on the table breathing hard,he was furious to say the least. Fury with his hands on his head sitting on chair leaning forward, looked devastated. I shook my head "HYDRA is SHIELD. Hardly 70 percent are actual SHIELD agents. I got this while I was on the quinjet watching sitcoms on our way to Germany. I'm afraid I know more about SHIELD than you two combined. I'm sorry to say Cap, but the brainchild of Peggy Carter has been...." I couldn't finish the sentence. Steve's eyes were brimming with tears threatening to flow from his clear blue eyes.

I was wondering if I should tell him about Bucky when Thor interrupted my thoughts. "You humans and your petty squabbles. The universe is at stake and you worry about these trivial things and internal strife. By Odin's beard, you people are like bilge snipes." "We just got a hit. Barton has stolen some Iridium from a offsite SHIELD base. It seems Dr.Selvig is also with him." Coulsen came in handing over a holo-pad to Fury. "Selvig. He's an astrophysicist. One of the best." "Selvig's s friend. Loki is upto something." Thor cut in.

"Can someone please tell me what he is doing with Iridium, I swear I'm gonna choke that snile off his face and break my foot up where the sun doesn't shine. Do you know what you would do in his shoes." Fury looked at Banner for an answer. "Well I suggest you don't think like him. For one, That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you can smell crazy on him...." "Have care of how you speak of him. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he is my brother." Thor said menacingly. "He killed eighty people in two days." Natasha cut in. "Well...He's adopted." Thor said turning away.

"Irridium is a stabilising agent....means the portal won't collapse on itself like it did with SHIELD." I looked at Fury looking for a reaction who had no expression whatsoever. Damn his spy training! "Also it can stay up as long as Loki wants it."Stark added. "Now he needs a big enough power source so that he can kickstart his machine." Banner finished the explanation as if they rehearsed their lines to perfection. "Dr.Banner and I will see if we could locate the machin and Dr.Selvig." saying that Stark and Banner exited the room going of to play with their toys. "I dont know about you guys but I need a bath." saying so I left the room to the bathhouse.