Adventurers faction

Mike looked at the old man for a bit, he seemed nervous, so he pushed him a bit

"So… How exactly have you been treating my wife?"

"O-O-Of course we've been treating her with respect and dignity---"

"You call drafting my servants, thereby making me powerless and then trying to marry me off to another man that I have never met treating me with dignity and respect!"

Mike heard what Julie said, he really did, he could feel her frustration and helplessness, no doubt this had driven her to her breaking point unknowingly his mana began churning as a near primal rage took over as he appeared before the old man and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up into the air

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you right now"

The old man struggled to breathe, but eventually, he managed to stammer out

"I wasn't… The one that… Made the decision…"

"Oh? Then who, pray tell, is it I have to slaughter today?"

Just then a strong pressure descended over Mike as an aged voice spoke out