Chapter 24 : The old military soul

"Lin Xiu? Lin Xiu why are you here, quickly run, there are ghosts here!" Ceng Jin Jie saw Lin Xiu and shouted.

Lin Xiu heard his words and nodded his head, as he walked slowly over and untied the ropes as he help release Ceng Jin Jie.

"I told you to run, there's ghosts here." Ceng Jin Jie said bitterly at Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu looks at Ceng Jin Jie and said directly, "Stop acting, I am not interested in you, get out of my friend's body, else don't blame me for destroying you."

Ceng Jin Jie's eyes became slightly surprised, next the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Kid, since you can actually see my existence," Cheng Jin Jie's face become grimace, "Go and die for me."

Lin Xiu's mouth twitch, to think he was paranoid that he might meet an entrance level ghost cultivator, never did he think that the ghost possessing Ceng Jin Jie is just a normal ghost.

The moment he saw the ghost, Lin Xiu realised why this ghost doesn't give off the yin aura and wasn't afraid of the army souls in Mount Gu.

Because this ghost is an army soul originated from Mount Gu.

Ceng Jin Jie make threatening gestures and pounced at Lin Xiu, looking at that stance, it's like the way to deal with ordinary people by grabbing their neck.

Lin Xiu laughed dumbfoundedly, took a step forward without panicking, and whack Ceng Jin Jie's forehead with a palm strike.

A Palm Strike!

Ceng Jin Jie was knocked out cold.

Or it could be said the ghost possessing Ceng Jin Jie was being knocked out of the body by Lin Xiu.

A ghost wearing deep green army uniform stared at Lin Xiu in anger, "Who are you?"

This army ghost can said to be stronger than those wandering ghosts, however it's strength is only about grade 7 or grade 8 cultivator.

Lin Xiu lay Ceng Jin Jie on the ground before looking at the army soul, "I said earlier, I meant no harm to you guys, I don't want to interfere with your business, I just want to save my friend."

"Save your friend? Haha, I want to see how you can save him."

After the army soul spoke, sounds of illusionary trumpet echoed throughout Mount Gu.

"Assembly call?" Lin Xiu murmured, with his cultivation, if he wanted to it would be a breeze for him to destroy and scatter the army soul just now.

The reason why he didn't do that was because Lin Xiu had a respect for these Chinese soldiers since childhood, not to mention a group of veterans that had sacrificed themselves on the battlefield.

Unless necessary, Lin Xiu is unwilling to go too extreme.

With the sound of the rally call, one by one, the army souls came out of the mountain forest, they looked at Lin Xiu with a wolf-like look.

The individual strength of these army souls isn't very strong. The reason why they are rated as a Class C forbidden ground is because of their number.

These army souls do not have the evil aura of ghosts and evil spirits, but they have a kind of righteous aura.

Theoretically, it is impossible for such an army soul to harm humans.

"There's something weird." Lin Xiu was basically certain.

Lin Xiu glanced, and found a western like castle in the back.

Previously when the orphanage organized a visit here, there was absolutely no such building.

"Wait, wasn't this the location of the martyr's cemetery before here? Did someone build a castle on the grave of these martyrs?" Lin Xiu suddenly thought.

Looking at the army souls around again, Lin Xiu can also understand why they would hurt people in Mount Gu.

They worked hard to defend their country, and in the end, their graves were flattened by others, and a disgusting western type building was put on top of them.

Don't bully people too much, it's not that they won't retaliate, it's just the time is not right, thus mentality of these martyrs has changed one by one, and it is not incomprehensible.

Lin Xiu frowned and said, "Guys, who built this building?"

A veteran army soul cursed: "What's it got to do with you? We protect our country and defend our country. In exchange for such an end, as long as you're rich, you can do whatever you want?"

"That dog shit foreign devil said that the scenery here is good, and he definitely have to buy it to build a castle here."

"Well, if it wasn't for the corrupt officials in Bin Hai, even if those foreign devils have money so what? This place is, after all, the lands of China."

The group of army souls begin scolding impassively.

As they complained their grievances to Lin Xiu.

After their exchanging of glances and talking, Lin Xiu roughly figured out what is going on.

A wealthy foreigner came to China, colluded with corrupt officials, bought the land, and built a castle.

It's just that when the castle was built, on the first day that foreigner stayed there, he was killed by these angry army souls.

"Haiz!" Lin Xiu sighed, regarding these veteran army souls, Lin Xiu couldn't bear to attack them, "You guys hurting people here, have no value, why don't you guys reincarnate."

"Being suppressed by that ghostly thing below, we can't leave at all." one of the army souls said, "At first we didn't want to kill people, we just wanted to find someone to help, but everyone who saw us were extremely scared, in the end, the entire Mount Gu got sealed….."

Speaking till this point, these veterans gritted their teeth, ever since Mount Gu was sealed, not letting people up the mountain, didn't their last glimmer of hope for reincarnation had been cut off?

Just like that, they were completely disappointed with China, from their help seeking mentality at the beginning, they became the full of hatred murderers now.

After hearing all this, Lin Xiu frowned: "Although your graves are buried under this castle, how can you guys not reincarnate?"

Although this castle has suppressed their graves, in the final analysis, they are just mortals, but these army souls cannot be reincarnate? There must be another secret.

"How do we know, this castle, we can't enter at all." Another veteran said to Lin Xiu.

"Can't get enter?" Lin Xiu asked in surprise.

"Yes, previously we wanted to go into the castle to see what was weird, but every time we got to the door, there was an invisible force that block us from entering."

Lin Xiu nodded and glanced at the army souls.

Although these army souls are all wearing military uniforms, they are basically tattered and broken. Most of them still have their pre-death looks, with bullet holes on their bodies, or being injured by explosions.

Each of them looked at him with varied expressions, some with expectations, some with resentments and other various expressions, which made Lin Xiu's heart a little bit sad.

"Haiz, let me try to find a way to see if I can lift this castle's restrictions to let you guys go into reincarnation." Lin Xiu sighed.

After the group of army souls heard his words, they looked at each other, some in disbelief on their faces, maybe because Lin Xiu looked too young, or they had been trapped here for so long, and the thing they were hoping for have suddenly arrive, it will always make people feel it's unreal.