Chapter 23 : Mount Gu Forbidden area

In the middle of the night on the streets of Bin Hai, there were very few vehicles, however Lin Xiu's luck was good, just as he stepped outside of the hotel he managed to flag a taxi.

The taxi driver is probably in his early forties, and had a thin beard.

"Young man, where are you going?" The driver was very enthusiastic, Lin Xiu greeted him when he got on the taxi.

Lin Xiu said: "Mount Gu."

"Mount Gu?" The driver's face became a bit weird, he confirmed again, "You want to go to that place?"

"Why? Is there any problem?" Lin Xiu saw the driver's reaction, he began to have some doubts.

The driver smiled: "Young man, are you not a local right?"

"I am a local, but I have not been home for a few years." Lin Xiu said.

He is from Hai Bin, naturally went to Mount Gu when he was a child, the orphanage used to organize trips to go there and play, go there to worship the mausoleum of the martyrs and there was nothing wrong with that place.

"Haven't been at home for a few years? It should be about the same time, Mount Gu nowadays is no longer the former Mount Gu." The driver shook his head, "I would advise you not to go there."

"Why would you say that?" The curiosity in Lin Xiu's heart was hooked up.

"The specific situation, I am not very clear, however since 3 years ago, the area surrounding Mount Gu was cordon off, no one is allowed to go up the mountain." The driver's voice became soft, "Rumor has it that the mountain is haunted.

"Haunted?"Lin Xiu brows sank, although his impression about Mount Gu isn't deep, he remembers that it's the largest martyr's tomb in Bin Hai, with a military soul, ordinary ghost would never go there to make trouble.

"Don't tell me it's ghost cultivation?" Lin Xiu muttered to himself.

There are six ways to cultivate in the world: Tao, Buddha, monster, demon, ghost, and evil.

The type of ghost referred here isn't those wraith, but those ghosts who had grasped the way to cultivate.

General dead souls who want to increase their power they can only rely on places that can grow ghost or some special physique.

Though ghost cultivation is different, it's similar to the other 5 cultivation, able to absorb spiritual energy from heaven and earth to cultivate.

"Little buddy, don't think that I lied to you, in the past I had a colleague who brought a couple up Mount Gu, he agreed to pick them up the next morning. Guess what happened." the Taxi driver spoke mysteriously.

Lin Xiu let out a light laughter, "The two didn't come right?"

"That's right, my colleague waited until noon didn't see anyone and had to report to the police, the entire Hai Bin police force was activated, they searched for 2 entire days and finally found the two person." The driver sighed, "Both their bodies were hardened, eyes filled with fear."

"Okay I understand, it's alright, just take me there quickly."Lin Xiu didn't really mind and said.

Seeing Lin Xiu insisted, the driver had no choice but shook his head helplessly: "You young people aren't afraid of ghosts and gods, I really don't know what to say."

"What's so scary about ghosts and gods? They should be afraid of humans, quickly let's go."

In fact, this driver is quite good, he's not the kind of person who brings people to the place they want just for money.

Since Mount Gu wasn't too far away, after half an hour, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The moon light was bright, however Mount Gu wasn't illuminated, the entire Mountain gave of a stagnant feeling.

"Master, is it okay to swipe card?" After arriving, Lin Xiu realised that he didn't have any cash as he said in embarrassment.

The driver felt a little afraid when he looked at Mount Gu, he looked at Lin Xiu: "Swipe card? Forget it, if you can meet in the future, just pass me the cash."

After speaking, he immediately stepped on the gas and rushed out of the area.

"Not a bad person." Lin Xiu smiles as he looks at Mount Gu.

Compared to 5 years ago, Mount Gu doesn't seem to have changed much on the appearance.

From the appearance Lin Xiu couldn't see what was different on Mount Gu, it also doesn't seem like a place to grow ghost.

Can it be ghost cultivators from another place?

While thinking, Lin Xiu walk up Mount Gu.

Under a street lamp along the flight of stairs, Wang Yun came out from the grass with a sneer on his face, he took out his phone and gave a call.

"Hello, Deacon Zhang, the matter is done!"

"Regardless of cost, paved the way for my nephew, he is the last descendant of our Zhang family, he must be kept happy." A steady voice replied from the other end of the phone.

"Trust me, this kid thinks he can be arrogant with such a low cultivation, even not putting our Taoist alliance in his eyes, he can die without regrets." Wang Yun said.

"En, you must make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Haha, Deacon Zhang you can rest assured, I had led him to Bin Hai Class C forbidden zone, not to mention grade 6 cultivator, even if a grade 3 or grade 4 is here, 9 of them will die only 1 will come out alive." Wang Yun said with confidence.

"En!" Deacon Zhang said with satisfaction, "You have done a good job, if there is a chance in the future, I'll transfer you over to the provincial capital and work for me."

"Thanks Deacon Zhang for the preferment!"

In China, there is a lot of forbidden places in the different prefectures, take for example, Mount Gu is originally assessed as a Class C forbidden zone, if someone wished to get rid of it, they would need to be at least a grade 2 cultivation expert.

Maybe many people wanted to ask, if it could be gotten rid off, why is the forbidden zone still here? In actuality, the number of grade 2 cultivators are too little, there isn't even one in the entire Hai Bin City, you could only find them in the provincial capital.

These forbidden places is also considered very dangerous for grade 2 cultivators, if there isn't any rewards, who would want to take the risk? In addition, Mount Gu's forbidden zone is strictly enforced and it doesn't cost much lost to Hai Bin, due to these reasons the forbidden zone have been left alone until now.

Since a Class C forbidden zone is like that, the even more terrible high level forbidden zone is unsolvable, for example the Class S forbidden Zone, Bermuda, it's a world class forbidden zone, even the Taoist Saint from Taoist Alliance would not dare to go in easily.

But, it's a story for another day.

Lin Xiu dashed up Mount Gu's small road, the more he advanced, the more he felt something was wrong.

Rather than wrong, it's more like the entire Mount Gu felt too normal.

Since he had heard the situation of Mount Gu from the driver just now, he basically determine that there should be ghosts causing trouble, the more normal it is, the more abnormal it is.

"Don't tell me an entrance level ghost cultivator?" Lin Xiu frowned slightly, only an entrance level ghost cultivator could make him unable to feel the Yin aura.

However, that's just a speculation, Lin Xiu didn't stopped his steps because of it, he even increase his speed.

So what if it's entrance level ghost cultivator? The most he just take Chen Jin Jie along, Lin Xiu have the confidence that even if it's the same level ghost cultivator, if he wants to leave the opponent won't be able to make him stay.

Very quickly, Lin Xiu had rushed to the top of the mountain and saw Ceng Jin Jie.

At this moment, Ceng Jin jie was tied to the tree, his eyes were filled with terror.