Chapter 18 : Ceng Jin Jie

"So you aren't giving face?" Wang Yun gazed slightly towards Lin Xiu, in his mind he is thinking Lin Xiu might be a grade 6 cultivator, this time he should start using force on Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu smiled at Wang Yun, and shook his head in disdain, "What I need to say I had already said, don't bother me eating noodles."

Saying finish, Lin Xiu turned his back and leave, totally not giving face to Wang Yun.

"A grade 6 cultivator actually not putting the Taoist Alliance in his eyes, does he think a little talent and he can be lawless?" Wang Yun coldly smile as he see Lin Xiu left.

In the noodle shop, two bowls of beef noodle is being placed on the table, different from other shops with little beef, this noodle shop is very generous, the amount of beef they give is quite a lot.

In one fell swoop, the bowl of noodles have went down into the stomach.

"Lin Xiu big brother, where are we going to play in the afternoon?" seeing Lin Xiu had already eaten finish, Ni Xiao Tong asked him.

"Let's not go play first in the afternoon, I want to try if we can find out who adopted Chen Jian Yu, Li Hanqiu and Wang Yang, if I don't see how they are doing now, I can't be at ease." Lin Xiu said.

Hearing that Lin Xiu said, Ni Xiaotong also recalled the calm and handsome Chen Jianyu, the gentle and elegant Li Hanqiu, and Wang Yang who stared at her and Han Qiu's big sister all day long.

In a blink of an eye five years have passed, she really miss them.

"I'll follow you." Ni Xiao Tong said.

The two of them said they are going to try to find them and so they did, after eating, Lin Xiu brought Ni Xiaotong to the adoption centre located on the street where seedling orphanage was, they wanted to find the adoption record.

Most of the children in the orphanage have adopted records, but only Chen Jianyu, Li Hanqiu, and Wang Yang have no record left.

Even the people on duty at the adoption centre can't think of why it was like that.

At the gate of the adoption centre, Lin Xiu and Ni Xiaotong came out with disappointment, in the past, their relationship among these five people was the best.

If those three were not doing well it's alright, however, even the adoption record was gone.

"Lin Xiu big brother, say do you think they might have been sold to the black market, I heard that place is very dark. Also, also, Li Hanqui big sister is very beautiful, will someone try to do something funny to her, Wang Yang also had a being cheap character, will he get beaten to death by people?" Ni Xiao Tong kept on talking, enough to see how worried she was in her heart.

Who says Lin Xiu ain't worry.

"Don't be anxious, let's go find Ceng Jin Jie, I hope he is able to give us some clues."

Ceng Jin jie was a member of the seedling orphanage, it's just that Lin Xiu group wasn't really close with him, Lin Xiu often fought against him because of Ni Xiaot Tong.

Just now at the adoption centre, they also asked who had adopted Ceng Jin Jie and it seem that he live nearby, thus they headed over to check it out.

Lin Xiu took Ni Xiaotong and walked all the way, after about ten minutes, they stopped in front of a slum.

"Did we went the wrong way? Ceng Jinjie lived here?" Ni Xiaotong frowned slightly.

Lin Xiu took another look at the address: "Yes it is indeed the place, it seems that Ceng Jinjie isn't living well."

Before the two of them entered the slums, there were already trouble brewing.

"Smelly boy, don't run, if you continue to run, I will break your legs!"

Lin Xiu and Ni Xiaotong looked over, they saw a fat boy with a flexible pace weaving through the road, behind him, there were four or five dragon-painted tigers tattooed people who were chasing after him with machetes.

"Give way, quickly give way."

The fat boy saw Lin Xiu and Ni Xiao Tong and shouted at them.

Lin Xiu pulled Ni Xiao Tong to the side as they gave way.

After the fat boy and those gangsters had run passed, Lin Xiu shakes his head and said, "This slum is exactly like they said, very chaotic."

"Lin Xiu big brother, the fat boy just now who ran passed us, looks like Ceng Jin Jie."Ni Xiao Tong said as she wasn't very sure.

Lin Xiu was taken aback, five years ago in the orphanage, Ceng Jin Jie was notoriously thin, if not for Lin Xiu's own disease, the title of the thinnest child in the orphanage would be none other than him.

That fatty? No matter how he sees, he can't relate Ceng Jin Jie to him.

"You might have recognized the wrong person."Lin Xiu shook his head.

"No, I remember clearly that Ceng Jin Jie had a mole between his eyebrows." Ni Xiao Tong said.

It's been five years and his relationship with Ceng Jin Jie wasn't very good, thus Lin Xiu have forgotten about these small details, after hearing Ni Xiao Tong reminding him, he slapped his forehead, "You wait here, I'll go help him."

At that moment, the fat boy was chased into a dead end by the gangsters, he had no where else to run.

Ceng Jin Jie panted and gasped for air, "I say buddies, aren't you guys tired of chasing me for the past few years, is there any need for it?"

"Ceng Jin Jie, we gave you a few years of time, our boss no longer have the patience to continue waiting, one word, pay up, or we will claim your life." The leader of the bunch pointed his machete at Ceng Jin Jie.

Ceng Jin Jie looked at the baldy and said, "I don't even owe you money, why look for me, you should look for the person who owe you instead."

"Father's debt son pay, it's natural, stop telling us useless stuff." several gangsters being to shout.

Ceng Jin Jie was also unlucky, they were being adopted, but his encounter and Ni Xiao Tong is like heaven and earth.

Although Ni Xiao Tong isn't a golden spoon, but she can live without worries, while Ceng Jin Jie on the second day of adoption, the adoptive father ran away.

If it was just as it is, it's okay, however that bad gambler owes a ton of debt, since the creditors couldn't find him, they could only get to Ceng Jin Jie as he is the adopted child.

"Buddies, five years already, don't you guys know how much I have?" Ceng Jin Jie glanced at the few gangsters, "I said before, I'll let you break my hands and legs and let me fend for myself, you guys also don't want to do it, what else can I do, I am helpless."

When encountering people like Ceng Jin Jie, these dunning gangsters don't really have much options, to threaten? What's the use of threats when people don't have any friends or relatives.

Taking a machete and chase Ceng Jin Jie, if he give face he will still run, if he doesn't he would just stand there and looked at them, while waiting for them to cut his neck.

Jokes aside, their objective is to collect money, if they kill Ceng Jin Jie, who will they find to collect money from later on?

The leader of the gangster was also helpless, as he tone down a little and said, "At least give us some money to go back and report."

"Come, if you can find money you're good." Ceng Jin Jie spread out his hands.

The leader of the gangster went up to search, but as expected his pockets were cleaner than his face.