

Mike woke up with a set before he called out in annoyance


"Forces are approaching the city, they have breached the first outer line!"

Mike sat himself up and gave a sigh

"Oh right, the war declaration… how many are there?"

"About 5.000"

"And their top level?"

"Several level 6's"

"I see… Well then"

Mike stretched before he poked the still sleeping Julie on the cheek until she awoke

"What is it Mike?"



"That's right war, war never changes, just like their shitty Creation Engine..."

Julie stared blankly at Mike for a moment before she gave a sigh

"...If you're going to fool around then I am going back to sleep…"

"A force of 5.000 is approaching the city, with several level 6's among them"

"I see… We should properly handle that…"