
Mike narrowed his eyes and began churning his mana ever so slightly as he watched the people on horseback approach them, then when the group on horseback was about 10 meters away they stopped and one of them shouted out

"We are the 38th enforcers of the Slaverunners! We are here for Mike"

After that, he took out something and threw it towards the camp, it landed on the ground, Mike narrowed his eyes when he saw that it was a metal collar engraved with formations which he could not decipher at first glance, Mike walked over and picked it up and while ignoring the people on horseback he began inspecting the collar

"Put on the collar!"

Mike continued looking at it while tracing the formations while he muttered

"So it has a shock function… While it hampers consciousness with interference signals… This is a slave collar..?"

"I will not repeat myself again, put on the collar!"

Mike spoke out while he continued inspecting the collar

"Leave one alive, kill the rest"