Chapter 19 : Seriously?

"Let's go!" the group of gangsters were helpless against Ceng Jin Jie, all of them shook their heads as they walk out of the alley, since they had ran so far for nothing.

"See what see, if you carry on seeing, believe it or not I'll pull out your eyeballs."

As they walked out of the alley, the leader of the gangster saw happened to see Lin Xiu leaning at the entrance of the alley and fiercely said to him.

Lin Xiu didn't care about them, after they left, he turned and walked into the alley.

"I already said I have no money, you guys still don't believe." seeing someone walking over Ceng Jin Jie begin talking.

"Skinny Ceng, you really don't recognise me?" Lin Xiu instantly replied.

Ceng Jin Jie was shocked, he look careful and size up Lin Xiu, compared to Ceng Jin Jie huge change, Lin Xiu didn't really change much.

"Lin, Lin Xiu? When did you come back? Didn't you die?" Ceng Jin Jie asked in astonishment.

Lin Xiu laughed, "When you die, I won't be dead. Stop cursing me."

"Coughing, this isn't the place to talk, follow me but don't walk together with me, it will bring you trouble." Ceng Jin Jie coughed twice as he awkwardly said.

Lin Xiu nodded his head, since he was just outside the alley, he had heard the conversation between the gangsters and Ceng Jin Jie, thus he could roughly guessed the situation.

Just like that, Ceng Jin Jie was walking in the front shaking his ass, while Lin Xiu was following behind, when they reach the entrance of the slum, Lin Xiu brought Xiao Tong along.

"Lin Xiu big brother, why Ceng Jin Jie act like he doesn't know us?" Ni Xiao Tong asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'll explain it to you later." Lin Xiu summed it up in one sentence and followed closely behind.

After Chen Jin Jie brought Lin Xiu and Ni Xiao Tong through a few bends, turning to the left and the right, he finally walked straight into a broken down house.

Lin Xiu looked left and right checking to see if anyone had noticed before bringing Ni Xiao Tong along into the house.

"Haha, I never thought Xiao Tong would have come along, this little girl has grown so pretty."

After walking in, Ceng Jin Jie laughed happily.

The past few years have indeed ruined him, no one dared to make friends with him due to his current situation, after being alone for so long, he was naturally happy when he suddenly get to see his childhood friends.

"You became so fat, I almost didn't recognize you."Ni Xiao Tong said with a grin.

Ceng Jin Jie scratch his head, "I also don't know what's going on, the food amount is bad, but I still gained weight."

"You live here." Ni Xiao Tong looks at the surrounding, just four walls and nothing else could be use to describe Ceng Jin Jie's house, even the walls had holes in them, Ni Xiao Tong couldn't imagine how someone could live here in the winter.

"That bastard left me a butt load of debts, the only thing left is this." Ceng Jin Jie shakes his head and said, "I don't have much to entertain you guys with."

"Let me treat you to dinner." Ni Xiao Tong said generously.

Although Ceng Jinjie and their relationship is not very good, but since they grew up together in an orphanage, seeing his current situation, Ni Xiaotong cannot bear watching.

"Treating me to dinner? Forget it, I don't want to cause trouble for you guys."Ceng Jin Jie shakes his head and said.

Lin Xiu smile for a moment, "How much money do you owe?"

"Ah? You owe people money?" Ni Xiao Tong replied with a shock.

Ceng Jin Jie slowly explained to Ni Xiao Tong.

"Interest roll interest, currently it's about 100,000 yuan, forget it, it's just a shit life, I don't have any money to pay them because I don't have any way." Ceng Jin Jie have already accepted it.

Lin Xiu frowned, "I am asking the original debt is how much?"

"About 2000yuan." Ceng Jin Jie replied after thinking for a while.

Lin Xiu was taken aback, 2000yuan could actually rolled to 100,000 yuan? Isn't this is a bit exaggerating.

"Later I'll think of a way to help you, being chased by people everyday isn't the way to go." Lin Xiu said directly.

"Did you strike rich?" Ceng Jin jie look strangely at Lin Xiu, "You can even afford to take out 100,000 yuan?"

"Who says I am giving them 100,000 yuan? I am only giving them the original amount." Lin Xiu said.

Ceng Jin Jie rolled his eyes, "Don't be stupid, if it's the original amount, I had long ago paid back."

"Ceng Jin Jin, the Lin Xiu big brother now can really fight, beating up seven or eight people is not a problem." Ni Xiao Tong said on the side.

Ceng Jin Jie did not believe as he looks at Lin Xiu, when they were young, Lin Xiu was always being pressed down and rubbed on the ground by him, not having the strength to fight back, now he is able to fight seven or eight?

"Later you bring me to find them!" Lin Xiu pat on Ceng Jin Jie's shoulder.

Although Ceng Jin Jie felt Lin Xiu was bragging, however he felt that Lin Xiu is a good-hearted person, so he didn't expose him, thus he changed the topic, "How did you guys find out where I am?"

"The adoption centre!" Ni Xiao Tong said.

"Oh, right, our information is all at the adoption centre."

Lin Xiu directly question, "Ceng Jin Jin, I wanted to ask if you know where Chen Jianyu, Li Hanqiu, and Wang Yang is being adopted to, the adoption centre don't have their information."

"Chen Jianyu, they all?" Zeng Jinjie frowned and thought about it.

Lin Xiu and Ni Xiaotong stared at him tightly, without disturbing him.

After a while, Ceng Jinjie said: "It has been too long, I can't remember very much of it. I remember that when they first came to pick them up, it seemed to be very rich people. The cars that were driven were all luxury cars. "

"Very rich people?" Lin Xiu brows slightly wrinkled: "Are they together or separated?"

"Separated, they boarded different cars." Ceng Jinjie said: "Because we had no rich people here, when three luxury cars appeared together, we were all very envious."

Ni Xiaotong thought for a moment: "Why didn't I have any impression?"

"You? You are crying in the house inside the orphanage!" Ceng Jinjie said: "At that time, because of you, everyone was crying too."

"I remembered." Ni Xiaotong touched her head: "It was really sad at the time."

"Don't say those, Ceng Jinjie, do you still remember anything more specific? For example, the car license plate number." Lin Xiu said.

Ceng Jinjie shook his head: "Who could pay attention to that at that time, but there is something more specific that I can think of, the people from one of the cars were all bald."

"All are bald?" Lin Xiuyi, is it a mafia group?

"That's right, I only remember so much." Zeng Jinjie shrugged his shoulders.

Lin Xiu nodded: "Understood, thank you in any case."

"Oh, what are you saying, being like an outsider, aren't we all brothers." Zeng Jinjie said.

Lin Xiu smile, "Yes, then don't treat me as an outsider, take me to your creditor, I'll help you settle things."

"Hey, I say you aren't really serious right?" Zeng Jinjie looked at Lin Xiu with a look of surprise.