Chapter 3.1: Learning And Growing
The day after Izuku assisted some pro heroes in capturing a villain, after he finished his daily academic work completed, he left the house both to train and to start his first heroic project. He had the idea of volunteering at a local clinic after doing a bit of research on the internet and thinking through his options.
It would definitely take a lot of convincing to let a child like him do anything in a clinic, but after he proved himself to be useful they should at the very least relent and give him the position of directory assistant. Izuku's plan was to take up medicine among the various things he was studying, both to help people now and be an even better hero in the future. He still had six years to work with and with his ability still locked in a bottleneck, learning a thing or two about medicine shouldn't be impossible; doubly so, if he put the same drive that went into making over a dozen hero analysis books while he was Quirkless into studying.
Izuku told his mother and as she had been desensitized to her son's antics, she simply let him do as he pleased. He was essentially already living like an adult. Would it really be so outlandish to think he was incapable of this when he had already proven himself and even surpassed the immensely high standard he had set for himself in academics? Besides, helping the community with volunteer work would never be something Inko Midoriya would be opposed to letting her son do.
Izuku gave his mom a goodbye kiss on the cheek and left for the clinic. He had already done everything he could before setting out, so he didn't hesitate to walk straight into the clinic upon arriving by the entrance.
Deadpanning, Izuku made his way over to the receptionist area where patients could check in and after getting the attention of one of the attendants, he said, "Good afternoon, I trust you or one of your coworkers heard about someone asking about volunteering over the phone, yes?"
The woman Izuku was looking at as he spoke smiled before saying, "I was the one who answered your questions." It was obvious to Izuku that she probably wouldn't take him seriously, but since she hadn't said or done anything too ridiculous yet, he simply pressed on.
"If I recall correctly, you said that there was no age restriction on volunteers. I want to work here part time as a volunteer, of course."
"Ohhh, your such a sweetheart~" She fondled his hair, "It's great that you want to help out, but we simply don't have any position for you."
Ignoring the treatment, Izuku asked, "You can't even give me a spot as a directory assistant? I'll take any job. In fact, the hardest or least wanted jobs are what I'd like to do the most..."
"Look, little man-" The tolerable woman's less friendly coworker only got three words in before a quiet voice caused the room to completely quiet down, "Any job?"
A hunch-backed old man suddenly came into the clinic's lounge and began to eye Izuku as if he was appraising some sort of magic treasure. He asked, "Tell me, boy, why are you wasting your childhood looking for a job here? It's a sunny weekend afternoon. Do you really want to be here and not outside paying with your friends?"
Izuku's gaze sharpened as he met the old man's eyes. He barely took any time to respond, saying, "Childhood? Heh, playing around and wasting time with children would actually be a waste of my childhood. You see, my dream is to become a hero; I know, not exactly a unique dream. But, unlike the other kids my age I want to get a head start on helping people, even if it is just by taking boring, albeit necessary positions at my local clinic. Oh and to answer your last question… I don't have any friends, Quirkless like me aren't 'cool.'"
As the female receptionist gave Izuku a pained look, seemingly pitying him for lacking a Quirk, the male receptionist deadpanned with indifference; otherwise normal treatment, he had long grown used to. The hunch-backed old man, however, smirked as he asked, "You wouldn't be looking to get experience in the field of medicine, by volunteering here now, would you?"
"Oh? How'd you guess?" Izuku blurted out before deducing the reason before the old man could even explain.
"So you want to become a doctor and help people even though you're Quirkless! What a noble disposition to have as an..."
"Eight," Izuku answered, "I turned eight years old last month on the fifteenth."
The old man took Izuku with him at first only finding value in the boy's heart. But soon after he started showing Izuku the ropes with common volunteer positions like acting as a cashier, a directory assistant, taking inventory, and so on and so forth, he gradually experienced Izuku's talents first hand.
Although Izuku was currently only completing highschool level work as part of his homeschooling, his applied mathematical skills long since passed university level calculus. His social skills, though unpolished, weren't entirely nonexistent as the restraint and discipline he had ingrained in his very being made him naturally calm in dealing with new situations and quickly adapting. Moreover, because he had been building his body for some time now, Izuku didn't tire even after walking around the whole clinic several dozen times by the end of the first day.
The hunch-backed old man who told Izuku to call him Old Take was thoroughly impressed with Izuku, and though he didn't say anything, he resolved to slowly start letting Izuku watch him actually practice medicine like a doctor if he kept coming back to the clinic and performing with such zeal as he did today.
As the afternoon began to settle into night, Izuku bade farewell to the employees of the clinic and the two other volunteers he met on that day before heading home. As he walked home he felt truly satisfied with himself as now knew just how relentless the medical field was. For the six hours he spent today volunteering, there was not a moment of rest as there was always some aspect that could be helped. It actually overwhelmed Izuku knowing that he hadn't even come close to experiencing all the jobs volunteers could perform.
After he returned home and the fire in his heart to start doing good finally began to settle, Izuku relaxed. As he entered his shower before heading off to sleep, Izuku finally recalled yesterday's battle and by the time he walked out in a set of pajamas, he picked up hints of the various oddities he previously neglected.
'Now that I think about, during yesterday's encounter, that villain definitely shouldn't have been moving that slow. Regardless of how much adrenaline was pumping through my body, a fully grown adult's mobility shouldn't be that much less than mine. Especially not a fit villain who was fast enough to evade the police and three pros.'
The contemplative look in his eyes turned into a frown as he realized, 'And could it really be that easy to beat such a villain? Looking back, it was like he let me just do everything I wanted without a struggle. How can my standing weight alone suppress an adult? Something's definitely off about the whole situation…'
When Izuku finished up in the bathroom and returned to his room, instead of immediately going to bed as he had planned, he sat by his work desk where he did his school work and began to fiddle around with a coin.
He thought, 'Let's see, I call my ability Spatial Awareness, because it allows my sight to peer through the true nature of spacetime. After several tests, I've crossed out the possibility of my ocular ability being related to wavelengths of any type aside from the visible light spectrum. Now presenting with what I can only assume is my own perception of time speeding up and an unseen force assisting me with suppression… Should I call it now and say these new abilities are Gravitational Pressure and Temporal Self Acceleration? It wouldn't be too outlandish considering how these three abilities would all tie together through spacetime manipulation…'
As Izuku's analysis came to a halt, he fixed the coin in his hand into position and began to flick it into the air. For the first couple times he repeated this action he tried to be as calm and natural as possible while going about it and after he assure himself that this was his regular perception of time, he attempted activating his presumed "Temporal Self Acceleration" to see if there would be any difference in how he perceived time.
The first three attempts at speeding up his perception of time were all complete failures as nothing out of the ordinary happened. Then Izuku guessed his eyes' Spatial Awareness must be active as they were while he faced the villain. But even with the world around him opening up to reveal the nodes and vertices of spacetime, it still didn't change the fact he perceived the coin being flicked at the same rate as normal.
Finally, he tried to recreate the feelings he had as he watched the villain make a beeline for his direction, and while he could feel some incongruencies in the rate with which the coin moved through the air — sometimes slowing down, other times travelling normally — he could tell he was on to something. Izuku continued to feel out this new ability of his until he more or less held control of the trigger that would activate his perception speeding up. After testing if he truly need Spatial Awareness or not, he found to his surprise that his eyes were changing forms again, as he managed to succeed in speeding up his perception of time while looking into the coin and could see his pupil change shapes.