Boudoir Glamour Inc. #49

There is a specialization of math that was the focus of very much thought. How do you determine the value of something.

There were hard data points. How much someone would pay for water. How much someone would pay for water during a drought. How much they would pay for sterile water during a raging illness.

How do you place a 'fair' value on water.

How do you place a 'fair' value on water delivered everyday of your life? What if you live much longer than expected?

It was a classical 'unsolvable' problem.

But, it was something that could be set forth in equations to show which factors might be most important. Locking down some of the factors with established guidelines.

I understood the approach and how to use it. I understood where the approach was useless.

That was how set my plan. What compensation ought I ask to get.

I decided to eliminate the biggest hurdle. What is fair to ask for something that may or may not be profitable. If you just accumulate a fair share into a fund, complex calculation are not needed.

In my case, the payout ought to be easy to request in small portions. The business was just too variable.

So, I told the succubus that wanted stories. Stories like the one she told me early. Making even easier, the stories could arrive on any communication device I had (Text or email or whatever we use later).

Maybe stories that would meet my current life situation.

Now I wait and see. Will the succubus like this suggestion?