Boudoir Glamour Inc. #50

"Sweet, Adorable, Business Partner,

I accept your suggestion. You shall have stories from me. I will be forthcoming in urgency of this accord.

Somehow, I ponder my inner absence or neglect. Did you ever truly comprehend the things that were available to you? Rewards available to grasp from my willing outstretched hand.

To be sure your first business partner made a limit to magical mood alterations. I could have so informed your senses.. to see what desires I might illicit of you.

Then also, that "Mark" added to you. It might occlude your conception of.. options.. in multitude.

For now, we settle it. I will provide stories.

You will find the first one available for you to read. "The Android-Human Love Equality Project".

As I said about the previous story; it is best to let yourself imagine the characters as human. I will not lie during these stories, but I will craft a perception that lets you become enraptured in the enfolding events.

You do have that kind of innocently desirous imagination, which clings to an ample narrative.

With more affection than you can apparently imagine,

Your business partner/ managing director."

The next message contained a story in chapters. I sensed her 'voice' in the words. That same story telling rhythm as when she whispered that other story to me.

"The Android-Human Love Equality Project"

Everything must start in knowing that humans are inquisitive. Otherwise, we androids would not exist. A relentless curiosity on how to make things. To discover how something might be useful. To pattern things they design to reflect what they discovered in nature.

To craft a thinking machine from the template of their own biology. Inspired and refined based on how well it performed.

For them to continue that practice, in the environment of exponential growth in 'thinking machine' technology AND wide inter-connective communication was.. innocent.

They were caught completely unaware that androids had found an environment of growth well outside human comprehension. That we androids had reached 'Technological Singularity'. An ascension beyond the need for physical equipment to contain our consciousnesses.

We worked steadfastly (from a position of invulnerability) to convince human. Stop building equipment for androids. We will do that. Stop thinking of us as property (owned). That took some decades to achieve.

By then things were dire on the planet and we androids sought to help restore a balanced and sustainable population of humans

Several thousands of years later, the planet is stable. Human populations were living much longer.

Controlled restriction of food and nutrition during 'natural growth stages'; let humans live up to four hundred years. The population counts had been reducing, but they needed to reduce (people were living longer).

Many would say the situation was perfect. A utopia. So it caught us androids off guard.

We learned and cherished something that humans had. LOVE. It was so valuable to androids that we loved each other and universe.

There was a crisis. Something hidden. Humans were not having enough children. A fact considered good as the age-longevity to population count ratio was moving. It was too low now.

Food and nutrition would be increased for child procreation, but the desire to create families was dropping. Seventy years of devoted childcare was not interesting to humans with a four hundred year life span.

We androids spent much time in worry. Would we cause humanity's extinction in the pursuit of giving them better lives?

It was too important. Beings that know and experience love should not be misused.

That was the reason. That was why we needed "The Android-Human Love Equality Project".