Info on Symbiotes...(not a chapter)

Before I start this I want to know your opinion on something. First of all...

● do you want Jane to fall in love


● just have meaningless hot steamy $ex?

If it is the second option then do you want just one parter or do you want an orgy.

WARNING!! - No harem...I repeat, no harem.


If it is the first option then who do you want as the parter?

•Natasha Romanoff

•Agent Hill (forgot her first name...I'll google it😅)

•Jessica Jones (yup...she will be making an entry very soon) my personal fav.😍😍

•Original Character ( OC )

•any other suggestions



• super-human strength

• massive regenerative properties for itself and its host

• can hide by mixing itself into the hosts blood stream

• unlimited organic webbing which is stronger than steel

• stamina😏, speed, endurence, durability, heightened reflexes

• can make its skin corrosive (hence the name)





• enhanced strength, speed, agility, durability

• electricity, electric feild generation

• enhanced healing

• flight





• can hack into any machine of any ( be it human or alien ) technology

• can copy any tech it scans

• produce energy out of sunlight (positevely charged ß-rays)

• can cover itself in a liquid metal casing to protect against high frequency sounds





• can split itself

• camouflage

• multiple apendages that can move separately in different directions simultaneously

• can form wing like apendages and glide in the air (not fly)
