
Mike went back to his usual training routine mostly ingrown the letter that sat on his desk and waited for a response

"Boss aren't you going to write a response to that declaration of war?"

"Maybe after today's training"

"Eh, but that's what you said yesterday?"

"Yeah, yeah… By the way Daisy, how're the recruits you brought feeling?"

"They are combat-ready boss!"

"Very good… Why don't you check on them?"

"Yes boss, will do!"

Daisy ran along leaving Mike alone with 20 or so servants in the inner courtyard, Mike gave a sigh, maybe it's because Julie wasn't around when he controlled Daisy but she was a lot more… shall we say near to him when she spoke with him she would inch closer to him and with that bombshell of a body of hers it proved a little hard for Mike to handle her, of course, Mike never thought of laying his hands on her after all

"Julie will kill me… Not that that would be so bad, being killed by the one you love that is…"